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Field | Search term | Example |
Asset title | title: | title:pony |
Asset title and keywords | ~ | ~pony |
Asset description text | description: | description:london |
Agency prefix | prfx: or $ | prfx:lal or $LAL |
Asset id | imageid: or # | imageid:250297 or imageid:[2500 TO 4000] or #1551 |
Agency name | coll: | coll:history |
Medium | medium: | medium:oil |
Century | century: | century:20th |
Keywords | kw: | kw:dog |
Artist name | artist: or ? | artist:monet or ?monet |
Artist nationality | nat: | nat:French |
Creator ID | creatorid: | creatorid:37 |
Location | loc: or @ | loc:exeter or @exeter |
Classification | class: | class:57 or #57. Use # for unclassified assets |
Year | year: | year:1850 or year:[1700 TO 1800] |
Andras Kaldor was born in Budapest in 1938. Kaldor studied architecture in Edinburgh, then in private practice for some twenty years.
Andras Kaldor was born in Budapest in 1938. Kaldor studied architecture in Edinburgh, then in private practice for some twenty years.
He moved to Dartmouth in the early 80s to run his own Gallery and to paint, specialising in the drawing and painting of buildings. During this time, Kaldor produced a series of paintings of the buildings of Regent Street, for British Airways. He also illustrated books of the Opera Houses of Europe, the Masterpieces of the Architecture of New York, and the Architecture of Berlin. Originals have been exhibited at the London Contemporary Art Gallery, Chelsea; the Galerie Kamien in Paris, the Coe Kerr Gallery and the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the Budapest Operahaz, and the Berlin collection of the sixty or so originals from the book at the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin.
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