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VE Day, aerial and naval warfare in the Pacific during the Battle of Okinawa, 1945...




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Video title

VE Day, aerial and naval warfare in the Pacific during the Battle of Okinawa, 1945

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1939 AD - 1945 AD (C20th AD)

Video description

Troops on board the Allied ships learn of the VE Day celebrations in Europe. Scenes of naval and aerial warfare between the Allied forces and Japanese fighters in the Pacific Ocean. Newspaper headline overlays show the defeat of the Japanese air force. Part of a short propaganda film The Fleet That Came to Stay, made in 1945 by the US Navy about the naval engagements of the invasion of Okinawa. (Part 5)

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Bridgeman Images

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Largest available format 720 × 576 px 1,584 MB
Dimension [pixels] File size [MB] Duration [Seconds]
Footage 720 × 576 px 1,583.6 MB 202