' Émile Decoeur (1876-1953)' images and/or videos results
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Field |
Search term |
Example |
Asset title | title: | title:pony |
Asset title and keywords | ~ | ~pony |
Asset description text | description: | description:london |
Agency prefix | prfx: or $ | prfx:lal or $LAL |
Asset id | imageid: or # | imageid:250297 or imageid:[2500 TO 4000] or #1551 |
Agency name | coll: | coll:history |
Medium | medium: | medium:oil |
Century | century: | century:20th |
Keywords | kw: | kw:dog |
Artist name | artist: or ? | artist:monet or ?monet |
Artist nationality | nat: | nat:French |
Creator ID | creatorid: | creatorid:37 |
Location | loc: or @ | loc:exeter or @exeter |
Classification | class: | class:57 or #57. Use # for unclassified assets |
Year | year: | year:1850 or year:[1700 TO 1800] |
' Émile Decoeur (1876-1953)' images and/or videos results