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19th August 1977 (37 années)
Julius Henry Marx, known as Groucho Marx, American comedian, film and television star, died.
20th August 1940 (74 années)
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill makes the fourth of his famous wartime speeches, containing the line "Never was so much owed by so many to so few".
21st August 1918 (96 années)
WWI - Second Battle of the Somme, fought on the Western Front, in the basin of the River Somme.
21st August 1940 (74 années)
Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary and Marxist theorist, was assassinated.
21st August 1959 (55 années)
President Eisenhower signed proclamation admitting Hawaii to the union as the 50th state.
22nd August 0565 (1449 années)
St. Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland.
22nd August 1862 (152 années)
Claude-Achille Debussy, French composer, was born.
22nd August 1893 (121 années)
Dorothy Parker, American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, was born.
22nd August 1927 (87 années)
Trial and execution of Sacco and Vanzetti, Italian-Americans who were convicted of robbery and murder.
22nd August 1939 (75 années)
The Molotov-Ribbentrop is signed. The pact between Germany and Russia, reported as a non-aggression treaty but was actually an agreement to split Poland between them.
23rd August 1912 (102 années)
Eugene Curran "Gene" Kelly, American dancer, actor, singer, film director, producer and choreographer, was born.
23rd August 1926 (88 années)
Death of Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguolla, professionally known as Rudolph Valentino.
23rd August 1926 (88 années)
Rudolph Valentino, Italian-American film actor who was admired as the 'Great Lover' of the 1920s, dies.
23rd August 1927 (87 années)
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Italian-born anarchists convicted of murder in Braintree, Massachusetts, are executed via electric chair.
23rd August 1942 (72 années)
WWII: The Battle of Stalingrad, fought between Nazi Germany allies and the Soviet Union over control of the city of Stalingrad, begins.
23rd August 1942 (72 années)
The Battle of Stalingrad starts, major WWII battle in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
23rd August 1946 (68 années)
Keith Moon, English musician best known as the drummer of the English rock group the Who, is born.
24th August 1215 (799 années)
Pope Innocent III declares Magna Carta invalid.
24th August 1875 (139 années)
Captain Matthew Webb became first person to swim the English Channel.
25th August 1867 (147 années)
Michael Faraday, English scientist known for his contribution in electromagnetism, died.
25th August 1930 (84 années)
Sir Thomas Sean Connery, Scottish actor and producer, is born.
25th August 1958 (56 années)
Tim Burton, American director, producer, and screenwriter, was born.
25th August 1984 (30 années)
Truman Capote, the American author and playwright, died.
26th August 1666 (348 années)
Frans Hals, Dutch painter and educator, died.
26th August 1768 (246 années)
Captain James Cook set sail from England on board HMS Endeavour.
26th August 1813 (201 années)
Battle of Dresden, Napoleon I against the Sixth Coalition.
26th August 1813 (201 années)
Nicaise de Keyser, Flemish painter, is born.
26th August 1910 (104 années)
Mother Teresa MC, the Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun, missionary and Saint, was born.
26th August 1974 (40 années)
Charles Lindbergh, the American aviation pioneer, died.
27th August 1890 (124 années)
Man Ray, American-French modernist painter and photographer, is born.