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Oslo 19530114. Pcs - Standard Telephone and Cable Factory A/S on the increases are …,...




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Oslo 19530114. Pcs - Standard Telephone and Cable Factory A/S on the increases are …, 1953 (photo)

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1953 AD (C20th AD)

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Oslo 19530114. Pcs - Standard Telephone and Cable Factory A/S on the increases are one of Norway's largest companies with approx. 1550 workers including the officials. It is cable, regular cord and telephone service which are the companies' Victic Production Articles. The workforce is stable. Most are in the company that is the only one in the country that has a business dentist office. Otherwise, they have a doctor's office, a corporate newspaper, a canteen, pension and a nursing scheme for all employees. A strong current cable gets a light layer of paper around him in the insulation machine. Each of the cylindrical "arches" there are a total of five of them wrap on eight layers of paper, while the cable continues to continue. Photo: Sverre A. Børretzen / Current / NTB

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NTB / Bridgeman Images

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Large 3847 × 5099 px 326 × 432 mm 4.1 MB
Medium 773 × 1024 px 65 × 87 mm 508 KB

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