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Editorial (Books, magazines and newspaper) - extended
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Codex Selden (Codex Añute): Mixtec pictorial manuscript ( ñee ñuhu ), 1556 × 1560s. MS. Arch. Selden. A.2, p. 20. Starting at bottom (continuation of p. 19). Band I (left to right; damaged). A confusing episode then follows. The line starts with a death bundle: a lord seated on a throne whose surname is 'Eagle-Quetzal', and calendrical name seeCodex Selden (Codex Añute): Mixtec pictorial manuscript ( ñee ñuhu ), 1556 × 1560s. MS to be 12 Death. Another interpretation could be that, in th year 3 Reed (1535) and on the day 12 Death, the lord Eagle-Quetzals ' died (in which case, what we are missing is not the date of his death, but his calendrical name). Many lords mentioned have the surname 'Eagle-Quetzals' so it is not possible to know who is depicted. Continuing, we see a date: the year 3 Reed (1535) in which F 10 Alligator 'Quechquemitl of Quetzalcoatl' is either born or married. The marriage is with M 5 Tiger 'Tiger-Blood', from the town Feather Carpet-Smoking Wall-Bules (gourds for carrying water). On the day 10 Wind of the year 9 House (1541), the king and queen of Belching Mountain die. The king 13 Grass 'Tiger Torch' is shown on this line, queen 2 (5 indicated) Tiger 'Cacao Garland' is in band II (far right). The use of the surname 'Cacao Garland' instead of 'Bundle of Red Objects' may mean that this is another wife of 13 Grass. This would also explain why she is called 5 Tiger rather than 2. Band II (right to left). The last son of these lords was born in the year 6 Rabbit (1538), on the day 7 Alligator. He was named 7 Alligator 'Knot-Alligator Skull', and at the age of 18, in 11 Flint (1556), he married F 7 Flint (without surname) from the town Toztli with Blood-Claw. Band III (left to right). On the day 1 Reed of the year 1 Rabbit (1546, very erased), 10 years before his younger brother's marriage, the first born M 10 Grass 'Tiger-Tlaltecuhtli-Smoke', the last king of Belching Mountain, marries F 10 Serpent 'Flowered Tree-Bent Strip'. She was the daughter of M 4 Wind 'Xiuhcoatl' and F 6 House 'Sun-Jewel', who were also from Toztli with Blood-Claw, and the parents of the princess 7 Flint who had married M 7 Alligator, the younger brother (see band II). M 4 Wind 'Xiuhcoatl' is a homonym in both calendrical name and surname of the king of Xipe Bundle and Flint. Band IV. The last line of this page was left blank. A projecting edge of the leather would have allowed the addition of another page, had it been necessary, but for some reason, the tlacuilo had to suspend his work, perhaps because he was relating contemporary events. If this is so, the codex was discontinued around 1556, but then, it would have been impossible that he would have failed to include the sons of M 10 Grass 'Tiger-Tlaltecuhtli-Smoke', the lord of Belching Mountain, who was alive at the time.