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A pictured dated 08 Juli 1962 shows German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (L) and French president...




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A pictured dated 08 Juli 1962 shows German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (L) and French president Charles de Gaulle during a mass at the Cathedrale of Reims, France. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande commemorated their countries' post-war conciliation on 08 July 2012, noting the importance of the Franco-German friendship to European integration. 'Europe is much more than just a currency,' said Merkel at the meeting in the French town of Rheims, 'and indispensable to it are Franco-German relations. They have significantly shaped and advanced European unity.' The two leaders attended a memorial service at Rheims Cathedral, marking the 50th anniversary of the July 8, 1962 meeting in the town of France's Charles de Gaulle and Germany's Konrad Adenauer - who signed a Franco-German friendship treaty (photo)

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1962 AD (C20th AD)

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Picture Alliance/DPA / Bridgeman Images

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Largest available format 5079 × 3768 px 3 MB
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Large 5079 × 3768 px 430 × 319 mm 3.0 MB
Medium 1024 × 760 px 87 × 64 mm 309 KB

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