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13.07. 2009 \nMaori-Statue, Neuseeland Maori statue, New Zealand BLWS222065 kbdig 2009 hoch Maori Maoristatue Maori-Statue Maori-Statuen blau rot gruen Maorischnitzerei Hochformat Ozeanien ozeanisch Pazifische Inseln Polynesien Neuseeland neuseelaendisch Standbild Standbilder Statue Statuen Ethnologie Volkskunde Volksstamm Volksstaemme Volksgruppe Volksgruppen Ethnie Ethnien Volk Voelker Naturvolk Naturvoelker Kultur Brauchtum Brauch Braeuche Tradition Traditionen Sitten Saeule Saeulen schnitzen schnitzend Kunst Schnitzkunst Schnitzerei Holzschnitzerei Holz blauer Himmel wolkenloser Himmel Pteridophyta Pflanze Pflanzen Sporenpflanze Sporenpflanzen Kryptogamen Farngewaechs Farngewaechse Farn Farne Baumfarn Baumfarne vertical format Oceania Oceanian Pacific Islands Polynesia New Zealand New Zealandian statues red ethnology ethnicity tribe tribes Ethnic group Ethnic groups primitveprimitive race culture traditions custom customs column columns carving art arts wood craft wood carving woodcarving wood blue sky cloudless sky blue plant plants ferns fern tree fern tree ferns cryptogam pillar maoricarving \n\n\n\nBildnummer 53382375 Date 13 07 2009 Copyright Imago Angle Maori Statue New Zealand Maori Statue New Zealand Kbdig 2009 vertical Maori maoristatue Maori Statue Maori Statues Blue Red Gruen Maorischnitzerei Portrait Oceania paddlingperson oceanic Pacific Islands Polynesia New Zealand New Zealand Freeze Frame Still images Statue Statues Ethnology Folklore Tribe volksstaemme Ethnic group Ethnic groups Ethnicity Ethnic groups VOlk Voelker Nature people naturvoelker Culture Customs Custom Customs Tradition Traditions Sion Column Columns carve schnitzend Art Woodcarving Carvings Woodcarving Wood Blue Heaven cloudless Heaven Pteridophyta Plant Plants spore plant Spurs plants farngewaechs native tree ferns Fern Ferns Baumfarn Tree ferns Vertical Format OCEANIA Oceanian Pacific Islands Polynesia New Zealand New s

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Photo © Imago / Bridgeman Images

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Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Largest available format 2205 × 3293 px 1 MB
Dimension [pixels] Dimension in 300dpi [mm] File size [MB] Online Purchase
Large 2205 × 3293 px 187 × 279 mm 836 KB
Medium 686 × 1024 px 58 × 87 mm 752 KB

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