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Images of 'Zoroastrian' found, 294

A Haft Sin table setting for Nowruz, the Persian New Year (photo)
Ka'bah of Zoroaster (photo)
Or Ms 161 fol.48v Ahriman Tempts Misha and Mishyana, from 'The Chronology of Ancient Nations' by Al-Biruni, 1307 (gouache on paper)
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Relief depicting the investiture of King Ardashir I (201-41 CE) (photo)
Fire altars, 3rd-7th century (photo)
Iran / Persia: Zoroastrian Fire symbolism from a mural at a temple in Yazd
History of India
Zoroastrian priest making a gesture of admiration and loyalty towards the King (photo)
Fire Temple, Sassanian, 3rd century (photo)
A Parsi high priest performing Navjote
Iran: A Parsi 'Tower of Silence' near Teheran, photographed by Sven Hedin c.1898.
Iran / Persia: Zoroaster and Two Demons, from the Secretum Secretorum, 1425
The doors to the Zoroastrian fire temple, Chak Chak (photo)
The Ashem Vohu, a Zoroastrian prayer, Dunhuang, Central China, 9th century (ink on paper)
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Relief depicting the investiture of King Shapur I by Ahura Mazda (photo)
The farahavar symbol on a Zoroastrian gravestone in Brookwood cemetery (photo)
Ateshkade-e Isfahan (photo)
Persia: Zoroastrian kings worshipping the Divine Fire, c. 1420 (illumination)
Zarātusht nāmah and another Zoroastrian text, 17th-18th century (leather-bound volume)
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Zarātusht nāmah and another Zoroastrian text, 17th-18th century (leather-bound volume)
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Zoroaster, Zarathushtra or Zarathustra - Picture of Zarathustra or Zoroaster; zoroastrian fire temples; Atash Behram; Yazd; Iran; Asia
Tower of Silence, Yazd (photo)
Zoroastrian fire temple or Atashkade, Yazd, Iran
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Tower of Silence, Karachi (photo)
Tower of Silence (photo)
Parsi puja thali (photo)
Ateshkade, Zoroastrian Fire Temple with sacred flame which has burnt since 470 AD. Yazd, Iran.
Ancient Building with Balcony in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Mosque Entrance Decorated for Ashura Celebration in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Ancient Door Locker in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Ancient Building and Windows in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Iranian Woman Standing at the Balcony of an Ancient Building in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
A Wooden Nakhl in front of the Three-storey Takieh Which Forms Part of the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
The Three-storey Takieh Part of the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
The three-storey takieh part of the Amir chakhmaq complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
The three-storey takieh part of the Amir chakhmaq complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
Khaju bridge pol-e khaju spanning the zayandeh river, Isfahan province, Isfahan, Iran (photo)
Iranian woman wearing traditional floreal chador in her kitchen, Natanz County, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Old Man Sitting in front of an Ancient Building in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Old Women in front of Ancient Building in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Portrait of Iranian Women wearing Traditional Floreal Chadors in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Ancient Female Doorknocker in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Tower of Silence, a place protected by walls where the dead were brought to for burial according to Zoroastrian rites, near Yazd, Iran
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Ancient Building with Ashura Decoration in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Iranian Woman Standing at the Balcony of an Ancient Building in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
The Eternal Flame Which Has Burned Continuously for 1, 500 Years at the Zoroastrian Temple of Ateshkade, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
A Wooden Nakhl in front of the Three-storey Takieh Which Forms Part of the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
Ancient Male Doorknocker in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
Ancient Building Wooden Pillar in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)
A Wooden Nakhl in front of the Three-storey Takieh Which Forms Part of the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
The Three-storey Takieh Part of the Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
Khaju bridge pol-e khaju spanning the zayandeh river, Isfahan province, Isfahan, Iran (photo)
Ayatollah Khomeini memorial in front of the three-storey takieh part of the Amir chakhmaq complex, Yazd Province, Yazd, Iran (photo)
Nakhl on the Balcony of an Ancient Building in Zoroastrian Village, Isfahan Province, Abyaneh, Iran (photo)