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Images of 'Volleyball' found, 2,914

Duke Kahanamoku tandem surfing with girl (b/w photo)
Girls Playing Volleyball, United States, c.1949 (b/w photo)
Volley ball game, Manzanar, 1943 (photo)
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Los Angeles, 1949
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US Army jazz band, training, weapon preparation, religious service, ahead of Normandy Invasion, 1944
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Volley ball game, Manzanar, 1943 (photo)
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Ustka, Poland, 1970. People on the beach playing volleyball close to a lifeguard on his post.
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The Save, 1, 1950 (oil on prepared paper), with plaster Figure
Italy, Lerici, Camping, 1951 (b/w photo)
Switzerland Volleyball University Bern Geneva Servette, 1971 (b/w photo)
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Switzerland Lake Resort (b/w photo)
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Alice and Ellen Kessler, twin sisters and german artistic duo, posing on the beach with Walter Chiari, italian actor, Italy, 1958 (photo)
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Switzerland Volleyball University of Bern, 1971 (b/w photo)
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Barree spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Flying Fish - NGC 2442, a barred spiral galaxy in Volans - NGC 2442 is a barree spiral galaxy located about 50 million years ago - light. Its asymmetrical shape suggests that a galaxy interacts with it. Image made with Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. This unusual barred spiral galaxy is in the far southern constellation of Volans and was discovered by Sir John Herschel who described one of its spiral arms as hook - like. Although not seen here, (but evident on very deep images) NGC 2442 appears to have a less massive, distant companion that is also distorted, and it seems likely that the two have had a close encounter in the recent past. If there are no further meetings, the forces that hold NGC 2442 together will restore galaxy to a more symmetrical spiral form. However, much more likely is that the companion has been captured by the distorted spiral and will eventually be devoured by it, triggering a dramatic bout of star formation. NGC 2442 is about 50 million light years distant
Cage for volleyball at Sempione park
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Volleyball with a balloon
Flying Fish Constellation - Constellation of Volans - Flying Fish is a small constellation in the southern hemisphere. The bright star on its left is Miaplacidus, in Carene. Volans was introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603 as Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish and in old star atlases is seen flying alongside the ancient sailing ship Argo Navis. However, the fish has flown and only the adjective Volans (flying) remains. The stars form a distinctive pattern but at magnitudes between 3.7 and 4.0 they are not bright. On the other hand the constellation is easily found between the bright stars Avior (epsilon Carinae) and Miaplacidus (beta Carinae) with the fish apparently flying towards the LM
80-lire postage stamp for 1978 FIVB Volleyball World Championship, Italy, 20th century
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Philippine flying lemur, Cynocephalus volans. Lemur Volans Linn. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Joseph Kellner from Johann Christian Daniel Schreber's Animal Illustrations after Nature, or Schreber's Fantastic Animals, Erlangen, Germany, 1775.
Barree spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Flying Fish - Barred spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Volans - NGC 2442 is a barree spiral galaxy located about 50 million years ago - light. Its asymmetrical shape suggests that a galaxy interacts with it. Mosaic of images obtained by the Hubble space telescope. NGC 2442 is a barred spiral galaxy about 50 million light years away in the constellation Volans. This is a mosaic image of the spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Volans processed and assembled from unpublished Hubble Telescope data
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Beach Volleyball, Miami (photo)
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Barree spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Flying Fish - Barred spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Volans - NGC 2442 is a barree spiral galaxy located about 50 million years ago - light. Its asymmetrical shape suggests that a galaxy interacts with it. Mosaic of images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope and the 2.2 m MPG/ESO telescope at the La Silla Observatory. NGC 2442 is a barred spiral galaxy about 50 million light years away in the constellation Volans. This close - up Hubble view of the Meathook Galaxy (NGC 2442) focuses on the more compact of its two asymmetric spiral arms as well as the central regions. The spiral arm was the location of a supernova that exploded in 1999. These observations were made in 2006 in order to study the aftermath of this supernova. Ground - based data from MPG/ESO 2.2 - metre telescope were used to fill out parts of the edges of this image
Flying Fish Constellation - Constellation of Volans - Flying Fish is a small constellation in the southern hemisphere. The bright star on its left is Miaplacidus, in Carene. Volans was introduced by Johann Bayer in 1603 as Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish and in old star atlases is seen flying alongside the ancient sailing ship Argo Navis. However, the fish has flown and only the adjective Volans (flying) remains. The stars form a distinctive pattern but at magnitudes between 3.7 and 4.0 they are not bright. On the other hand the constellation is easily found between the bright stars Avior (epsilon Carinae) and Miaplacidus (beta Carinae) with the fish apparently flying towards the LM
Spiral Galaxy NGC 2397 - Galaxy Spiral NGC 2397 - The galaxy NGC 2397 is a classic spiral galaxy located about 60 million years ago - light from Earth in the southern constellation of Flying Fish. The central part houses old yellow and red stars while new stars form in the outer arms. This image obtained by the space telescope on 14 October 2006 shows the brightest of these young blue stars. The 2006bc supernova, which exploded in March 2006, is also visible near the central region, while its lightning shrinking. Located nearly 60 million light - years away from Earth, the galaxy NGC 2397 is typical of most spirals, with mostly older, yellow and red stars in its central portion, while star formation continues in the outer, bluer spiral arms. The brightest of these young, blue stars can be seen individually in this high resolution view from the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). One typical feature of this Hubble image is the view of supernova SN 2006bc taken when its brightness was on the decrease. SN 2006bc was discovered in March 2006. The images were obtained on 14 October 2006 with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) through three different colour filters (blue, green and near - infrared)
United States: c. 1949
HIgh school girls playing volleyball.
Spiral Galaxy NGC 2397 - Galaxy Spiral NGC 2397 - The galaxy NGC 2397 is a classic spiral galaxy located about 60 million years ago - light from Earth in the southern constellation of Flying Fish. The central part houses old yellow and red stars while new stars form in the outer arms. This image obtained by the space telescope on 14 October 2006 shows the brightest of these young blue stars. The 2006bc supernova, which exploded in March 2006, is also visible near the central region, while its eclat was decreasing (box). Located nearly 60 million light - years away from Earth, the galaxy NGC 2397 is typical of most spirals, with mostly older, yellow and red stars in its central portion, while star formation continues in the outer, bluer spiral arms. The brightest of these young, blue stars can be seen individually in this high resolution view from the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). One typical feature of this Hubble image is the view of supernova SN 2006bc taken when its brightness was on the decrease (insert). SN 2006bc was discovered in March 2006. The images were obtained on 14 October 2006 with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) through three different colour filters (blue, green and near - infrared)
Barree spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Flying Fish - Barred spiral galaxy NGC 2442 in Volans - NGC 2442 is a barree spiral galaxy located about 50 million years ago - light. Its asymmetrical shape suggests that a galaxy interacts with it. Image obtained by the 2.2 meter MPG/ESO telescope at the La Silla Observatory. NGC 2442 is a barred spiral galaxy about 50 million light years away in the constellation Volans. This picture of the Meathook Galaxy (NGC 2442) was taken by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2 - metre telescope at La Silla, Chile. This view includes the whole galaxy and the surrounding sky, and clearly shows the asymmetric spiral arms. The longer of the two arms has intense star formation, which is visible here as a pink glow: this is due to the radiation of young stars ionising the gas they form from. The asymmetric shape and star formation are both thought to be caused by tidal disruptions from a near - miss with another galaxy at some point in its history
Courtside Copacabana, 2016 (pencil on paper)
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Galaxy AM 0644 - 741 in Flying Fish - Ring galaxy AM 0644 - 741 in Volans - The annular galaxy AM 0644 - 741 is about 300 million years away - light from Earth. A collision with another galaxy causes its ring shape. This ring extends over 150,000 years - light and is composed of recently formed and extremely bright blue stars. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope in January 2004. This galaxy, cataloged as AM 0644 - 741, is a member of the class of so - called “” ring galaxies.”” It lies 300 million light - years away in the direction of the southern constellation Volans. Ring galaxies are an especially striking example of how collisions between galaxies can dramatically change their structure, while also triggering the formation of new stars. In the case of AM 0644 - 741, the galaxy that pierced through the ring galaxy is out of the image but visible in larger - field images. The soft spiral galaxy that is visible to the left of the ring galaxy in the image is a coincidental background galaxy that is not interacting with the ring. The resulting gravitational shock imparted due to the collision drastically changes the orbits of stars and gas in the target galaxy's disk, causing them to rush outward, somewhat like ripples in a pond after a large rock has been thrown in. As the ring plows outward into its surroundings, gas clouds collide and are compressed. The clouds can then contract under their own gravity, collapse, and form an abundance of new stars. The rampant star formation explains why the ring is so blue: It is continuously forming massive, young, hot stars, which are blue in color. Another sign of robust star formation is the pink regions along the ring. These are rarefied clouds of glowing hydrogen gas, fluorescing because of the strong ultraviolet light from the newly formed massive stars
Constellations of the Compsole, Stern, Sails, and Carene - Constellations Pyxis, Puppis, Vela and Carina - These constellations of the southern hemisphere once formed the ancient constellation of Ship Argo. Also visible is the constellation of Flying Fish. This large constellation was one of the 48 constellations described by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy in his Almagest. It is the ship which Argus built for Jason and his crew, the Argonauts, to carry them on their quest for the Golden Fleece. In the 18th century the French astronomer Lacaille divided it into three smaller constellations, Carina the Keel, Puppis the Stern or Poop, and Vela the Sail
Ball game on the beach, Switzerland, 1938 (b/w photo)
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South Beach (photo)
Carene Constellation and Southern Constellation - Constellation of Carina and southern constellations - The constellation of Carene, the Great Magellan Cloud, the southern Celestial pole, and the star Canopus. This part of the sky is best seen in the early evening between April and June. Carina the Keel, is a remnant of Argo Navis, a giant mythical sailing vessel afloat on the southern Milky Way, described elsewhere. The constellation is a delight for southern hemisphere observers, with many star clusters and nebulae visible in binoculars or modest telescopes. Some of these are quite spectacular in a large telescope. The second brightest star in the sky, Canopus (a Car) is here as is Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and unstable stars in the Galaxy. Eta is hidden in the most conspicuous nebula in Carina, NGC 3372, the Great Carina nebula. This photograph also shows the location of the south celestial pole and the Large Magellanic Cloud as well as several complete or almost complete constellations, including Apus, Chameleon, Crux, Dorado, Mensa, Musca, Octans, Pictor and Volans
Volleyball teenage girls playing volleyball behind their youth club ..., 1998 (photo)
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Grenzlandpokal 24 06 1989 GDR Reitzenhain Sport Volleyball DKK Grenzlandpokal …, 1989 (photo)
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Grenzlandpokal 24 06 1989 GDR Reitzenhain Sport Volleyball DKK Grenzlandpokal …, 1989 (photo)
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Rossano Brazzi playing volleyball, Italy, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Rossano Brazzi playing volleyball, Italy, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Night Games: study from the Press Stand, 2016 (oil on board)
Night Games, Beach Volleyball, Copacabana, 2016 (oil on board)
Constellation of Carene - Constellation of Carina - The constellation of Carene, the Great Magellan Cloud, the southern Celestial pole, and the star Canopus. This part of the sky is best seen in the early evening between April and June. Carina the Keel, is a remnant of Argo Navis, a giant mythical sailing vessel afloat on the southern Milky Way, described elsewhere. The constellation is a delight for southern hemisphere observers, with many star clusters and nebulae visible in binoculars or modest telescopes. Some of these are quite spectacular in a large telescope. The second brightest star in the sky, Canopus (a Car) is here as is Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and unstable stars in the Galaxy. Eta is hidden in the most conspicuous nebula in Carina, NGC 3372, the Great Carina nebula. This photograph also shows the location of the south celestial pole and the Large Magellanic Cloud as well as several complete or almost complete constellations, including Apus, Chameleon, Crux, Dorado, Mensa, Musca, Octans, Pictor and Volans
Constellation of Carene and other constellations of the southern hemisphere - Southern constellations with Large and Small Magellanic clouds - Carene, cameleon, flying fish, painter, seam, table, reticule, bird of paradise, octant, male hydra, Toucan and part of the horlog
Study for Beach Volleyball from the Press Stand, 2016 (pencil on  paper)
Grenzlandpokal 24 06 1989 GDR Reitzenhain Sport Volleyball DKK Grenzlandpokal …, 1989 (photo)
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Grenzlandpokal 24 06 1989 GDR Reitzenhain Sport Volleyball DKK Grenzlandpokal …, 1989 (photo)
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Grenzlandpokal 24 06 1989 GDR Reitzenhain Sport Volleyball DKK Grenzlandpokal …, 1989 (photo)
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Postage stamp commemorating 1978 FIVB Volleyball World Championship, 80-lire stamp, Italy, 20th century
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Volleyball (Indian ink on paper)
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Constellations near the south pole - Constellations near southern celestial pole - Image obtained from New Zealand
The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Octant constellation houses the southern Celestial pole. See annotee image a - cst98 - 00005 to identify the different constellations present in the image. This part of the sky was mostly uncharted by Europeans until the 17th and 18th centuries, so many of the constellations in the southern (lower) half of the image are relatively modern constructions without mythlogical connotations. Octans, the Octant (a forerunner of the sextant) is an Enlightenment - period instrument whose outline was constructed on the sky by the vivid imagination of the Abbe Lacaille. The constellation is quite large but totally undistinguished. Its only notable feature is the South Celestial Pole, with is marked (within a degree or so) by the faint star s Octantis. Apus, the Bird of Paradise, first appeared in the star charts of the German astronomer Johann Bayer in 1603. It contains no named stars. Chameleon, a type of lizard. The stars here are even fainter than those in Apus. Mensa, the constellation was invented by de Lacaille to commemorate his sojourn at the Cape of Good Hope in the 1750s. The original name was Mons Mensa, Latin for Table Mountain. Its northern border crosses part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, possibly reminding Lacaille of the recurrent cloud over the mountain as seen from Cape Town. Musca, the Fly, is another undistinguished constellation that first appeared on Bayer's star charts in 1603
School Sports Fashion Show
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The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Octant constellation houses the south celeste pole (mark of a cross) This part of the sky was mostly uncharted by Europeans until the 17th and 18th centuries, so many of the constellations in the southern (lower) half of the image are relatively modern constructions without mythlogical connotations. Octans, the Octant (a forerunner of the sextant) is an Enlightenment - period instrument whose outline was constructed on the sky by the vivid imagination of the Abbe Lacaille. The constellation is quite large but totally undistinguished. Its only notable feature is the South Celestial Pole, with is marked (within a degree or so) by the faint star s Octantis. Apus, the Bird of Paradise, first appeared in the star charts of the German astronomer Johann Bayer in 1603. It contains no named stars. Chameleon, a type of lizard. The stars here are even fainter than those in Apus. Mensa, the constellation was invented by de Lacaille to commemorate his sojourn at the Cape of Good Hope in the 1750s. The original name was Mons Mensa, Latin for Table Mountain. Its northern border crosses part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, possibly reminding Lacaille of the recurrent cloud over the mountain as seen from Cape Town. Musca, the Fly, is another undistinguished constellation that first appeared on Bayer's star charts in 1603
120-lire postage stamp for 1978 FIVB Volleyball World Championship, Italy, 20th century
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Beach Volleyball from the Press Stand, Copacabana, 2016 (oil on board)
Beach, Le Rocchette, 2005 (gouache)
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'Island in the Sun', Douglas beach, July 1963 (b/w photo)
Bialoleka, 12.1981. Internmentees during martial law period in Poland. Volleyball match in internment camp.
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Volleyball play in Tamarin beach, Mauritius, 2018 (photo)
Volleyball game at night in Vang Vieng, village, Laos (photo)