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Images of 'Valles' found, 1,116

Winter from The Four Seasons (one of a set of four), 1989  (painting)
Roots, 1943 (oil on canvas)
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Lily of the Valley, 1995 (w/c)
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The three Confederates taking oath on the Grutli According to the founding myth of Switzerland, the three confederates Arnold de Melchtal, Walter Furst and Werner Stauffacher representing the vallees of Uri, Schwytz and Unterwald made a federal pact proclaiming the perpetual alliance of their three communities in 1307 (Rutlischwur, legendary oath of the Old Swiss Confederacy, taken on the Rutli, Seelisberg, 1307) Drawing a pen drawn from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
Group on floor of the Coal Exchange in Cardiff after alterations (b/w photo)
Raising the Vietnamese flag, Dien Bien Phu 1954 (b/w photo)
Mars - Illustration - Mars - Illustration - Artist's view of the planet Mars. The three volcanoes of Tharsis and Olympus Mons are visible on the left. In the centre is the great canyon Valles Marineris. A “” full””” Mars. In this image the massive volcano Olympus Mons is clearly visible upper left of center, while near center are the three Tharsis Montes volcanoes. All these volcanoes are believed to be extinct. To the right of the Tharsis Montes are the deep canyons of Valles Marineris, a meandering network of channels as long as the United States is wide. Mars has been known historically as a bright, reddish “” star”” in Earth's sky. The ruddy hue is due to the presence of iron oxide (i.e., rust) on the martian surface. Mars is often host to white clouds of water - ice crystals (like the high - altitude cirrus clouds on Earth) and experiences seasonal dust storms that can cover the entire planet
At The Elysee in Paris on May 1St, 1971 : French President Georges Pompidou and his Wife Claude Receiving Lily of The Valley From Workers of The Halles (b/w photo)
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Sketch for panorama of Boulevard de Montmartre by Louis-Alexandre Gosset de Guines known as Andre Gill,  1877
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Mars view of Deimos - Illustration - Mars seen from Deimos - Illustration - Mars seen from Deimos satellite. A view of Mars from its moon Deimos
Chillis drying, Argentina (photo)
Mars and Deimos - Illustration - Mars and Deimos - Illustration - Artist's view of Deimos, the smallest of Mars's two satellites. This is how Mars and its even smaller satellite Deimos might appear from a distance of about 100 miles from the surface of Deimos. Deimos is over Acidalia Planitia, an albedo feature that has been observed by Earth - bound astronomers since the 19th century. To the southwest are the fog - filled canyons of Valles Marineris, the westernmost of which are still in darkness. Beyond Mars, immediately to the left of its night side, is Phobos at a distance of 20,000 miles. The two bright objects in the lower left are the stars Beta Gruis and Al Nair in the southern constellation Grus. Like it's larger companion Phobos, Deimos does not possess enough mass to pull itself into a sphere; its shape instead is oblong with a length of about 10 miles and only 6 miles wide at its smallest dimension. Like Phobos, Deimos may be an asteroid long ago captured by Mars' gravity. Orbiting 14,600 miles above Mars' surface, Deimos completes one revolution every 30 hours
Rhondda Saturday (oil on canvas)
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Couple of lovers with a bunch of lily of the valley, c. 1920 (postcard)
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May lily of the valley. Coloured copper engraving from a drawing by W.A. Delamotte from William Baxter's book “English Botanical Phenomenes””, 1834. William Baxter (1788-1871) was the curator of the Oxford Botanical Garden from 1813 to 1854. Lily of the valley, Convallaria majalis. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from a drawing by W.A. Delamotte from William Baxter's “” British Phaenogamous Botany”” 1834. Scotsman William Baxter (1788-1871) was the curator of the Oxford Botanic Garden from 1813 to 1854.
Jules Valles (1832-1885) French jounalist and writer
Jules Valles (1832-1885) French jounalist and writer colourized document
Jules Valles (1832-1885) French revolutionary, journalist and writer c. 1870
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Jean Jacques Annaud on the set of SEVEN YEARS IN TIBET, 1998 (photo)
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Rheinlandschaften 2, 2015 (b/w photo)
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Valley of the Petite Creuse, 1889 (oil on canvas)
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Sluice in the Optevoz Valley, 1854 (oil on canvas)
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Man and woman with a bouquet of lilies of the valley
Lily of the Valley and Cowslips (w/c on paper)
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Indonesian tribespeople see Caucasian men for the first time in New Guinea, Indonesia, 1959.
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Street merchant selling lily of the valley in Paris, on Labour Day, May 1st, 1919.
astrid, 2007, (sea ice from the Antarctica’s Ross Sea, sediment from Antarctica’s Dry Valleys and mixed media on paper)
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Letter decorated with a rooster, 15th century (miniature)
The Valles Marineris Canyon, 2005
Francisco Vallés aka Divino Vallés, , after an etching in Retratos de Los Españoles Ilustres, Madrid, Spain, pub. 1791
Mars: Noctis Labyrinthus - Mars: Noctis Labyrinthus - Perspective view of Noctis Labyrinthus, located in the western part of the great Martian canyon Valles Marineris. This heavily eroded canyon is here 5000 meters deep. Image obtained by the Mars Express probe on June 25, 2006. On 25 June 2006 the High - Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC), onboard the ESA spacecraft Mars Express obtained image data with a ground resolution of approximately 16 meters per pixel. The data were acquired in the region of Noctis Labyrinthus at approximately 6.5* southern latitude and 260* eastern longitude. The region Noctis Labyrinthus, the Labyrinth of the Night”” is located directly on the western edge of Valles Marineris, the “Grand Canyon of Mars””. It is part of the complex graben system which is associated with the up - arching of Tharsis. Eye - catching is the high density of deeply incised, smaller, maze - like fractures. The scene exhibits parts of those graben structures which are incised up to 5000 meters. They are strongly eroded as can be seen at the bottom of the graben which exhibits detritus. Younger lithologies can be seen on the upper edge of the graben. The fractures are witnesses of so - called extensional tectonics. The intense volcanism in the Tharsis region was associated with an intense up - arching of large areas. This process resulted in tectonic stress, causing the crust to thin out and lead to graben formation.
Cardiganshire, 2003 (oil on panel)
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In the Lake District No.2, 1973 (w/c on paper)
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Nefertari in front of the first door of the Kingdom of Osiris, raising her arms in a sign of adoration, fresco, burial chamber, Tomb of Nefertari (QV66), Valley of the Queens, Thebes. Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom, Dynasty XIX.
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Greeting card for the may 1st and the lily of the valley c. 1905
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Cranagh Church, Sperrin Mountains, Co Tyrone, Ireland. (photo)
A man offering lily of the valley to his beloved, 1920's (b/w photo)
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Postcard at the beginning of the 20th century, greeting of May 1st: fan filled with lily of the valley.
Frontpage of french newspaper "Le Petit Journal" may 5, 1907: the lily of the valley, Paris
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Austro-Hungarian troops march along a road, 1917  (b/w photo)
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View of Fenestrelle fort, Val Clusone, Piedmont, Italy, steel engraving, 18x13.5 cm
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Parc Departemental de la Courneuve, Seine Saint Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Ile de France (Ile-De-France). Photography 01/08/02. Created in 1956, this park is structured around a large circular lawn (intended to receive large-scale festive initiatives) and is accompanied by the origin of undergrowth and glades. It has grown successively to now count nearly 400 hectares, models by varying rhythms of valleys, lakes, belvederes and vast panoramas. On this large area there are playgrounds, picnic areas, catering kiosks, bike rentals, pedalos, maneges, carriage rides... The Maison du Parc, located on the banks of the great lake, will inform you about all these activities
Open cluster Westerlund 2 in Carene - Open cluster Westerlund 2 in Carina - The open cluster Westerlund 2 is located about 20,000 years - light in the southern constellation of Carene, within the nebula Gum 29. About 3000 stars form this cluster. It contains a significant number of massive stars including one of the most massive stars known to date: WR 20a. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. The sparkling centerpiece of this image taken by the Hubble space telescope is a giant cluster of about 3,000 stars called Westerlund 2, named for Swedish astronomer Bengt Westerlund, who discovered the grouping in the 1960s. The cluster resides in a raucous stellar breeding ground known as Gum 29, located 20,000 light - years away from Earth in the constellation Carina. To capture this image, Hubble's near - infrared Wide Field Camera 3 near - infrared pierced through the dusty veil shrouding the stellar nursery, giving astronomers a clear view of the nebula and the dense concentration of stars in the central cluster. The cluster measures between 6 to 13 light - years across. The giant star cluster is only about 2 million years old and contains some of our galaxy's hottest, brightest, and most massive stars. Some of its heftiest stars unleash torrents of ultraviolet light and hurricane - force winds of charged particles that etch at the enveloping hydrogen gas cloud. The nebula reveals a fantasy landscape of pillars, ridges, and valleys. The pillars, composed of dense gas and thought to be incubators for new stars are a few light - years tall and point to the central star cluster. Other dense regions surround the pillars, including reddish - brown filaments of gas and dust. The brilliant stars sculpt the gaseous terrain of the nebula and help create a successive generation of baby stars. When the stellar winds hit dense walls of gas, the shockwaves may spark a new torrent of star birth along the wall of the cavity. The red dots scattered t
Mars: Valles Marineris - Mosaic of 20 images obtained by the European probe Mars Express. This image shows the eastern part of Valles Marineris, a canyon about 4500 km long and 8 km deep. This mosaic image of eastern part of Valles Marineris - colored to resemble the martian surface - comes from Esa's Mars Express spacecraft, which repeatedly crosses the Martian equator from north to south or south to north. The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board Mars Express, has been taking image strips of the valley system since 2004 as it passes overhead. The individual HRSC image strips are each between 50 and 200 kilometers wide, depending on Mars Express' orbit, so this view of Valles Marineris has only been made possible by creating a mosaic using 20 separate images. To improve the presentation here, the altitudes have been exaggerated fourfold, so that the slopes and mountainsides appear steeper than they are in reality. The colours in this image are slightly false as well. By increasing the contrast between the individual colour channels, many features of the terrain in this geologically extremely complex region that were not readily apparent can be made much more visible, as can differences in the surface composition
Mars and Phobos - Illustration - Mars and Phobos - Illustration - Mars seen from its nearest satellite, Phobos. A view of Mars from its nearest moon, Phobo