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Images of 'Tibere' found, 397

Bust of Drusus the Young, 1st century AD (marble)
Art Rome Bust of Drusus the Young (13 BC - 23 AD) (marble)
Roman Art: bust of marble of Tibere (Tiberio Claudio Nerone, 42 BC-37 AD), Roman Emperor - From Ercolano (Herculaneum) 1st century AD - Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale - Bust of Tiberius (Tiberio Claudio Nerone) (42 BC-37 AD), Roman emperor - Marble sculpture from Herculaneum, 1rst century AD
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Aureus (reverse) of Tiberius (AD 14-AD 37) depicting the emperor in a four-horse chariot right. (gold) Inscription: TR POT XVII IMP VII (for obverse see 119137)
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Cotton Tiberius B.V, Part 1, f.56v The Tiberius Map, Mappa Mundi (vellum)
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Augustus of Prima Porta (marble) (b/w photo)
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Marble bust of Julia, daughter of Emperor Augustus, wife of Marcellus, Agrippa and Tiberius
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Cotton Tiberius C. II, f.5v Initial 'B', animal grotesques and interlace decoration, Opening of Book I of 'The Tiberius Bede. History of the English Church and People', c.850-900 (ink & colour on vellum)
Marble bust of Julia, daughter of Emperor Augustus, wife of Marcellus, Agrippa and Tiberius
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Marble statue of Emperor Tiberius (14-37 a.d.) wearing toga, frome Rome, Vatican Hill
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Roman art: onyx cameo made by the sculptor Dioscuride (or Dioscorides) on two levels. On top the Emperor Augustus (63 BC-14 AD), surrounded by mythological gods, welcomes his successor Tibere (42 BC - 37 AD). From left to right, Tibere descending from her chariot after defeating the Germans, the goddess Minerva (Athena) with Augustus has her sides, sitting on the throne of the gods with a crown of laurels. Above them, the symbol of the sign of Capricorn, zodiacal sign of Augustus. Sitting on the right, the goddess Demeter (Ceres) with a horn of abundance. Downstairs, Roman soldiers. 1st century AD. Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum
Constantine IV granting Bishop Reparatus privileges for the church of Ravenna, 671-77 (mosaic)
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Cott Tib C VI f.30v David playing his harp, from the Tiberius Psalter, Winchester, c.1050 (vellum)
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Aureus (obverse) with the head of Tiberius (AD 14-AD37) wearing a laurel wreath. Inscription: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS (gold) (for reverse see 119138)
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Representation of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (162-133 BC) and his brother Caius Sempronius Gracchus (154-122 BC) nicknamed the Gracchi, Roman statesmen (Tiberio Sempronio Gracco (162-133 BC) and Gaio (Caio) Sempronio Gracco (154-122 BC) (Tibano) and Caius). Miniature taken from “” Paralleles of illustrious men”” from Plutarch (46-125 AD) 15th century Cesena, Biblioteca Malatestiana
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Antiquity: Head of Odysseus from a Greek 2nd century BC marble group representing Odysseus blinding Polyphemus, found at the villa of Tiberius at Sperlonga, Italy.
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Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.64r, Enthronement on the solium, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.68r, The Queen receiving the unction on her breasts, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Roman Emperor, Tiberus, 14-37 AD,
Statue representing the Emperor Tiberius (Tiberius Claudius Drusus, 42 B.C.- 37 A.D. Emperor from 14 to 37 A.D.), Julio-Claudian Dynasty, imperial age, marble
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Marble statue of Emperor Tiberius (14-37 a.d.) wearing toga, detail, frome Rome, Vatican Hill
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Scenes of the holy land, late 19th century
Cotton Tiberius B VIII f.48v Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy vests King Charles V with the Spurs, illustration from 'Master of the Coronation Book', 1365 (ink, colour & gold on vellum)
Entries in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
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Cotton Tiberius C. VI, f.13 The Crucifixion, from the Tiberius Psalter, c.1050 (vellum)
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Marble statue of Emperor Tiberius wearing toga
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Harrowing of Hell, from "Tiberius Psalter", Cotton MS Tiberius C VI, f.14 , c.1050 (vellum)
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Emperor Claudius (engraving)
Cotton Tiberius B. V, Part 1, f.40v, A ship, with tower and a serpent head (vellum)
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Library of Celsus, 110-135 AD, built in commemoration of Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus, Ephesus, Turkey, Roman Civilization, 2nd century
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(Whole folio) Cutting and loading wood. Calendar page for July. Three men cutting down trees with axes; another loads a log on to a cart. On right, two oxen. At foot, Cancer in a roundel
Cotton Tiberius B. V, Part 1, f.7 Feeding Hogs, illustration for September from an 'Anglo-Saxon Calendar' (vellum)
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Calendar page for August. Six men harvesting; five with scythes, and one with pitchfork.
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Calendar page for August. Six men with harvesting; five with scythes, one with a pitchfork. At foot, Leo in a roundel.
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Remains of walls in opus reticulatum (reticulated wall), villa of Roman Emperor Tiberius, 1st century AD, Sperlonga, Lazio, Italy
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Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.66r, The Queen entering the cathedral, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.57r The King receiving the ring 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
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Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.65r, The Queen entering the cathedral, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.68v The Queen receiving the ring, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.55v The King receiving the unction of the hands, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.67v The Queen removing her outer garments, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B.VIII f.50v The Archbishop of Reims preparing the holy balm, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.66v The Archbishop of Reims blessing the Queen, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.70r Barons sustaining the queen's crown, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Emperor of the Orient, Flavio Constantine IV Pagonato with his brothers Heraclius, Tiberius III and Justinian II, offering Archbishop Mauro rescript of privileges of Ravenna Church, mosaic
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Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.48v, The Duke of Burgundy vesting the King with the spurs, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B.VIII f.59 The Archbishop of Reims placing the crown on the King's head, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.73r, The Archbishop of Reims blessing the Oriflamme, illustration from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
Cotton Tiberius B. VIII f.46v The Archbishop of Reims administering the oath to the King, from 'The Coronation Book of Charles V, King of France', 1365-80 (vellum)
A Blemmyae, illustration from 'Marvels of the East' (vellum)
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Initial letter Q depicting Tiberius and Gaius Sempronius Gracchus, miniature from In libris epitomatum illustriorum virorum Plutarchi, by Pietro Candido Decembrio (1392-1477), parchment manuscript, cod CCXXXIX, folio 180, verso, Italy, 15th century
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Pruning vines
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