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Images of 'The City Of God' found, 2,267

The Creation of Man, Sistine Ceiling, 1511 (fresco)
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Ancient Egyptian Art Mythological Papyrus of Serimen, c.1069-664 BC (manuscript)
Precolombian civilization: burial urn representing the god of fire, 200-300 AD (sculpture)
The Creation of Adam, 1511-12 (fresco)
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Venus of Urbino, 1538 (oil on canvas)
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View of an Ideal City, or The City of God, c. 1480-1490 (oil on panel)
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Rape of Europa, 1562 (oil on canvas)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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Creation of Adam, detail of the outstretched arms, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508-12): The Fall of Man, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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June: haymaking, 15th century (vellum)
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Sistine Chapel: The Last Judgement, 1538-41 (fresco) (pre-restoration)
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The Creation of Adam, 1510 (fresco)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of the Sun and Moon, 1508-12 (fresco)
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Black figure kylix depicting Atlas holding up the sky and Prometheus bound with an eagle picking out his liver, c.555 BC (pottery)
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Parnassus, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1510-11 (fresco)
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The Fall of Man, Sistine Ceiling, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration) (detail of 167699)
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Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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Procession in St. Mark's Square, 1496 (oil on canvas)
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Sacred and Profane Love, c.1515 (oil on canvas)
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The Creation of Adam, detail from the Sistine Ceiling, 1511-12 (fresco)
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The Colossus of Rhodes (gouache on paper)
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The Baldacchino, the high altar and the chair of St. Peter (photo)
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The Last Judgment, Sistine Ceiling, c.1540 (fresco)
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The Fall of Jericho, 1996
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Danae (oil on canvas)
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The Creation of Adam, from the Sistine Ceiling, 1511 (fresco) (pre-restoration)
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The Youth of Moses, in the Sistine Chapel, 1481 (fresco) (for detail see 315896)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: God Separating the Land from the Sea, with four Ignudi, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of the Sun and Moon, 1508-12 (fresco)
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The Apollo Belvedere, Roman copy, probably of a Greek original 4th (or 1st) century BC (marble)
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Disputa, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1508-11 (fresco)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: The Creation of Adam, detail of God the Father, 1508-12 (fresco) (post restoration)
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The Laocoon Group, c.25 BC (marble)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Adam, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration) (detail of 77430)
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The Creation of Adam, from the Sistine Ceiling, 1510 (fresco) (detail)
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Statue known as Apollo Belvedere, copy after Greek bronze original of the 4th century B.C. (marble)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508-12): The Separation of the Waters from the Earth, 1511-12 (fresco) (post restoration)
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The Education of Cupid, c.1565 (oil on canvas)
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Apollo Belvedere, Roman copy of a Greek 4th century BC original (marble)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of Eve, with four Ignudi, 1510 (fresco) (post restoration)
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Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Creation of the Sun and Moon, 1508-12 (fresco) (detail of 183097)
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The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel, 1508-12 (fresco) (see also 77430)
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Sistine Chapel: God Dividing the Waters and Earth (pre restoration) (detail)
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Religious rites being performed before the gilded statue of the god Marduk
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Lamb of God, 2008 (digital collage)
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The Punishment of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, 1481 (fresco)
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Quetzalcoatl (stone)
Venus of Urbino, before 1538 (oil on canvas) (detail of 291644)
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Sistine Chapel ceiling: Creation of eve, with four Ignudi, 1511 (fresco) (pre restoration)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.;Not to be used for Sistine Chapel recreations until July 2028