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Images of 'Symbolises' found, 360

Landscape with the Flight into Egypt, 1563 (oil on panel)
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The Good Shepherd, illustration for 'The Life of Christ', c.1886-94 (gouache on paperboard)
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Ogboni couple, Yoruba, Nigeria, 19th century (bronze)
Dancing on a Shore, 1900 (oil on canvas)
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Jean Pellicorne and his son Caspar, c.1632 (oil on canvas)
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Yates Thompson 36, f.148, Dante and Beatrice hover beside the Heaven of the Sun in which are St.Thomas Aquinas, who presents St. Dominic and St. Francis, the founders of the two great mendicant orders, from 'Paradiso', Canto XI, c.1460 (vellum)
Evil Eye Mosaic, from Antakya, Turkey
Moratorium, 1969 (offset photolitho)
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Musical Chair, 1983 (steel)
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The Moon tarot card
Fight between two equites named Simmachius and Maternus, 3rd century (mosaic)
Comet 1528
Comet 1528
Caricature of Richard Wagner, 19th century (engraving)
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Quinta Musculorum Tabula, illustration from 'De Corporus Humani Fabrica', c.1543-55 (woodcut)
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The Market of Tlatelolco, detail from the series 'Epic of the Mexican People', 1929-35 (mural)
Helmet mask (Moshambwooy), Bushoong clan, Kuba Kingdom, Democratic Republic of Congo (mixed media)
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A serpent and a crowned dragon form a circle. A common alchemical illustration, which symbolises the unification of materia (primary matter) with spiritus universalis (the universal spirit.) from 'Donum Dei Samuelis Baruch, des Juden Rabbi...', by Samuel Baruch, 1735 (engraving)
Frontispiece to Maynard's Josephus
Neptune and Pluto Drawing Lots for their Kingdoms, 1536-1538 (oil on board)
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Symbolic representation of the Universe. Romanesque mosaic of the four rivers, 12th century, pavement of the altar of the chapel of Saint Nicholas, inside the Old Episcopal Palace. Around the polar star, the four rivers of Earth Paradise (Tiger, Euphrates, Gehon and Phison) are figures in the form of heads of human bulls spitting nets of water. Each river is associated with a symbol probably alluding to the different periods of Holy History. The West-East part dedicated to the land and freshwater animals, fish, crayfish, pelican, dog and stork. The marine world occupies the northeast corner with red waves, black algae and fish. The four cardinal points are symbolized by wind heads and rosettes. A red stream represents the Ocean River that surrounds the Earth. The southeast part evokes the vegetation fecondee by water and that pecked birds. Dim. 3,60x4,40 m Die (Drome)
Symbolic representation of the Universe. Detail of the Gehon. Romanesque mosaic of the four rivers, 12th century, pavement of the altar of the chapel of Saint Nicholas, inside the Old Episcopal Palace. Around the polar star, the four rivers of Earth Paradise (Tiger, Euphrates, Gehon and Phison) are figures in the form of heads of human bulls spitting nets of water. Each river is associated with a symbol probably alluding to the different periods of Holy History. The West-East part dedicated to the land and freshwater animals, fish, crayfish, pelican, dog and stork. The marine world occupies the northeast corner with red waves, black algae and fish. The four cardinal points are symbolized by wind heads and rosettes. A red stream represents the Ocean River that surrounds the Earth. The southeast part evokes the vegetation fecondee by water and that pecked birds. Dim. 3,60x4,40 m Die (Drome)
Seated Monkey Holding a Fruiting Peach Branch (jade & wood) (see also 193857)
Fiddlehead, 1968 (oil on canvas)
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Tiger and Bamboo, early 19th century (ink on silk)
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Mosaic dedicated to Leto, Apollo and Artemis, Letoon, Turkey (photo)
The Hermetic Vessel, c1760. Hermetic vessel in the alchemical furnace. The serpent within the vase symbolises the earthy substances of which the Philosopher's Stone is made. From Fr Basilii Valentini Benedictiner Ordens Chymische Schriften. (Leipzig, 1760?). Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus) is a shadowy 15th century figure. He is supposed to have been a Benedictine monk, and is credited with a deep knowledge of alchemical mysteries. Whether the books attributed to him are his work, or that of a 16th century alchemists who used his name, is open to debate. His famous Twelve Keys (being the twelve stages to the possession of the Philospher's Stone) was first published in 1599 and continued to appear in various languages until the end of the 18th century.
The Peiikan symbolises Christ's sacrifice Paris France
Djed amulet (faience)
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The Bell, 1987-88 (oil & mixed media on canvas)
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Monk ordination (b/w photo)
Monk ordination (b/w photo)