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Images of 'Squirting Cucumber' found, 11

Squirting cucumber or exploding cucumber. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimen's Medicinal Plants, London, 1880.
Yellow flower, leaves and fruit of the squirting cucumber, Momordica elaterium, from a botanical illustration by James Sowerby from William Woodville and Sir William Jackson Hooker's "Medical Botany" 1832 (handcoloured copperplate engraving)
Donkey cucumber or donkey pickle - Squirting cucumber, Ecballium elaterium (Momordica elaterium). Handcoloured botanical engraving from John Sims' Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Couchman, London, 1816.
Squirting cucumber - Ecballium elaterium (Cucumis sylvestris) by Leonhart Fuchs from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the History of Plants) coloured engraving, 1542
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Yellow flower, leaves and fruit of the squirting cucumber, Momordica elaterium
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Eballium elaterium/Ebalie elatere/Donkey cucumber/Squirting Cucumber
Eballium elaterium/Ebalie elatere/Donkey cucumber/Squirting Cucumber
Donkey cucumber or donkey pickle, also called jumping pickle, devil cucumber, explosive cucumber, wild cucumber, momordic cucumber or ecbalie - Squirting cucumber or exploding cucumber, Ecballium elaterium (Momordica elaterium). Handcoloured zincograph by Chabots drawn by Miss M. A. Burnett from her “” Plantae Utiliores: or Illustrations of Useful Plants,”” Whittaker, London, 1842. Miss Burnett drew the botanical illustrations, but the text was chiefly by her late brother, British botanist Gilbert Thomas Burnett (1800-1835).
Donkey cucumber. Coloured copper engraving, in Botanique Medicinale (published in Berlin, Germany, 1822) by Doctor Friedrich Gottlob Haynes (1763-1832), German botanist and pharmacist. Squirting cucumber, Mormodica elaterium, Ecballium elaterium. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Friedrich Gottlob Hayne's “” Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde Gebrauchilchen Gewachse”” (Medical Botany), Berlin, 1822. Hayne (1763-1832) was a German botanist, apothecary and, from 1814, professor of pharmaceutical botany at Berlin University.
Echalium elastique, (vulgairement Concombre sauvage). Planche botanique tiree de ""Flora Graeca"" du botaniste John Sibthorp (1758-1796). 1806-1840. The British Library Institution Reference: Shelfmark ID: 453.h.10. Vol.10. Plate No: 10 'Momordica Elaterium (Echalium elastique, vulgairement Concombre sauvage)', c1806-c1840. Wild or squirting cucumber with small yellow flowers and green fruit, illustrated to show the structure of the flowers and seeds. Plate 939 of volume 10 of ""Flora Graeca...."" by John Sibthorp, (London, 1806-40).