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Images of 'Shell Hole' found, 185

F58 Louis XIV knee-hole writing table, veneered with pictorial Boulle marquetry, inlaid with mother of pearl, on supports in the shape of goat's legs
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Town of Vaux near Château Thierry, day before American attack, June 30, 1918 (gelatin silver print, from loose-leaf album of aerial photos)
Turtle palette, Predynastic Period, Naqada I–II, 3850–2960 BC (greywacke)
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Dining in the Trenches (b/w photo)
german snipers in the hole of a shell during battle around Verdun France 1916
Canadian soldiers of Canadian Expeditionary Force washing and shaving in a water filled shell hole, France, 1st world war
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Nautilus pompilius
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Water-logged crater during the Battle of Albert, near Mametz, summer 1916 (b/w photo)
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The notes from Charlie's bugle rang out clear and loud'. Charles Ernest Timmins, Bugler Royal Marine Light Infantry, at age 14 (Born 7th Dec. 1902), served on the C-class light cruiser H.M.S Cardiff.
On the 17th of November 1917 HMS Cardiff was involved in a light cruiser action off Heligioland. 
The mission objective was to surprise the enemy, and try and force him into action. The ships bugler Charles Timmins was killed while he was sounding the alert. A piece of shrapnel from a shell blew a hole in Cardiff's funnel and pierced his bugle.
Fort Vaux at Verdun, 1932 (b/w photo)
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Life and street scenes of Tokyo, Japan after their WWII surrender and the beginning of the Allied Occupation, 1945
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Aptenodytes forsteri
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Aptenodytes forsteri
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Conch horn showing the blow hole
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Waiting to attack on the 25th, Western Front, 1914-18 (b/w photo)
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The Somme Front, 1917 (etching on laid paper)
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Scene near Guillemont, France, 15th September 1916 (b/w photo)
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Battle of Flers-Courcellete, 1916 (b/w photo)
Remains of the village of Vaux, Verdun, France (photo)
Waves of infantry going up to the attack of the 25th, Western Front, 1914-18 (b/w photo)
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Waves of infantry going up to the attack of the 25th, Western Front, 1914-18 (b/w photo)
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Somme German dead in shell hole, 1916 (b/w photo)
Signallers of the RGA, 1916 (b/w photo)
Remains of the village of Vaux, Verdun, France (photo)
Gun carriage at Irles, near Grandcourt, 1917 (w/c on paper)
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Marines Land On Roi-Namur  (b/w photo)
Public Health Poster for Malaria
Centaurus A Elliptical Galaxy (NGC 5128) in the Centaur - Galaxy Centaurus A - The NGC 5128 galaxy is about 13 million years away - light from Earth. This image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1998 shows the star flames that occur in the dark band of the galaxy. In blue, these are the clusters of newly shaped young stars. At the top left, a photo of the galaxy obtained from the ground. This giant galaxy is a powerful radio source known as Centaurus A. It is an active galaxy whose energy comes from a supermassive black hole. NGC 5128 is the nearest large elliptical galaxies to our sun. It is also the nearest of the giant radio galaxies, possessing an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and optically one of the most luminous galaxies in the sky. Among many other things NGC 5128 is also the prototypical postmerger elliptical galaxy. Structural peculiarities including the prominent rotating disk of stars and gas and the complex shell structure of its halo point to a large scale merger within the last billion years. Tidal streams of young stars have also been identified in the halo of NGC 5128 thought to have occurred by cannibalization of a nearby gas rich dwarf galaxy some 300 million years ago, long after the large scale merger. Elliptical galaxies are typically devoid of gas, dust and young stars. The unexpected presence of gas rich disk elements within the structure of NGC 5128 supports the current belief that accretions and mergers of low mass galaxies may be an important agent in the evolution of galaxy formation. As a radio galaxy, NGC 5128 belongs to the subgroup of galaxies called Active Galaxies, which include Quasars, Seyfert galaxies, Blazars and Radio Galaxies. Active galaxies are distinguished by their prodigious energy output which cannot be explained by their stellar populations and must have another source. Active galaxies have in common an “Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN)”” which is beli
British Front Troops & Civilians, 1916 (b/w photo)
Battlefield at the Somme, 1916 (b/w photo)
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Germany - Belgium, 1914-18, 1917 (b/w photo)
Lamp post which suffered from shell fire, photograph, c.1900s-1920s
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Western Front, Germany - France, 1916, 1917 (b/w photo)
Thirsty Vietnam Soldier, Vietnam, 1968 (b/w photo)
US troops "over the top", Meurth-et-Moselle, France, 1918. Medics carry the fallen over no man's land.
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Effect of Cannon 75 whose shell fired from Mont-Valerien ended up rue du Congres at Asnieres, 1915 (b/w photo)
Noe con l'arca (Noah and Ark), detail of bureau with large mirror, made of walnut and rosewood, decorated with ivory and tortoise shell inlays, worked in same style as Pietro Piffetti (1701-1777), Stupinigi, Piedmont, Italy, 18th century
General Naval Battles, 1914 (b/w photo)
Otto Dix
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Resting in a shell hole, 1917 (b/w photo)
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Siege of Tobruk clip 5 - unexploded bomb is recovered, soldiers fighting on battleground, tanks are repaired.
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A male nurse near a shell hole (containing bodies), ww1
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A tank avoids a water-logged shell hole; the grave of several of its companions.
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Effect of Cannon 75 whose shell fired from Mont Valerien ended up Rue du Congres at Asnieres, 1915 (b/w photo)
The remains of a dead German soldiers are lying in an old shell hole …, 1945 (photo)
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