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Images of 'Salinity' found, 35

Jordan. The Dead Sea. Altitude - 430 meters under the sea. It is fed by the Jordan River. Salinity rate 27.5%!
Dead trees on edge of salt lake, salinity damage, rising water table between Beacon and Bencubbin, Western Australia (photo)
SMOS Satellite - Artist's view of the European satellite SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) in orbit around the Earth. This satellite will perform the first global mapping of soil moisture and ocean salinity. The satellite was launched and put into orbit on 2 November 2009. The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission make global observations of soil moisture over Earth's landmasses and salinity over the oceans. Variations in soil moisture and ocean salinity are a consequence of the continuous exchange of water between the oceans, the atmosphere and the land - Earth's water cycle. SMOS was launched on November 2, 2009
Satellite SMOS - Artist view - The SMOS satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) in orbit around the Earth. This satellite will perform the first global mapping of soil moisture and ocean salinity. The satellite was launched and put into orbit on 2 November 2009. The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission make global observations of soil moisture over Earth's landmasses and salinity over the oceans. Variations in soil moisture and ocean salinity are a consequence of the continuous exchange of water between the oceans, the atmosphere and the land - Earth's water cycle. SMOS was launched on November 2, 2009
Japanese scientists measure salinity in laboratory on Arlis II island., 1965 (photo)
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Jordan. The Dead Sea. Altitude - 430 meters under the sea. It is fed by the Jordan River. Salinity rate 27.5%!
Jordan. The Dead Sea. Altitude - 430 meters under the sea. It is fed by the Jordan River. Salinity rate 27.5%! Mud bath in the Dead Sea
Jordan. The Dead Sea. Altitude - 430 meters under the sea. It is fed by the Jordan River. Salinity rate 27.5%! Mud bath in the Dead Sea
Dead trees on edge of salt lake, salinity damage, rising watertable between Beacon & Bencubbin, Western Australia (photo)
Dead trees on edge of salt lake, salinity damage, rising watertable between Beacon & Bencubbin, Western Australia (photo)
Dead trees on edge of salt lake, salinity damage, rising watertable between Beacon & Bencubbin, Western Australia (photo)
Straight road through salt lake, rising watertable, salinity, dead trees, between Beacon & Bencubbin, Western Australia (photo)
Waterlogging, salinity damage, dead & dying trees, due to rising watertable 'Three Mile Flat' demonstration site, Wundowie, Wheatbelt, Western Australia (photo)
Waterlogging, salinity damage, dead & dying trees, due to rising watertable 'Three Mile Flat' demonstration site, Wundowie, Wheatbelt, Western Australia (photo)
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Israel - The Dead Sea
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Salt farm at Shark Bay, Australia, from space, c 2006
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Aral Sea seen in June 2003 - Aral sea in june 2003 - The Aral Sea observed by the ENVISAT satellite on June 17, 2003. The Aral Sea was once the fourth largest lake in the world; it began shrinking in the 1960s when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) diverted the Amu Darya (southern feed of the lake) and Syr Darya (north western feed) rivers to irrigate the cotton crops of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, with the result that the water level has dropped by 13 metres and the salinity of the water has tripled in the past two decades. Fish populations have died off, and wind - blown sand and salts threaten the entire region with the advancement of the Qyzylqum Desert (centre right of the image). Today the inland sea covers about half of its former area and its water volume have decreased by about 75 per cent
African Penguin, Boulders Beach, South Africa 2022 (photography)
African Penguin, Boulders Beach, South Africa, 2022 (photography)
Dead Sea from Space 2013 - Dead Sea from Space in 2013 - Dead Sea from Space in July 2013 by Landsat-8 satellite. The most prominent feature in this image is the Dead Sea: the lowest point on Earth's surface, more than 420 m below sea level. The extremely high salinity means fish cannot live in this water body, although there are bacteria and fungi. Note the greenish rectangles just south of the Sea. This is a large complex of mineral evaporation ponds used to produce sodium chloride and other salts for the chemical industry and human and animal consumption. These ponds are separated from the northern part of the Dead Sea by what once was the Lisan Peninsula but lowering water levels have exposed the sea bed, dividing the two sections completely. Throughout the rest of the image we can see built-up areas such as Amman, the capital of Jordan, in the upper right and Jerusalem near the green hills west of the Dead Sea. Further west we can see green patches of agriculture on the coastal plain, with Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast. In the lower-left corner of the image, we can clearly see the division between Israel and the Gaza Strip not only by the outline of the border, but in the difference in agricultural practices. Landsat-8 image, acquired on 4 July 2013
Saudi Arabia's coral reefs - Al Wadj Bank, Saudi Arabia - Approximately 260 coral species have been recorded in Al Wadj Bank coral reefs in Saudi Arabia. Image obtained from the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2007. Saudi Arabia boasts the most coral reefs of any Middle Eastern country, as it includes coastline along both the Red Sea and the Gulf of Arabia. This high - resolution astronaut photograph shows part of the Al Wadj Bank, located along the northern Red Sea coast. Despite the relatively high salinity of Red Sea water, approximately 260 species of coral have been documented in the region. Large tracts of the Saudi Arabian coastline are undeveloped, and reefs in these areas are in generally good ecological health. However, reefs located near large urban centers such as Jeddeh have suffered degradation due to land reclamation (dredging and filling), pollution, and increased sediment runoff from land. The Al Wadj Bank (a bank is an underwater hill) includes a healthy and diverse reef system, extensive seagrasses beds, and perhaps the largest population of dugong - - a marine mammal similar to the North American manatee - - in the eastern Red Sea. The portion of the Bank in this image illustrates the complex form and topography of the reef system. Several emergent islands (tan) are visible, surrounded primarily by dark green seagrasset; the largest is at top left. Only the islands are above the waterline; over the reefs, the water color ranges from light teal (shallow) to turquoise (increasing depth). The southern edge of the reef is well defined by the deep, dark blue water of the Red Sea (top). Image taken from the international space station (ISS) in december 2007