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Images of 'Religious Faiths' found, 2,027

Kneeling crusader with his horse behind him, from the Westminster Psalter, c.1250 (vellum)
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Or.8210/P.2  Diamond Sutra: Frontispiece and text,  868 AD.
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Fulk and Melisende, at Fulk's coronation, as King of Jerusalem.
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Matzot and Haroset being given to the children; Miriam the prophetess; Slaughtering of the lambs for Passover; Searching for leaven.
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The Pandavas and Draupadi led by Yudhishthira and accompanied by his favourite dog go off to Meru, having renounced the world
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Preparation for the Passover. Scenes from the old testament from the 'Haggadah Pesach', or liturgy of the Jewish Passover.
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Cotton Nero E. II pt.2, f.20v Expulsion of the Albigensians from Carcassone in 1209, from the 'Grandes Chroniques de France', c.1415 (ink, colour & gold on paper)
A round map of the world, set in a square ornamental frame, Jerusalem being in the centre, with a zone of winds, figures of inhabitants, etc .
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Miniature of Cuthbert praying in the sea, while the spy watches him above; at the lower right, Cuthbert emerges from the sea to have his feet miraculously dried by otters, from Chapter 10 of Bede's prose Life of St Cuthbert
Illuminated frontispiece of the Dasam Granth, a scripture of Sikhism containing many of the texts attributed to tenth Sikh guru, Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708).
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Saracens (with black faces) and
Christians. Manuscript illustration of Christians and Saracens meeting. From a story of the crusades, the battles and the journeys.
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The Drunkenness of Noah; the Mocking of Christ; children mocking the prophet Elisha.
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The Pentecost.
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The sage, Vyasa, traditional author of the 'Adhyatma Ramayana'.
Inscribed: 'Vyasa'.
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Virgin and Child in Glory: Salve Regina.
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Or. 2784, ff.95v-96, The sage Aristotle and a pupil (vellum)
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On the way to the deer park Buddha met five ascetics (centre left); at the deer park he preached the first sermon.
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St. Gregory the Great receiving inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
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Add 15296 (1) f.70r, The three exiles approach Citrakuta from the right along the banks of the Yamuna river. Rama marvels at the flowering trees and plants which cover the mountain. On the left, on a level space near the river, the two brothers build a hut. Rama is perched on a rock piecing together branches to form the roof of their shelter, which already has its walls of reed, while Laksmana brings more reeds in a bundle on his head. Sita is levelling the threshold. A fire has been laid outside.
Aaron pouring oil into a Menorah
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Louis IX goes on a crusade
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King Mindon donating the monastery and the rest-house.
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Miracle of St. Clare who repulsed the Saracens by showing them the Blessed Sacrament
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Synagogue. The reader on a raised pulpit leads the congregation below.
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(Top RH miniature) Exodus chapter 9, verse 25. The Egyptians are plagued with hail.
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Title page of 'Coverdale's Bible'.
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The result of the general assault has been inconclusive and the battle has continued long into the night. Aṅgada thought he had killed Indrajit, but the demon had just made himself invisible in his sky-chariot, and now has pierced Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa with his magic weapons. Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa lie on the battlefield, ensnared in these serpentine coils, while the monkeys give way to despair. VibhÄ«á¹£aṇa consoles them as he knows that Rāma will not die from these weapons. Indrajit returns in triumph to his father Rāvaṇa, who rises from his seat to congratulate him. Rāvaṇa then makes Trijaṭā, one of the female demons, take Sītā in his flying chariot over the battlefield to see her husband and his brother apparently lying slain.
Fish incarnation, Matsya avatara, first incarnation of Vishnu.
Inscribed: 'Incarnation of the Fish'.
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The sage Aristotle and a pupil.
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Cotton Caligula A. VIII, f.29 Drawing of Woden surrounded by his descendants; in a tract on the Heptarchy, c.1153-66 (vellum)
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When the Buddha was born as Dipankara, he predicted that Sumedha, who lay down on a muddy road so that the Buddha could cross without soiling his feet, would become a Buddha in the future.
a multi headed white elephant on a red background
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The Siege of Lanka (opaque w/c & gold on paper)
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Add 15296 (2) f.2r, In their desperate search for the abducted Sita, Rama and Laksmana have come to the Pampa lake, which is covered with lotuses and surrounded by flowering trees. It is the spring season and Rama is continuously reminded by the mating birds and animals and the flowering plants of his lost love. They are seen by the deposed king of the monkeys, Sugriva, who Sita with his advisers on the craggy heights of the Rsyamuka mountain above the lake. The monkeys chatter animatedly among themselves. Various trees and large flowers line the bank of the river, in which two cranes stand.
The Blessed carried up to Heaven. Floral border.
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Saint Jerome in the Desert.
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Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child.
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Or. 6810, f.106v, ('Laila u Majnun'). Laila and Majnun at school (Inscription over the doorway and below the dome are of Koranic texts), 1494-95 (opaque w/c on paper)
Adam and Eve.
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The god Indra is carried by his thirty three headed elephant
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(Miniature) The Battle of Gisors in 1198 between the English led by Richard Coeur de Lion and the French under King Philip II.
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Maricha, a demon who assumed the form of a golden deer.
Inscribed: 'Marich.
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The Nativity.
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Rene, Duke of Anjou as a crowned skeleton, from the Book of Hours of Rene of Anjou (vellum)
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Jujaka requests Vessantara to give him his children as servants and then leads them away, scene from the Thai version of the Vessantara Jataka
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The earth swallowing Dathan and Abiram; the damned in hell; the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
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A view of the temple in Jerusalem
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Add. 34294, f.61 The Visitation, illustration from 'The Sforza Hours', 1517-20 (vellum)
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Kabandha, a demon slain by Rama.
Inscribed: 'Caband'ha'.
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Shabari, a tribal woman and devotee of Rama.
Inscribed: 'Sibari'.
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The Prophet (veiled) on Buraq ascending the heavens escorted by angels.
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Sutikshana, a hermit visited by Rama and Sita.
Inscribed: 'Sutechana'.
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Title page of A Monument of Mortalitie. Illustration. Engraving. Motto. Tomb. Classical architecture. Funeral sermon and religious writing.
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Bharata and Åšatrughna, with companions, arrive at NandigRāma bearing gifts and welcome the descending Puá¹£paka. They enter the chariot and pay their respects to Rāma and Sītā and then the whole car, with them in it, takes off again.
Surpanakha, sister of Ravana.
Inscribed: 'Supa-Neg'ha'.
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(Whole folio) Exodus chapters 37-39.The craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab work on Aaron's jewelled garments, the golden lampstand and the pillars of the court.
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The sage, Valmiki, author ofthe 'Ramayana'.
Inscribed: 'Valmic'.
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Ravana, demon king of Lanka.
Inscribed: 'Ravan disguised as a Sanyasi visits Seeta'.
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Herod kills his sons; he falls ill; he imprisons the nobles.
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Jewish teacher & pupil
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Hanumān has allowed himself to be bound and taken before Rāvaṇa, who is seated on a great throne in his palace, with his ministers around him. He announces himself as the messenger of Rāma and demands Sītā's return. Rāvaṇa angrily orders him to be put to death, but VibhÄ«á¹£aṇa, Rāvaṇa's brother, humbly entreats Rāvaṇa to spare the life of a messenger, as envoys may be punished but not killed. Rāvaṇa orders Hanumān instead to be led through the city with his tail bound in oily rags and set alight. Hanumān first allows himself to suffer this indignity, but then frees himself and sets fire to the city with his blazing tail.
Title page of the Great Bible, sometimes known as 'Cromwell's Bible'.
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Calendar chart.
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Audeberd [Ethelbert] baptized by St. Augustine.
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Illuminated incipit page to St Matthew's Gospel; 'Liber generationem'; text with decorated initial 'L'.
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(Whole folio) Exodus chapters 35 and 36. The craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab appointed to work on the construction of the Sanctuary for the Ark of the Covenant.
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Evangelist portrait of St. Matthew seated, holding his Gospel.
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A formal group portrait of Band 1st Bn. the Sikh Pioneers [Sialkot]
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Attestation of a pilgrimage performed by Maymanah, daughter of Muhammad al-Zardili, dated 836 AH/1433 AD.
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(Miniature) The Battle of Roncesvalles (Roncevaux) in 778 between the rearguard of Charlemagne's army and the Saracens.
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Beginning of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
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The Tablets of the Law with biblical citations in the border
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Preparation of the sweetmeats (haroseth)
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Decorated initial-word panel with gold and penwork, at the beginning of the tenth book, the Book of Ritual Purity (Sefer Tohorah) with a full foliate border with two hybrids and a peacock in the lower margin
Miniature of Christ in Majesty, holding an open book and the orb of the world and surrounded by the four symbols of the Evangelists, the man, the lion, the ox, and the eagle, with an abbess below.
Angered by the Ocean's non-cooperation, Rāma attacked it with all the weapons at his command and the boiling sea eventually spewed up the appalled Ocean god in person, who advised him that he could not part the waves for him but that he should tell the monkey engineer Nala, the son of the divine architect ViÅ›vakarma, to build a bridge across the sea to Laṅkā. For five days the monkeys then heaved great stones and trees into the ocean to construct a bridge a hundred leagues in length. It is now complete and the monkeys cross over the bridge, Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa again mounted on Hanumān and Aṅgada, while VibhÄ«á¹£aṇa and his demons fly across above them. On the far side, demons look out from the walls of Laṅkā, while two monkeys spread out Rāma's tiger skin.
Historiated initial-word panel, Bereshit (in the beginning), of the Original Sin, at the beginning of Genesis. Above the initial word, Adam and Eve are depicted under a tree holding apples, while the snake is rolled up on the trunk of the tree. Beneath the initial word, three dogs are chasing a hare
Purgatorio: Dante talking to a glutton, probably Bonagiunta.
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Episodes from the life of Buddha.
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Murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury and others at the Tower. Froissart chronicles of France and England.
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The owner of the garden discovering maidens bathing in his pool (story told by the Greek Princess.)
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(Detail) The Measured Crucifix and the Three Nails
of Christ.
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Christ nailed to the cross.
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Assumption of the Virgin.
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Scenes from the life of Buddha.
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The Virgin Mary. The Child Jesus learning to read, with Joseph.
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A burial. A king being crowned.
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The last meal of the Buddha.
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Mosque of Quba with two twisted palm trees, and three wells, one in the mosque enclosure. A miniature painting from a seventeenth century manuscript of Futuh al-Haramayn, a poetical description of the Holy Places and the rites of pilgrimage.