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{"event":"custom_event","event_name":"view_search_result","event_category":"browse_catalog","keyword":"red crescent centre","search_type":"standard","search_bridgeman_artists":"false","search_mode":"automatic","search_zero_result":"false","search_results":15,"search_results_page_number":1}

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Images of 'Red Crescent Centre' found, 15

Illustration from 'Alchemical Rolls' (The Ripley Scrolls) (vellum)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Development of Fontvieille district, 1982, International Red Cross, 1963, ship and symbols of Red Cross, Red Crescent and Lion and Red sun, International Red Cross, Henri Dunant, Gustave Moynier and Guillaume-Henri Dufour, Monaco, 20th century
  • Permission required for immersive exhibition use - Please contact us;Permission required for TV use - Please contact us
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Italy
PESHAWAR, 2001-10-17 (photo)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book covers). Please contact us
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
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  • Minimum fee applies to this image;Only available to clients invoiced in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, French Southern Territories, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States
(Fourth section): An orange sun with a human face; beneath, three animals: to the left, a red lion, affronté , a white eagle perching on its head and holding a horseshoe in its beak; in the centre, a red lion, affronté , a cockatrice perching on its head; to the right, a green lion, affronté , a crow perching on its head and holding a horseshoe in its beak. - from the belly of the red lion, a red strand is descending into a large flask; around it, eleven suns (to the left) and eleven moons (to the right), each with a human face, all enclosed by another black-, white- and green-banded crescent moon. - a crowned figure with a red mantle, holding in his right hand a sun caduceus or wand (a serpent is entwined around his arm), and holding in his left hand a moon caduceus; he has seven feet and is standing atop a blank pedestal, to the left of which is standing a pilgrim with a crutch and forked staff (a horseshoe dangling from the fork), and to right a crowned and mitred figure holding a sceptre in his right hand and an orb in his left (the lower part of this figure is missing, due to damage).
Action between the Dutch fleet and barbary pirates, c.1670 (oil painting)
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in the UK
Winter constellations - Winter constellations - The Moon sets on the horizon to the west this 28 April 2006 in Maryland. In the sky on the left, the constellation of Orion, in the center the Taurus with the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades, on the right the constellation of Persee, above to the center the Coach with the bright star Capella, on its left, the Gemels with the planet Mars. The crescent Moon with Earthshine sets in the twilight in the west with the Winter constellations of Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Taurus and Perseus
Winter constellations - Winter constellations - The Moon sets on the horizon to the west this 28 April 2006 in Maryland. In the sky on the left, the constellation of Orion, in the center the Taurus with the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades, on the right the constellation of Persee, above to the center the Coach with the bright star Capella, on its left, the Gemels with the planet Mars. The crescent Moon with Earthshine sets in the twilight in the west with the Winter constellations of Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Taurus and Perseus