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Images of 'Ransom' found, 501

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird, 1940 (oil on canvas)
Sack of Rome (390 BC): Brennus putting his sword in the balance, 1866 (Engraving)
The Treasure Hunters: The Sun-God's Ransom
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Richard I returns from captivity (engraving)
Le Comptoir (The Bar), 1920, printed 1922 (etching, aquatint, and drypoint printed in brown ink on cream japan paper)
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Ransom Eli Olds (1864-1950) American automotive industry, (Oldsmobile) here c. 1915
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John II
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), with Marie Bonaparte and U.S. Ambassador William C. Bullitt, arriving in Paris enroute to England. Princess Marie Bonaparte paid Freud's ransom to Nazis, enabling him to leave Austria
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Detail of the mosaic of Chresis, from Daphne (mosaic)
Gold being brought for the ransom of Atahualpa (gouache on paper)
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Miguel de Cervantes
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Richard I returns from captivity
Chryses persuading Apollo to send the Plague upon the Greeks (oil on canvas)
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They Made News, Part 1 - The Lindbergh kidnapping trial
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Lady Wenji's Return to China: Wenji Arriving Home, Southern Song dynasty, China, second quarter of the 12th century (detail) (ink, colour & gold on silk)
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Ransom Eli Olds (1864-1950) American automotive industry, (Oldsmobile) here with is wife Metta Ursula Woodward c. 1910
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Liberation of the Turkish slaves (Riscatto degli schiavi turchi), by French artist, 1730, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 130 x 93 cm
The Surrender of Calais
“” Brennus putting his sword in the balance””, 390 BC: Brennus sacked Rome by the Gauls led by their leader Brennus (Brennos) In front of the resistance of the Romans, Brennus agreed to deal with the military tribune Roman Quintus Sulpicius: he left Rome against the payment of a strong grudge - A large balance was then prepared on a square of Rome - the Gallic army leader Brennus (Brennus) defeats the Romans - in the face of the protests who fail to balance the balance, Brennus adds to their despair by throwing his sword on the balance and uttering the words “vae victis”” - (The Gallic army leader Brennos (Brennus) defeats the Romans the Romans and proclaims the “” Vae Victis”” (Woe to the vanquished), The Gauls demanded ransom after their conquest of Rome, When the Romans complained about the false weight on the scale, the leader of the Gauls, Brennus, put his sword on the scale, 390 BC) Engraving 19th century Private collection
Chest and spalliera with the arms of Lorenzo Morelli and Vaggia Nerli (The Morelli Chest), 1472 (tempera on poplar with gilding)
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Atahualpa, the Inca god-king, came to meet the invading Spaniards in a friendly manner
'The resemblance to Bruno Hauptmann is self-evident', read the Sept. 1934 ACME Newspictures' caption. Artist's likeness of the Lindbergh baby kidnapper, was drawn from a verbal description by J. F. 'Jafsie' Condon. Condon saw the man to whom he gave the ransom for the Lindbergh baby in March 1932. In 1934, Johnson was reluctant to identify Bruno Hauptmann as the man he saw in 1932
Bruno Hauptmann shown leaning over for a whispered word with his wife, Anna Hauptmann. Deputy Hovey Low and a state trooper are shown between them. c. Jan. 24, 1935
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Bruno Hauptmann (2nd from felt) sitting between State Troopers and a Sheriff at his trial. At right holding paper is Hauptmann's defense counsel, Edward J. Reilly. Hunterdon County Courthouse, Flemington, N.J. Jan. 14, 1935
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Bruno Hauptmann with his defense counsel Egbert Rosecrans, Jan. 15 1935. Hunterdon County Courthouse, Flemington, N.J
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Mrs. Bruno Hauptmann's made a desperate attempt to prevent her husband's execution on April 3, 1936.On the night of the execution, she traveled to Flemington, N.J. where she swore out a warrant charging Paul H. Wendel with the kidnapping of the Charles Lindbergh infant. April 3, 1936. Hauptmann's execution proceeded as scheduled
Lindbergh Baby kidnapping. Two notices in New York City newspapers attempted to pay the Lindbergh kidnappers the ransom money. Top note was an appeal from Lindbergh to the kidnappers; the lower note was signed by the assumed name, JAFSIE, that Dr. Condon used during negotiations with the kidnappers. 1932
Dr. John F. Condon (on right) inserted himself into the Lindbergh kidnapping case by writing an open letter to the kidnappers in which he offered to act as an intermediary. At the 1935 trial, he identified Hauptman as the man to whom he delivered the ,000 ransom
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The ransom
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Isador Fisch (right), was a key figure in Lindbergh Baby kidnapper, Bruno Hauptmann's alibi. Hauptmann claimed he received the Lindbergh ransom money Fisch, before he traveled to German where he died of tuberculosis in March 1934
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Bruno Hauptmann fingerprinted after his arrest for the possession of Lindbergh ransom money. At Police Headquarters, New York City, Sept. 21, 1934
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