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Images of 'Radiotelescope' found, 115

Arecibo Message - Arecibo Message: Arecibo Message is a radio message that was sent to space on November 16, 1974 towards the globular cluster M13, 25 000 light-years from Earth - When this binary message is divided into 73 groups of 23 characters it forms this drawing that includes the numbers from one to ten, the atomic numbers of the hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, DNA structure, a 1.76m man, Earth's population, our solar system, and a representation of the Arecibo radiotelescope - Arecibo message is a radio message that was sent into space, at the globular star cluster M13 on november 16 1974. This binary message describes numbers, atomic numbers, DNA, man dimension, our solar system and the Arecibo radiotelescope
A photograph of Jocelyn Bell Burnell (born 1943) at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory at Cambridge University, taken for the Daily Herald newspaper in 1968
Mauna Kea Observatory. Radiotelescopes - Radiotelescopes at Mauna Kea Observatory - View of the Mauna Kea Observatory located 4200 metres above sea level in Hawaii, USA. Here, the radiotelescopes with in the foreground the CSO (Caltech Submillimeter Observatory), then the JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope) and the SMA antenna network (Sub - Millimeter Array). Foreground is CSO (Caltech Submillimeter Observatory), then, JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope) and background is the antennas network SMA (Sub - Millimeter Array)
Jodrell Bank radio telescope
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Arecibo Radiotelescope, Puerto Rico - Arecibo radiotelescope - With an antenna of 305m in diameter, Arecibo is the largest radiotelescope in the world. He participates in the SETI research programme (search for alien intelligence). The observatory's 305 meters radio telescope of Arecibo is located in Puerto Rico. It is the largest radio telescope in the world. Besides its astronomical or radar observations, it participates to the SETI project (Search for ExtraterresTrial Intelligence)
Arecibo Radiotelescope, Puerto Rico - Arecibo radiotelescope - With an antenna of 305m in diameter, Arecibo is the largest radiotelescope in the world. He participates in the SETI research programme (search for alien intelligence). The observatory's 305 meters radio telescope of Arecibo is located in Puerto Rico. It is the largest radio telescope in the world. Besides its astronomical or radar observations, it participates to the SETI project (Search for ExtraterresTrial Intelligence)
Radiotelescopes CSRH - Ming Antu - China - Ming antu Observing Station - China: The CSRH (Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph) is a network of 100 radio antennas intended to study the Sun. He is based in Ming Antu, Mongolia-Inner, China. May 2017. The Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph (CSRH), built at Ming'antu, a radio quiet region in China's Inner Mongolia, consists of 100 antennas with different frequency spectra covering an area of 10 square kilometers. It can monitor solar activities on a wide imaging resolution spectrum.
New Mexico. Vla Radio Telescope And Hale-Bopp Comet.
Radiotelescopes ALMA - The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) - Artwork - Artist's view of the European network of submilimetric antennas ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) located in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), one of the largest ground - based astronomy projects of the next decade, is a major new facility for world astronomy. ALMA will be comprised of a giant array of 12 - m submillimetre quality antennas, with baselines of several kilometers. An additional, compact array of 7 - m and 12 - m antennas is also foreseen. Construction of ALMA started in 2003 and will be completed in 2010. The ALMA project is an international collaboration between Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile
Radiotelescopes ALMA - The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) - Artwork - Artist's view of the European network of submilimeter antennas Alma located in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), one of the largest ground - based astronomy projects of the next decade, is a major new facility for world astronomy. ALMA will be comprised of a giant array of 12 - m submillimetre quality antennas, with baselines of several kilometers. An additional, compact array of 7 - m and 12 - m antennas is also foreseen. Construction of ALMA started in 2003 and will be completed in 2010. The ALMA project is an international collaboration between Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile
Radiotelescopes ALMA - The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) - Artwork - Artist's view of the European network of submilimetric antennas ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) located in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), one of the largest ground - based astronomy projects of the next decade, is a major new facility for world astronomy. ALMA will be comprised of a giant array of 12 - m submillimetre quality antennas, with baselines of several kilometers. An additional, compact array of 7 - m and 12 - m antennas is also foreseen. Construction of ALMA started in 2003 and will be completed in 2010. The ALMA project is an international collaboration between Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile
Radiotelescopes ALMA - The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) - Artwork - Artist's view of the European network of submilimetric antennas ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) located in the Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), one of the largest ground - based astronomy projects of the next decade, is a major new facility for world astronomy. ALMA will be comprised of a giant array of 12 - m submillimetre quality antennas, with baselines of several kilometers. An additional, compact array of 7 - m and 12 - m antennas is also foreseen. Construction of ALMA started in 2003 and will be completed in 2010. The ALMA project is an international collaboration between Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile
Living in a lunar base - Illustration - Living in a lunar base - A young radio astronomer in a base near the southern pole of the Moon receives flowers sent from Earth as a welcome gift. A young radio astronomer stationed near the Moon's South Pole receives a welcome gift from Earth. Amid the techno-clutter of an office where livable real estate is at an extreme premium, this Selenite pauses to smell the flowers. Some day our great grandchildren may participate in the first long-term settlements on the Earth's Moon. Given the extreme hostility of the lunar environment - no atmosphere, no protection from the fierce solar wind or interstellar cosmic rays - such settlements are likely to be relatively small, enclosed environments and almost wholly dependent upon the Earth for sustenance
Radiotelescopes CSRH - Ming Antu - China - Ming antu Observing Station - China: The CSRH (Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph) is a network of 100 radio antennas intended to study the Sun. He is based in Ming Antu, Mongolia-Inner, China. May 2017. The Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph (CSRH), built at Ming'antu, a radio quiet region in China's Inner Mongolia, consists of 100 antennas with different frequency spectra covering an area of 10 square kilometers. It can monitor solar activities on a wide imaging resolution spectrum.
Lunar base -Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio
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Sun and Radiotelescopes - Sun above Radiotelescopes - VLA Radio Observatory, New Mexico, USA. Radiotelescope consists of 27 antennas 25 m in diameter. Illustration. The Very Large Array, one of the world's premier astronomical radio observatories, consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y - shaped configuration. Each antenna is 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter. Illustration
Radiotelescopes CSRH - Ming Antu - China - Ming antu Observing Station - China: The CSRH (Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph) is a network of 100 radio antennas intended to study the Sun. He is based in Ming Antu, Mongolia-Inner, China. May 2017. The Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph (CSRH), built at Ming'antu, a radio quiet region in China's Inner Mongolia, consists of 100 antennas with different frequency spectra covering an area of 10 square kilometers. It can monitor solar activities on a wide imaging resolution spectrum.
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - View of the Gregorian dome The world's largest radiotelescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico under the Moon - The largest radiotelescope in the world, 305m in diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Mauna Kea Observatory - SMA Radiotelescope - Mauna Kea Observatory - SMA Radiotelescope - The new sub-millimeter array of the Mauna Kea Observatory
Observatory of Nancay - France - Nancay observatory - France - Radiotelescope
Observatory of Nancay - France - Nancay observatory - France - Radiotelescope
Observatory of Nancay - France - Nancay observatory - France - Radiotelescope
Observatory of Nancay - France - Nancay observatory - France - Radiotelescope
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - Tourist Tour - The largest radio telescope in the world, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Radiotelescope of Arecibo - Puerto Rico - View of the Gregorian dome and antenna. The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Radiotelescope of Arecibo - Puerto Rico - View of the Gregorian dome and antenna. The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna
Mauna Kea Observatory - SMA Radiotelescope - photographer - The new sub-millimetric SMA (Sub Millimeter Array) network of the Mauna Kea Observatory
Arecibo Radiotelescope - Puerto Rico - Close up on single antenna. The world's largest radio telescope, 305m diameter antenna. 03 - 200
Nancay Observatory
Nancay Observatory
Nancay Observatory
Nancay Observatory
Nancay Observatory
Nancay Observatory
Arecibo Message - The Arecibo Message is a radio message that was sent to space on November 16, 1974 towards the M13 globular cluster, 25 000 years - light from Earth. When this binary message is divided into 73 groups of 23 characters it forms this drawing which includes numbers from one to ten, atomic numbers of the hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, the structure of DNA, a 1.76m man, the population of Earth, our solar system, and a representation of the Arecibo radiotelescope.
Sample radio telescope receiver, 1986
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Sample radio telescope panel, 1986
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The Effelsberg radio telescope, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2016 (photo)
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The Effelsberg radio telescope, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2016 (photo)
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Sample radio telescope panel and adjuster motor, 1986
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Ontario: Algonquin Park - NRC'S Algonquin radio telescope (photo)
The Effelsberg radio telescope, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2016 (photo)
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The Effelsberg radio telescope, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2016 (photo)
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New Mexico. Vla Radio Telescope And Hale-Bopp Comet.
Artist's view of an alien radio telescope listening to the sky
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Jodrell Bank radio telescope, 6 Aug 1961
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Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope at sunset, Manchester, UK (photo)
Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope at sunset, Manchester, UK (photo)
Cover of magazine Scout april 1961: scouts in the forest near a radio telescope
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