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Images of 'Quickly' found, 2,000

A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881-82 (oil on canvas)
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Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear, 1889 (oil on canvas)
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The Laughing Cavalier, 1624 (oil on canvas)
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Contratto (poster)
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Speed, c.1922 (linocut)
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Epidemic of plague in Marseille in 1720-1721. Bringing, it was believed at the time, by a ship from Syria, this flower quickly repanded to Marseille, where soon two thousand corpses were piled up on the esplanade of La Tourette. Knight Roze forcibly employed a hundred galleries to bury the bodies in the cellars of the ancient ramparts. The epidemic spread throughout the region, notably Aix en Provence and Toulon, and disappeared only after several months, killing between 90,000 and 120,000 out of a population of about 400,000. According to recent analyses, this epidemic is in fact a resurgence of the Great Black Plague, which had surpassed Europe in the 14th century. Engraving of L'Histoire Populaire de la France by Lahure, mid-19th century.
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
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The Golden Calf, Exodus, Bible (print)
Matsuo Basho, 17th century (print)
She Flies - A film about the Concorde
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Desintegration of a Higgs boson - LHC ATLAS: Simulated Higgs decaying into four muons - Simulated disintegration of a Higgs boson into four muons (yellow traces) by the LHC ATLAS experience (Large Hadron Collider). This track is an example of simulated data modelled for the ATLAS detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The Higgs boson is produced in the collision of two protons at 14 TeV and quickly decays into four muons, a type of heavy electron that is not absorbed by the detector. The tracks of the muons are shown in yellow
Brothers Wetter textile factory at Orange, France, 1764
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Morse Code signals, from 'The Sphere', 27 April 1912 (litho) (detail of 450798)
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Memorial to Catherine Howard, 1876 (marble)
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Massacre of the Sicilian Vespers (gouache on paper)
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YMCA reading room 1907 (b/w photo)
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Maine Explosion, caused by a Bomb or Torpedo,  Front Page of 'The World' 17th February 1898 (litho)
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Louis Antoine Saint-Just (colour litho)
Vietnam: Remains of the victims of the massacre at Hue, 1968
'Émile ou De l’éducation' by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Portrait of Gaylord (oil on canvas)
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I Have No Shadow, 1940 (oil on canvas)
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The Bond St. Beau
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Head from a bronze statue of Severus Alexander (208-235 CE)
Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - This cluster of stars is located about 25,000 light years away from Earth. It is one of the most extensive (165 years - light) and one of the oldest known globular clusters. Globular clusters are generally peoples of very old stars, but here the Hubble space telescope has identified some young stars, blue stragglers. The globular cluster Messier 5, shown here in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, is one of the oldest belonging to the Milky Way. The majority of its stars formed more than 12 billion years ago, but there are some unexpected newcomers on the scene, adding some vitality to this aging population. Stars in globular clusters form in the same stellar nursery and grow old together. The most massive stars age quickly, exhausting their fuel supply in less than a million years, and end their lives in spectacular supernovae explosions. This process should have left the ancient cluster Messier 5 with only old, low - mass stars, which, as they have aged and cooled, have become red giants, while the oldest stars have evolved even further into blue horizontal branch stars. Yet astronomers have spotted many young, blue stars in this cluster, hiding among the much more luminous ancient stars. Astronomers think that these laggard youngsters, called blue stragglers, were created either by stellar collisions or by the transfer of mass between binary stars. Such events are easy to imagine in densely populated globular clusters, in which up to a few million stars are tightly packed together. Messier 5 lies at a distance of about 25 000 light - years in the constellation of Serpens (The Snake). This image was taken with Wide Field Channel of Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys
Ideal Home Fair in Paris on February 23, 1956 : A Machine To Make French Fries Quickly (b/w photo)
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Artist's view of a pulsar: A pulsar is a neutron star endowed with a magnetic field that rotates extremely quickly and emits beams of light and radio waves. A pulsar is a neutron star, highly magnetized, rotating very quickly which emits a beam of detectable radiation in the form of radio waves
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King Edward VIII Abdication Crisis
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President John Kennedy's limousine at Parkland Hospital. Secret Serviceman quickly covered the open convertible in which Kennedy and Governor Connally were shot. Dallas, Texas. Nov. 22, 1963
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Costumes from the opera 'Falstaff' by Verdi, from "L'Illustrazione Italiana", XX, N. 8, 19 February 1893 (litho)
Opelwerk Brandenburg (b/w photo)
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Count and Countess Tyszkiewicz, 1860 (albumen silver print from multiple glass negatives)
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The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare
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The scene of the basket (Act II, Part Two, Scene I) of Giuseppe Verdi's opera 'Falstaff', from  "L'Illustrazione Italiana", XX, N. 8, 19 February 1893 (litho)
Siege of Khartoum 1 piastre
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The Coral Island
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Memorial to Anne Boleyn, 1876 (marble)
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Mediaeval wool spinner
Artist's view of a neutron star - Neutron star - Artwork: A neutron star is a very dense star resulting from the explosion of a massive supernova star. It is called pulsar if it turns quickly on itself and develops a powerful magnetic field emitting beams of light and radio waves. A neutron star is formed from the collapsed remnant of a massive star. When it turns very fast with a powerful magnetic field with emission beams, it is a pulsar
Creation of a Higgs boson - LHC ATLAS: Simulated Higgs decaying into four muons - Simulated Higgs boson in 4 muons by the LHC experience (Large Hadron Collider). This track is an example of simulated data modelled for the ATLAS detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The Higgs boson is produced in the collision of two protons at 14 TeV and quickly decays into four muons, a type of heavy electron that is not absorbed by the detector. The tracks of the muons are shown in yellow