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Images of 'Privateering' found, 33

Death of Black beard. Illustration depicting the killing of Edward Teach, who was known as Blackbeard the pirate, who was shot dead by Lieutenant Robert Maynard.
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The articles on board the 'Revenge'. Pirate code or piratical articles. A list as drawn up by John Phillips, captain of the Revenge, who set a code for his men in 1724: Article 1. Every Man Shall obey civil Command; the Captain shall have one full Share and a half of all Prizes; the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain and Gunner shall have one Share and quarter.
The execution in 1718 of Stede Bonnet, known as "the gentleman pirate”, 1725 (engraving)
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"The money and spoils were divided among all the buccaneers". Pirates sort through their plunder.
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"The best marksmen, crouching close to the deck, fired and fired whenever a Spanish head was to be seen". A sea battle.
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"The boat was run through the surf to the beach". Illustration showing pirates and their captain in a boat.
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"They set sail, and there was a fine sea-chase". Illustration showing a pirate ship in pursuit.
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"The pirates climbed up the sides of the man-of-war as if they had been twenty-nine cats". Illustration showing pirates boarding a ship.
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"The great merchantman was captured". Illustration showing pirates
waiting to board a ship.
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The titlepage of a book detailing the trial at the Old Bailey, of Captain William Kidd for murder and piracy.
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"Two of the pirates went down into the hole". Illustration showing pirates burying treasure under the direction of their captain.
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Audacity of Kidd. Illustration depicting William Kidd, known as Captain Kidd; the Scottish merchant and privateer, turned pirate.
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Cap'n Teach commonly call'd Blackbeard (engraving)
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Edward Thatch aka Edward Teach or Blackbeard, 1725 (engraving)
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"Morgan began to upbraid them, and ordered them taken below".
Captain Henry Morgan, the pirate, addressing his crew.
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"Maynard was a praticed swordsman, and the great Blackbeard went down on his back". The killing of Blackbeard by Lieutenant Robert Maynard.
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Bartolomé ( Bartholomew) Portugues. Portrait. A buccaneer who operated out of Port Royale, Jamaica.
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The Golden Hind (litho)
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Sir Francis Drake, 19th century (print)
Schooners At the Wharf (b/w photo)
Schooners At the Wharf (b/w photo)
Edward Fiennes de Clinton, 1st Earl of Lincoln (1512-1585), c.1575 (oil on panel)
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Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665), c.1635 (watercolour)
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