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Images of 'Prime Minister Of Israel' found, 3,582

Signature of the Oslo Agreements, 1993 (photo)
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Proclamation of the State of Israel, 14th May 1948 (b/w photo)
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Jimmy Carter, Anouar Al Sadate and Menahem Begin, signing the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, Washington, 26th March 1979 (b/w photo)
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David Ben Gourion, 14th May 1948 (b/w photo)
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David Ben-Gurion, 1959 (b/w photo)
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Camp David Agreements in 1978 (photo)
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Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin acknowledge applause after President Jimmy Carter announced Camp David Accords, 1978 (b/w photo)
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David Ben-Gurion(b/w photo)
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David Ben-Gurion and Gamal Abdel Nasser, 1990 (drawing)
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Yitzhak Rabin looking at the camera. 1980s (photo)
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Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, Washington, March 26, 1979 : Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, American President Jimmy Carter and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin
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David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, future Prime Minister and future President of Israel, wearing tarbush hats (b/w photo)
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Golda Meyerson (Meir) was Israeli Minister of labor from 1949 to 1956. Meir was elected the Knesset in 1949 as a member of Mapai Party, the 'Workers' Party of the Land of Israel'
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David Ben-Gurion, at a Jerusalem camp of soldiers of the Haganah, the Jewish fighting force. Ben-Gurion, has been named as the future prime minister of the Jewish state-to-be in Palestine. April 30, 1948. - (BSLOC_2014_15_203): David Ben-Gurion, at a Jerusalem camp of soldiers of the Haganah, the Jewish fighting force. Ben-Gurion, has been named as the future prime minister of the Jewish state-to-be in Palestine. April 30, 1948. - (BSLOC_2014_15_203)
Yitzhak Rabin meeting Jimmy Carter, in USA, 1977 (photo)
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Prime Minister of Israel David Ben Gurion (Ben Gourion), accompanied by Abba Eban, meeting the President of the United States, Harry Truman, at the White House. Washington, 8 mai 1951. (b/w photo)
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Camp David Accords. Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin (L), US President Jimmy Carter (center), Egyptian president Anwar Sadat (R). Camp David, Maryland. September 7, 1978
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Oslo I Agreement: Yasser Arafat, Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin, 1993 (photo)
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Oslo I Agreement: Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton and Yasser Arafat during the Oslo Accords on 13 September 1993 (photo)
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Visiting Prime Minister Of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, meets physicist Albert Einstein in the US, 1951
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President and Pat Nixon with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in evening attire at the White House. 1969
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Menachem Begin
Blanche Dugdale, Balfour's Niece, c.1944 (b/w photo)
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David Ben Gourion (1886-1973) Israeli Politician Spokesman of Zionism Founder of Israel Prime Minister in 1948-1953 and 1955-1963 here C. 1965 (photo)
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Moshe Sharett
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Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder listen to national anthe.., 2001 (photo)
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Israeli youngsters light candles in memory of Yitzhak Rabin at the site of his assassination, now na.., 1996-10-25 (photo)
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Golda Meir caricature, the fourth prime minister of the State of Israel (1969-1974): 3 May 1898 - 8 December 1978
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Israeli General Moshe Dayan (right) shakes hands with General Mordechai Marcleff. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion looks on, 1960 (b/w photo)
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