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Images of 'Presidential' found, 31,058

Ho Chi Minh in garden of presidential palace in Hanoi, c1962 (photo)
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One-On-One Tv Debate of French Politicians Candidates To Presidential Election Valery Giscard D' Estaing and Francois Mitterrand during The Campaign May 6, 1981, With French Journalists Michele Cotta and Jean Boissonnat. (photo)
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Portrait of Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) c.1919 (oil on canvas)
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Coluche, during a press conference at the Theatre du Gymnase in Paris, March 16, 1981 (b/w photo)
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French Green Candidate Rene Dumont (70 Years Old) during Presidential Campaign here on Bicycle By The River Seine  (b/w photo)
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Coluche, candidate to French Presidential election, during a press conference at the Theatre du Gymnase in Paris, March 16, 1981 before starting an hunger strike because he's not invited in political programs as the others candidates (b/w photo)
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Bottle of Thomas Jefferson's Chateau Lafitte, 1787 (photo)
One-On-One Tv Debate of French Politicians Candidates To Presidential Election Valery Giscard D' Estaing and Francois Mitterrand during The Campaign May 11, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Senator John Kennedy, Democratic Front-runner, 11th May 1960 (b/w photo)
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Praca dos Tres Poderes, 1956-58 (photo)
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Georges Pompidou Candidate To Presidential Election during Press Conference April 30, 1969 (photo)
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French Politicians Candidates To Presidential Election Jacques Chirac (Prime Minister at That Time) and Francois Mitterrand (Sitting President) during One-On-One Tv Debate April 29, 1988 (photo)
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French Politicians Candidates To Presidential Election Jacques Chirac (Prime Minister at That Time) and Francois Mitterrand (Sitting President) during One-On-One Tv Debate With French Journalists Michele Cotta and Elie Vannier, April 28, 1988 (photo)
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Jacqueline Bouvier, as a child, 1935 (b/w photo)
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New French President Vincent Auriol After Presidential Elections in January 1947 (b/w photo)
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French Politician Georges Pompidou during Press Conference For Presidential Campaign April 30, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Dewey Defeats Truman Newspaper (b/w photo)
French Writer Pierre Dac (1893-1975) With Andre Bollet , Franck Valois and A Republican Guard For Press Conference February 10, 1965 during Which He Announced The Creation of Unified Ondulatory Movement Party and his Candidacy To Presidential Elections (b/w photo)
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France Presidential election December 1965 Francois Mitterrand
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Francois Mitterrand (Sitting President) Candidate To Presidential Election here during One-On-One Tv Debate With Candidate Jacques Chirac (Prime Minister at That Time) April 29, 1988 (photo)
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) in convertible car during electoral campaign for Presidential elections in 1932
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A Family Watching Television : Speech of French Politician Francois Mitterrand on Tv during Presidential Elections in France December 14, 1965 (photo)
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The crowd at Democratic National Convention, Madison Square Garden, New York, june july 1924
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French Writer Pierre Dac (1893-1975) With Andre Bollet , Franck Valois February 10, 1965 Announcing The Creation of Unified Ondulatory Movement Party and his Candidacy To Presidential Elections (b/w photo)
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Formal Dinner for Prince Charles and Princess Diana in the White House, 1985 (photo)
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One-On-One Tv Debate of French Politicians Candidates To Presidential Election Valery Giscard D' Estaing and Francois Mitterrand during The Campaign May 11, 1974, With French Journalist Jacqueline Baudrier and Alain Duhamel (b/w photo)
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Mortally wounded Robert Kennedy. After he was shot by an a disgruntled Palestinian immigrant, Sen. Robert Kennedy, clutching rosary beads, lies on the floor of the Ambassador Hotel. Los Angeles, June 5, 1968
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Richard Nixon, delivering his the 'V' for victory sign, Sept. 20, 1968
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French humorist Coluche, candidate for the Presidential elections, Paris, 30 October 1980 (photo)
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After The Military Putsch in Argentina, The Tanks Stay in Front of The Presidential Palace March 1976 (b/w photo)
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Georges Pompidou, Candidate For Presidential Elections, and Menie Gregoire during Radio Program on May 23, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Chart Board Located in Minister of Interior Indicating Percentage For Each Candidates during Presidential Elections in France in 1965 (b/w photo)
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French President Charles De Gaulle in Colombey Voting during Presidential Elections (He Was Reelected) December 05, 1965 (b/w photo)
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First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy turns to the wounded John Kennedy in the Presidential limousine during his assassination, 1963 (b/w photo)
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Lincoln assassin, John Wilkes Booth, with knife in hand, jumped from the Presidential box onto the stage of Ford's Theater. April 14th, 1865. Print inaccurately depicts Lincoln standing after he was shot
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Coluche, candidate to French Presidential election, during a press conference at the Theatre du Gymnase in Paris, March 16, 1981. He's having a lunch before starting an hunger strike because he's not invited in political programs as the others candidates (b/w photo)
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Henry Clay (1777-1852) c.1824 (oil on panel)
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St Georges Castle, Elmina Cape Coast, West Africa (colour litho)
Donald Trump at a press conference his book 'Crippled America - How to Make America Great Again', Trump Tower, New York, 2015 (photo)
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Jean-Luc Melenchon
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Presidential election of 1988
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Coluche: Presidential election
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Booker T Washington
Francois Mitterrand (Sitting President) Candidate To Presidential Election here during One-On-One Tv Debate With Candidate Jacqueschirac (Prime Minister at That Time) April 29, 1988 (photo)
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La Moneda after bombings, Santiago, Chile, 1973 (photo)
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Germany invades Czechoslovakia, 1938
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Francois Mitterrand
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Cleveland supporters of the Nixon-Agnew ticket at a rally in Cleveland. Sept. 8, 1968
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Republican Presidential hopeful Richard Nixon meets with Maryland Gov. Spiro Agnew (left), March 29, 1968
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Mourners for assassinated dictator, Rafael Trujillo, at the Presidential Palace, Ciudad Trujillo. June 1961. His son, General Rafael Trujillo Jr.(Ramfis Trujillo) initially attempted to replace his father as dictator, but he and his family were removed from power by Nov. 1961
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