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Images of 'Pole Star' found, 330

The Moon and the Stars: Pole Star, 1902 (colour litho)
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Polar ciricumpole above the dome of the GTC - La Palma Observatory: The GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias) is a 10.4 m telescope
Constellations of the Great Bear and Little Bear - Constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Mino
Hevel measuring Stellar Altitudes with the Quadrant
Circumpolar above the dome of the 1.93 m of the Observatory of Haute - Provence - Haute - Provence Observatory, the 1.93 m telescope dome - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star (circumpolar). Below, the dome of the 1.93 m telescope of the Observatory of Haute Provence. This is where the first exoplanet was discovered in 1995. The Observatory of Haute-Provence is located in the south-east of France, near the village of St. Michel l'Observatoire, a hundred kilometers north of Marseille, on a plateau with an average altitude of 650 meters. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star (circumpolar). Below, the 1.93 m telescope dome. Here has been discovered the first extrasolar planet (51 Peg b) in 1995. OHP is situated in the southeast of France, it lies at an altitude of about 650 m, near the village of Saint-Michel l'Observatoire
Hevel measuring Stellar Altitudes with the Quadrant
Star Vega in Lyra - Star Vega in Lyra - Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the main star of the constellation Lyra, located only 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere after Sirius. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will take the place of the polar star indicating the north in the year 14,000. Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star of Lyra constellation, located at 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second most luminous star in northern hemisphere. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will point north celestial pole in year 14,000
Hevel measuring Stellar Altitudes with the Quadrant
Sabbath Rest, 1894 (oil on canvas)
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Dragon Constellation - Constellation of Draco - Dragon Constellation with part of the Big Bear and Little Bear. Draco (the Dragon) is said to represent Ladon, the multi - headed dragon slaughtered by Hercules, an act necessary to obtain the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides as the 11th of his 12 labours. Other ancient, dragonocentric legends exist. The constellation itself is rather indistinct with few bright stars, but it is a large and rambling construction wrapped around the north celestial pole. It extends from close to the Pole Star to more than 40 degrees of delination south of it and wanders over 11 hours of Right Ascension between Hercules and the Big Dipper. It is the 8th largest constelation in terms of area, which is over 1000 square degrees. This image also contains the constellation of Ursa Minor
Lodz Ghetto, Poland, 1942 (photo)
Lactee route - Pointe du Raz - Milky Way - Pointe du Raz - The Great Bear is almost entirely masked by the semaphore tower at Pointe du Raz. The “Two Guards” located on the right of the tower point towards the Polar Star, vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cuts the lactee path near the zenith. As we descend towards the southern horizon, we can see the Great Galaxy of Andromede and that of the Triangle. Brittany, 27 September 2008. The Big Dipper is almost completely masked by the tower of the semaphore. Its two stars on the right are pointing towards the star Polaris, at the vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cross the Milky Way near the zenith. Then, descending towards the South, we can see the Great Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. Pointe du Raz, Brittany, 27 September 2008
Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra with bright star Vega. Lyra, The Lyre is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, and represents a stringed musical instrument widely used in Greek classical times. Apparently, the young god Hermes (Mercury) created the lyre from the body of a large tortoise shell covered with animal hide sporting antelope horns. The instrument is associated with the virtues of moderation and equilibrium, and was given by Hermes to his half - brother Apollo, who in turn gave it to his son Orpheus. Lyra is a small constellation, but rather obvious to the eye. Its principal star, Vega, is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere and is also interesting because it is seen almost pole - on and is one of the most rapidly rotating stars known, so it could see it from a different direction it would appear distinctly flattened. Because of precession, Vega is destined to be the Pole Star in about 12,000 years. Entirely unconnected to this, the direction of the Sun around the Milky Way galaxy, with reference to external galaxies, is known as the solar apex. This point on the sky, as determined from optical observations, is in Lyra, close to its border with Hercules, and the Sun and planets are moving in this direction at about 300 kilometers per second
The Gate of the Warsaw Ghetto, 1962 (oil, fur & metal on canvas)
Constellation of the Southern Cross - The Southern Cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta stars of Centaurus. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Along with the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compasset and calendar
A ghetto market, Lodz, Poland, 1940 (photo)
Jewish children in the ghetto, Lodz, Poland, 1940 (photo)
Royal MS 20 E IX f.4r 'The maner for to knowe the elevacyon of the polle be the Northe Starr', with a diagram, from the Boke of Idrography (The 'Rotz Atlas') by Jean Rotz, c.1535-42 (ink, colour & gold on vellum)
Jewish policemen arresting an elderly man, Lodz, Poland, 1940 (photo)
A scrap dealer with his goods, Lodz, Poland, 1940 (photo)
Circumpolar above the dome of the 1.93 m of the Observatory of Haute - Provence - Haute - Provence Observatory, the 1.93 m telescope dome - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star (circumpolar). Below, the dome of the 1.93 m telescope of the Observatory of Haute Provence. This is where the first exoplanet was discovered in 1995. The Observatory of Haute-Provence is located in the south-east of France, near the village of St. Michel l'Observatoire, a hundred kilometers north of Marseille, on a plateau with an average altitude of 650 meters. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star (circumpolar). Below, the 1.93 m telescope dome. Here has been discovered the first extrasolar planet (51 Peg b) in 1995. OHP is situated in the southeast of France, it lies at an altitude of about 650 m, near the village of Saint-Michel l'Observatoire
Earth Globe Showing Antarctica
Constellation of Giraffe - Constellation of Camelopardalis - Below, the constellation of Coach with the bright star Capella. Camelopardalis (the Giraffe, sometimes given as Camelopardis) is aptly named, both for the stick figure outlined above, which hints the outline of a giraffe's legs and sloping back, and for huge extent of constellation as it wanders over the North Celestial Pole, covering over 70 degrees. This meandering construction is probably the work of the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in about 1613 and for its size (757 square degrees) it contains remarkably few bright stars
Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra with bright star Vega. Lyra, The Lyre is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, and represents a stringed musical instrument widely used in Greek classical times. Apparently, the young god Hermes (Mercury) created the lyre from the body of a large tortoise shell covered with animal hide sporting antelope horns. The instrument is associated with the virtues of moderation and equilibrium, and was given by Hermes to his half - brother Apollo, who in turn gave it to his son Orpheus. Lyra is a small constellation, but rather obvious to the eye. Its principal star, Vega, is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere and is also interesting because it is seen almost pole - on and is one of the most rapidly rotating stars known, so it could see it from a different direction it would appear distinctly flattened. Because of precession, Vega is destined to be the Pole Star in about 12,000 years. Entirely unconnected to this, the direction of the Sun around the Milky Way galaxy, with reference to external galaxies, is known as the solar apex. This point on the sky, as determined from optical observations, is in Lyra, close to its border with Hercules, and the Sun and planets are moving in this direction at about 300 kilometers per second
Adolf Hitler in Warsaw on October 5, 1939
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Jewish doctor talking to children in the Krakow ghetto in German-occupied Poland, 1940 (b/w photo)
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Constellation of Little Ursa - Constellation of Ursa Mino
Constellation of the Little Bear - Constellation of Ursa Minor - At the top of the picture, the polar star. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) is intimately linked to Polaris, the North Star which may be found at the end of the trail of stars that look like the Little Dipper. Ursa Minor does not appear have any mythology associated with it, rather it was first mentioned in the 6th century B.C. by Thales of Miletus as a navigational aid for Phoenician sailors. On the other hand, in the mythology of Ursa Major, two bears were flung into the sky by their tails by Zeus, in a fit of jealousy. The throw was so violent that the bear's tails were elongated
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Iran. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star. Iran
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Iran. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star. Iran
Constellation of the Little Bear - Constellation of Ursa Minor - At the top of the picture, the polar star. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) is intimately linked to Polaris, the North Star which may be found at the end of the trail of stars that look like the Little Dipper. Ursa Minor does not appear have any mythology associated with it, rather it was first mentioned in the 6th century B.C. by Thales of Miletus as a navigational aid for Phoenician sailors. On the other hand, in the mythology of Ursa Major, two bears were flung into the sky by their tails by Zeus, in a fit of jealousy. The throw was so violent that the bear's tails were elongated
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star
Constellations of the Great Bear and Little Bear - Constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Mino
Las Campanas Observatory - Chile - Circumpolar - Las Campanas observatory - Star trails - Photographic posing on the stars around the south celestial pole
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Circumpolar in Ecuador - Star Trail from the Equator (Ecuador) - Star line taken from Ecuador, Ecuador. 10 hours of cumulative poses show us more than 90% of all the visible sky (the remaining 10% are drowned in solar light). A shooting star indicates the South Pole to the horizon to the left of the image. The north pole is on the right horizon. This image is an unprecedented star trail image taken from the Equator (this imaginary line that splits the Earth into the two hemispheres) in Ecuador (the country). If you stand on the Equator line you can see the Southern Pole at the horizon to the South (left of the image) and the Northern pole at the horizon on the opposite direction. The Earth rotation will make all the sky and stars look like they rotate around these two points, making them appear as concentric circles (which look like ellipses on this distorsioning fish eye image). Note that on this image, that cumulates 10 hours of exposure starting 1 hour after sunset and finishing 1 hour before sunrise (nights and days always last 12 hours on the Equator, it is a permanent equinox), more than 90% of the sky is 'visible', this is another particularity of being on the ecuator line: you can observe the largest part of the sky during any night. An extremely bright meteor appeared during that night and seems to be pointing at the Southern Pole (extreme left of the image)
Circumpolar - Hemisphere south and hemisphere north - North and South celestial pole star trails - Photographic pose of several hours around the south celeste pole (left) in Australia and around the north pole in La Palma, Canary Islands. As the earth spins beneath the stars they appear to move across the sky from east to west. However, if one looks in the direction of the celestial poles, the stars appear to circle a single point on the sky. This is the position of the earth's axis of rotation projected into space. These pictures were made from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, and from the La Plama Observatory in the Canary Islands, so the pivotal points are about 30 degrees above their respective horizons, which reflects their geographical latitudes
Dragon Constellation - Constellation of Draco - Dragon Constellation with part of the Big Bear and Little Bear. Draco (the Dragon) is said to represent Ladon, the multi - headed dragon slaughtered by Hercules, an act necessary to obtain the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides as the 11th of his 12 labours. Other ancient, dragonocentric legends exist. The constellation itself is rather indistinct with few bright stars, but it is a large and rambling construction wrapped around the north celestial pole. It extends from close to the Pole Star to more than 40 degrees of delination south of it and wanders over 11 hours of Right Ascension between Hercules and the Big Dipper. It is the 8th largest constelation in terms of area, which is over 1000 square degrees. This image also contains the constellation of Ursa Minor
Cephee Constellation - Constellation of Cepheus - At the bottom left, the constellation Cassiopee; at the top, the bright star is the polar star. Cepheus is a representation of King Cepheus of Ethiopia, who has stellar connections, being husband to Cassiopeia and the father of Andromeda. It is a large northern constellation of 588 square degrees, 27th out of 88 in size and is best seen in the early evening in November. It is distinguished by having two unusual stars that are easily seen. Delta Cephei is the prototype for an intrinsically bright class of regularly pulsating variable stars whose period of variability is closely related to their absolute magnitudes. The brightest stars have the longest period, so distance can be estimated by measuring the period and the apparent magnitude of a star. And these stars are bright, so the method can be extended to nearby galaxies. Mu (u) Cephei is an extremely red, irregular variable star easily seen in binoculars. This too is a prototype, of a class of stars known as semi - regular variables