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Images of 'Playing Horn' found, 464

Aqueduct Race Track in Queens, New York, 1971, close up of bugler blowing horn
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Angel Playing a Trumpet, detail from the Linaiuoli Triptych, 1433 (tempera on panel)
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Poster for the exhibition of the Slav Epic, 1928 (colour litho)
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Venerable Old Matriarch, 2018 (oil on canvas)
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Hearing, 2006 (oil on panel)
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The Castle Water Clock, Mamluk period, 1354 (ink, opaque w/e & gold on paper)
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Sacred Cow, Bhuj, from Gujarat, India 1996 (oil on paper)
French Horn, by Marcel Auguste Raoux, Paris, c.1826
Rehearsal of Richard Wagner's Parsifal, 1882 (engraving)
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Man playing French horn
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MS CXXXVII fol. 149r, King David holding the psalter and musicians playing, from the Psalter of Saint Elizabeth (tempera & gold leaf on vellum)
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Arundel 157 f.71v Historiated initial 'E'(xultate) with five musicians playing instruments including harp, psaltery, fiddle and horn, at the beginning of Psalm 80, from a 'Psalter', c.1240 (ink & colour on vellum)
E M LILIEN illustrations 1902
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The Adventures of Tom and Luke, 2002 (oil on linen)
Girl playing Norwegian horn
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Mosaic decoration of the counter-façade - Last Judgment (mosaic)
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Dennis Brain playing the garden hosepipe, Hoffnung Music Festival at the Royal Festival Hall, London, October 1956 (b/w photo)
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French Horn player showing
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Cherubs playing musical instruments
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Playing at School, from History of the Horn-Book ... Illustrated, by Andrew White Tuer, 1896 (woodcut)
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Woman with Gramophone, c.1928 (oil on canvas)
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Mosaic decoration of the counter-façade - Last Judgment (mosaic)
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Man playing Alphorn (Küh-hirt/Cow
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Man playing Alphorn (Küh-hirt/Cow
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The drawings notebook: a deer and a cheetah (Taccuino dei Disegni: un cervo e un ghepardo), by Giovannino de' Grassi, 14th Century
Ship with a sailor playing a horn during the Fourth Crusade, fragment of a mosaic floor, Church of San Giovanni Evangelista, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna. Italy, 13th century.
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English bass guitarist John Entwistle
Spain, Osuna (Urso), Bas-relief representing a horn player
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Americana, 1930 (oil on canvas)
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Dizzy Gillespie (1917-1993) playing horn on stage in 1957
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Jazz Horns,  (watercolour on paper)
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Drawing of Renaissance musicians
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Small car horn or bicycle horn being played by a percussionist
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Car horn being played by a percussionist
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Small car horn or bicycle horn being played by a percussionist
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Man playing French horn
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Man playing French horn
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Detail of a frieze depicting angel musicians in the mausoleum of Henri II situated in the chapel, after 1650 (bronze)
Buskers playing Tenor Horn
Man with a Horn (ink & mauve wash on blotter paper)
Musik skal der Til Spil Selv, 1953 (colour litho)
French Horn in playing
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Man playing alpine horn
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