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Images of 'Pci' found, 375

13/06/1984 Rome, San Giovanni Square, Funeral of the Secretary of the Communist Party Enrico Berlinguer (photo)
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05/05/1977 Rencontre Parti DC (Democristiani) et PCI (Parti communiste italien) pour le gouvernement d'unite nationale : autour de la table sont reunis Amintore Fanfani, Enrico Berlinguer (deuxieme sur la gauche), Giancarlo Pajetta, Gerardo Chiaromonte, Aldo Moro (a droite au premier plan) et Benigno Zaccagnini. Photo Mordenti ©AGF/Leemage
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Italian politician Massimo D'Alema at the XXth and last congress of the Italian Communist Party, when its name became "Democratic Party of the Left", Rimini, February 1991 (photo)
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Portrait of Enrico Berlinguer, Inauguration of the section of the Italian communist party (PCI), Nogara, Italy, 1984 (b/w photo)
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Secretary of the Italian Communist Party Enrico Berlinguer phoning, 1979 (photo)
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Membership card of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), 1948 (print)
1975 Rome, Leader of Pci (Partito Comunista Italiano) Enrico Berlinguer (b/w photo)
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Pietro Ingrao during a meeting of the Italian Communist Party, Rome, Italy
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1979 Reggio Emilia, Secretary of the Pci (Partito Comunista Italiano) Enrico Berlinguer (b/w photo)
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Portrait of Enrico Berlinguer, Inauguration of the section of the Italian communist party (PCI), Nogara, Italy, 1984 (b/w photo)
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Huge crowd meeting after Palmiro Togliatti was shot, Rome, Italy
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1972 Rome, Secretary of the Pci (Italian Communist Party) Enrico Berlinguer with his Daughter Bianca in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano For the Administrative Election Campaign November 1972 (b/w photo)
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Pietro Ingrao and Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left. Pietro Ingrao was one of the leading opponents of the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party, which would be realized soon after, in the so-called "Bolognina turning point" led by Occhetto (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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July 1984 Rome, Establishment of the Cespe Foundation, in the Photo the President of the Chamber Nilde Iotti And Alessandro Natta Secretary General of the Pci (b/w photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Rome, 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto (photo)
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13/06/1984 Rome, San Giovanni Square, Funeral of the Secretary of the Communist Party Enrico Berlinguer (photo)
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13/05/1979 Rome, Enrico Berlinguer Secretary of Pci (b/w photo)
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XXth Rimini congress of Italian Communist Party (PCI) in February 1991, when PCI changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Coordinator of the Secretariat Massimo D'Alema and Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Rome, 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Rome, 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto/Roma, 1990. Achille Occhetto, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) -
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Pietro Ingrao and Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left. Pietro Ingrao was one of the leading opponents of the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party, which would be realized soon after, in the so-called “” Bolognina turning point”” led by Occhetto/Pietro Ingrao e Achille Occhetto, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano, al XX¡ Congress del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS). Pietro Ingrao fu uno dei massimi oppositori allo scioglimento del partito comunista italiano, che si sarebbe realizzato poco dopo, nella cosiddetta “” svolta della Bolognina”” guidato da Occhetto -
Rome, 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto/Roma, 1990. Achille Occhetto, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) -
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Naples, 1993. Italian politician Antonio Bassolino, next mayor of the city, shortly before to be elected mayor of the city/Napoli, 1993. Il politico Antonio Bassolino, poco prima di essere eletto sindaco della citt -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Naples, 1993. Italian politician Antonio Bassolino, next mayor of the city, shortly before to be elected mayor of the city/Napoli, 1993. Il politico Antonio Bassolino, poco prima di essere eletto sindaco della citt -
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Rome, October 10, 1990 Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto presents the new symbol of the PCI-PDS Party (Italian Communist Party-Democratic Party of the Left) (photo)
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Coordinator of the Secretariat Massimo D'Alema and Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Massimo D'Alema, coordinatore della segreteria, e Achille Occhetto, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano, al XX¡ Congress del PCI- PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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XXth Rimini congress of Italian Communist Party (PCI) in February 1991, when PCI changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/XX¡ Congresso del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il PCI divenne PDS (Partito Democratico della Sinistra) -
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Italian politician Armando Coossutta at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Rome, October 1990. Italian Communist politician Antonio Bassolino making a speech at the Planning Conference of his Party (PCI)/Roma, ottobra 1990. Il politico comumnista Antonio Bassolino fa un discorso durante la Conferenza programmatica del suo partito (PCI) -
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Rome, October 10, 1990 Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto presents the new symbol of the PCI-PDS Party (Italian Communist Party-Democratic Party of the Left)/Roma, 10 October 1990. Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto presenta il nuovo simbolo del PCI-PDS (Partito Comunista Italian-Partito Democratico della Sinistra) -
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Italian politician Antonio Bassolino making a speech at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left/Il politico Antonio Bassolino mentre fa un discorso al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Rome, October 10, 1990 Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto presents the new symbol of the PCI-PDS Party (Italian Communist Party-Democratic Party of the Left)/Roma, 10 October 1990. Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto presenta il nuovo simbolo del PCI-PDS (Partito Comunista Italian-Partito Democratico della Sinistra) -
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Rome, 1979, 15th National Congress of the Italian Communist Party. Member of the party Giorgio Napolitano and secretary of the same party Enrico Berlinguer (1979) (photo)
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Rome, October 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto makes a speech at the Planning Conference of his Party/Roma, October 1990. Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) Achille Occhetto fa un discorso alla Conferenza programmatica del suo partito -
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Rome, October 1990. Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto makes a speech at the Planning Conference of his Party/Roma, October 1990. Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) Achille Occhetto fa un discorso alla Conferenza programmatica del suo partito -
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Pietro Ingrao
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Enrico Berlinguer
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Rome, 1979. 15th National Congress of the Italian Communist Party. Secretary Enrico Berlinguer and Giancarlo Pajetta, member of the same party (photo)
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Giancarlo Pajetta
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Rome, 1979, 15th National Congress of the Italian Communist Party. Secretary Enrico Berlinguer making a speach (photo)
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Enrico Berlinguer
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Massimo D'Alema
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Politician Walter Veltroni of Italian Communist Party at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Politician Walter Veltroni of Italian Communist Party at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left (photo)
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Giovanni Berlinguer and his brother Enrico Berlinguer
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Secretary of Italian Communist Party Achille Occhetto at XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when Italian Communist Party changed its name to Democratic Party of the Left/Il segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano Achille Occhetto al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Politician Ugo Pecchioli, member of the Italian Communist Party (about 1990)/Il politico Ugo Pecchioli, membrto del partito comunista italiano (1990 circa) -
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Pietro Ingrao in his House
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Rome, about 1990. Politician of Italian Communist Party Pietro Ingrao in his House/Roma, 1990 circa. Il politico del Partito Comunista Pietro Ingraonella sua casa -
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Politician Giancarlo Pajetta, member of the Italian Communist Party (about 1990)/Il politico Giancarlo Pajetta, membrto del partito comunista italiano (1990 circa) -
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Rome, 1990. Politician of Italian Communist Party Walter Veltroni/Roma, October 1990. Il politico Walter Veltroni del Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI) -
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Italian politician Giorgio Napolitano, member of the Italian Communist Party (1991)/Il politico Giorgio Napolitano, membro del Partito Comunista Italiano (1991) -
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Italian politician Armando Coossutta at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left/Il politico Armando Cossutta al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Democratico (PDS)
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Giorgio Napolitano
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Politician Ugo Pecchioli, member of the Italian Communist Party (about 1990)/Il politico Ugo Pecchioli, membrto del partito comunista italiano (1990 circa) -
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Rome, about 1990. Politician of Italian Communist Party Pietro Ingrao in his House/Roma, 1990 circa. Il politico del Partito Comunista Pietro Ingraonella sua casa -
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Italian politician Giorgio Napolitano, member of the Italian Communist Party (about 1980)/Il politico Giorgio Napolitano, membro del Partito Comunista Italiano (1980 circa) -
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Rome, 1990. Politicians of Italian Communist Party Antonio Bassolino and Pietro Ingrao/I politici del Partito Comuinista Italiano (PCI) Antonio Bassolino e Pietro Ingrao -
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Italian politician PIETRO INGRAO, about 1990/PIETRO INGRAO, politico, 1990 circa
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Italian politician PIETRO INGRAO, about 1990/PIETRO INGRAO, politico, 1990 circa
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Enrico Berlinguer making a speech
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Rimini, February 1991. Italian politician Massimo D'Alema at the XXth and last congress of the Italian Communist Party, when its name became “” Democratic Party of the Left””/Rimini, February 1991. Il politico Massimo D'alema al 20¡ e ultimo congresso del partito comunista italiano (PCI), diventato in questa occasione “Partito democratico della Sinistra”” (PDS) -
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Italian politician Pietro Ingrao (about 1990)/Il politico Pietro Ingrao (1990 circa) -
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Italian politician Giuliano Pajetta, about 1985/Il politico Giuliano Pajetta, 1985 circa-
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Italian politician Giorgio Napolitano at the XXth Rimini Congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party (PCI) changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS)/Il politico Giorgio Napolitano al XX¡ Congresso del Partito Comunista Italiano a Rimini nel 1991, quando il PCI cambi il nome e e e e e e e e e e divent Partito Democratico dela Istra (PDS) -
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Palmiro Togliatti
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Politician Walter Veltroni of Italian Communist Party at the XXth Rimini congress in February 1991, when the Italian Communist Party changed its name to the Democratic Party of the Left/Il politico del partito comunista Walter Veltroni al XX¡ Congresso del PCI-PDS che si tenne a Rimini nel 1991, quando il Partito Comunista Italiano divenne Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS) -
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Rome, 1996. Italian politician Massimo D'Alema, secretary of the Democratic Party of the Left (in Italian: Partito Democratico della Sinistra, PDS), participating in a TV show/Roma, 1996. Il politico Massimo D'Alema, segretario del partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS), mentre partecipa a un programma televisivo -
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Rome, about 1990. Politician of Italian Communist Party Pietro Ingrao in his House/Roma, 1990 circa. Il politico del Partito Comunista Pietro Ingraonella sua casa -
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