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Images of 'Old Sheds' found, 27

Round stone house with conical roof, set within and partly overgrown by shrubs and trees, entrance without door, no windows, blue sky visible in background
Old Fox Farm, 1928 (pen & ink)
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Old sheds with sod or turf roofs underneath mountainside; Nupstadur; Nupstadur; Iceland; Scandinavia; Northern Europe; Europe
The Swilcan Burn and Railway Sheds, c.1905 (w/c)
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Woodshed in the old port of Oulu - Finland..., 1996 (photo)
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Jahangir's mother Nurjahan and his younger brother Alamgir, in their home. August 15, 2008. Chittagong, Bangladesh. Jahangir Alam, a ship breaking worker, seriously injured by an accident at work, who later dies. The over all conditions of all the ship breaking yards are almost the same. Ship breaking is done in open yards on the beach of the Bay of Bengal. They are not scientifically or technically organized and the management is also primitive. Workers are not protected by sheds and are required to work under open sky round the year in very difficult working conditions exposing themselves to various hazards.  (photo)
A soldier sheds a tear while General Augusto Pinochet is honoured by a military band outside his hom.., 1997-08-23 (photo)
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China: Old Portuguese colonial building in Largo do Senado Square (Senate Square), Macau
China: Old Portuguese colonial building in Largo do Senado Square (Senate Square), Macau
China: Old Portuguese colonial building in Largo do Senado Square (Senate Square), Macau
China: The Macau Business Tourism Centre in an old Portuguese colonial building in Largo do Senado Square (Senate Square) at dusk, Macau
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YEAREND PICTURES 2001, 2001-03-21 (photo)
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Sørøya in Finnmark in the spring of 1947 Most of the population of Sørøya was on February …, 1947 (photo)
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Round stone house with conical roof, set within and partly overgrown by shrubs and trees, entrance without door, no windows, blue sky visible in background
Planetary nebula CRL 2688 dans le Swan/HST - This image of the Egg Nebula, also known as CRL2688 and located roughly 3,000 light - years from us, was taken in red light with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) aboard Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope.The image shows a pair of mysterious “” searchlight” beams emerging from a hidden star, criss - Yeah. crossed by numerous bright arcs. This image sheds new light on the poorly understood ejection of stellar matter which accompanies the slow death of Sun - like stars. The image is shown in false color. The central star in CRL2688 was a red giant a few hundred years ago. The nebula is really a large cloud of dust and gas ejected by the star, expanding at a speed of 20 km/s (115,000 mph). A dense cocoon of dust (the dark band in the image center) enshrouds the star and hides it from our view. Starlight escapes more easily in directions where the cocoon is thinner, and is reflected towards us by dust particles in the cloud, giving it its overall appearance. Objects like CRL2688 are rare because they are in an evolutionary phase which lasts for a very short time (~ 1,000 to 2,000 years). However, they may hold the key to our understanding of how red giant stars transform themselves into planetary nebulae. For the first time, we can see a 10,000 year - old history of mass - ejection in a red giant star in such exquisite detail. The arcs in CRL2688 represent dense shells of matter within a smooth cloud, and show that the rate of mass ejection from the central star has varied on time scales of ~ 100 to 500 years throughout its mass - loss history. With Hubble we have detected matter in this nebula to a radius of 0.6 light - years - - much further out than has been possible before, giving a better estimate of the amount of matter in the nebula. Other unexpected results seen in this image are the very sharply defined edges of the beams and fine spoke - like features which suggest that, contrary to previous models, the searchli