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Images of 'Office Of The Reich President' found, 70

Hermann Goering, Andre Francois-Poncet, Bernhard Rust and Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath, 1937 (b/w photo)
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Reynard Heydrich - Holocaust Architect (b/w photo)
Paul von Hindenburg, Kurt Schleicher, Franz von Papen, Wilhelm Freiherr Gayl, Otto Meissner, 1932 (b/w photo)
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After the funeral service for Jozef Klemens Pilsudski Hitler leaves the St. Hedwig's Church with entourage (b/w photo)
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Security guard in front of the Presidential Palace on May 1, 1933 (b/w photo)
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Collar patch and shoulder mark of a military lawyer (b/w photo)
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Mass rally in the Berlin Sportpalast, 1925
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Issuing of ballot papers at the Kreuzberg district office in Berlin, 1932 (b/w photo)
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Voters' check of the electoral lists in Berlin, 1932 (b/w photo)
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Hermann Goering, 1932/33 (b/w photo)
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Conference of the Reichsstelle zur Foerderung des Deutschen Schrifttums, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Weimar Republic - von Hindenburg 1933
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Inauguration of the new District Administrator of Teltow, Hellmuth Boernecke, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Rudolf Hess at a conference of the Reich Chamber of Labour, 1940 (b/w photo)
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Hermann Göring visits the Military Orphanage Potsdam Institute, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Swearing-in of Hindenburg as President of the Reich, 1925
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Dr  K  Ritter von Halt
Breakfast of the German-Swedish Association in Berlin, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Representatives from Baden at the Imperial Conference, 1918
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Rally of the Reichsbanner on the occasion of the Reich presidential election  , 1925
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Election campaign of the Communists on the occasion of the presidential elections in 1925
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Weimar Republic - Paul von Hindenburg 1925
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Reception of the honorary delegation of the German Workers' Union in Berlin, 1937 (b/w photo)
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Karl Ritter von Hal presented Adolf Hitler a memory book of the Olympics, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Reception of the German-Swedish Association, 1941 (b/w photo)
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Caricature of Franz von Papen, 1932 (b/w photo)
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Konstantin Hierl, Hermann Goering, Heinrich Sahm and Franz Seldte at the "Green Week", 1935 (b/w photo)
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Karl Ritter von Halt during the 1932 Olympic games
Reception of the German-Swedish union with Heinrich George, 1941 (b/w photo)
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The Braune Haus in Munich after the SA ban, 1932
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Bogdan Filov in Salzburg, 1940 (b/w photo)
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Prime Ministers' conference, 1920
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Portrait of Adolf Hitler, 1934 (b/w photo)
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Paul von Hindenburg holding a speech in Hanover, 1925
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Bruening's appointment as Reich Chancellor, 1930 (b/w photo)
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The interior of the Reich Chancellery, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Cameramen of the newsreels during filming, 1938 (b/w photo)
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Interior view of the Reich Chancellery, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Hermann Mueller and Paul von Hindenburg at the funeral of Gustav Stresemann, 1929 (b/w photo)
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Reich bank President Hjalmar Schacht speaks to his officials and employees, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Third Reich - Hitler at Leipzig Airport (photo)
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Issuing office of gas masks in Prague, 1938
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Fuad I, and Paul von Hindenburg, 1929 (b/w photo)
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Third Reich - Adolf Hitler 1934 (photo)
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Paul von Hindenburg with Hans Luther after the Reich presidential election, 1925 (b/w photo)
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Celebration of the introduction of the President of the People's Court (b/w photo)
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Hitler visits the house of tourism in Berchtesgaden (b/w photo)
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Friedrich Ebert, Otto Braun, and Otto Meissner at the celebration of the anniversary of the Constitution in Berlin, 1924 (b/w photo)
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Sano Mach, Fiehler, Dauser, Guempel, Siebert (b/w photo)
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Wilhelm Keppler, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Joseph Goebbels and Ludwig Fichte in Leipzig, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Paul von Hindenburg
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Hitler's arrival to the funeral of the deceased Jozef Klemens Pilsudski in the St. Hedwig's Cathedral (b/w photo)
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Roland Freisler, Otto Thierack (b/w photo)
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Paul von Hindenburg
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Paul von Hindenburg and Konrad Adenauer in 1930s (photo)
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Reception to honor Heinrich George, 1943 (b/w photo)
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Paul von Hindenburg
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Paul von Hindenburg celebrates 85th birthday
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President Bill Clinton gives an address then signs the NAFTA Side Agreements 1993
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Hjalmar Schacht receives a Chinese delegation at the Friedrichstrasse station, 1937 (b/w photo)
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HItler's political testament, 1945 (b/w photo)
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Meeting of the German-French Commission for Economic Cooperation, 1931 (b/w photo)
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Reichstag meeting on the 28th of June, 1920
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Weimar Republic - Adolf Hitler 1932 : On the occasion of the last free elections for Reich President, Adolf Hitler gives a speech at a rally of the National Socialists in Lustgarten next to the Berliner Palace, 4 April 1932. Next to Hitler are (l-r): SA leader Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorf, future Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, and Hitler's personal body guard Wilhelm Brueckner. Propaganda from that era on the back of image reads: ""The second election battle for the office of Reich President has begun. The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels as speakers on the big National Socialists' rally at Lustgarten in Berlin on 4 April."" """"
Provisional Bavarian Nazi government (b/w photo)
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Development of U.S. Army field artillery throughout history
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