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Images of 'Northern Hemisphere' found, 616

Advertisment for the Northern Pacific Railroad (colour litho)
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The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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Or.8210/S.3326 Scroll map depicting the night sky seen from northern hemisphere. It is divided according to the stations of the planet Jupiter into 12 sections (ink on paper)
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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Spruce and Snow, Northern Ontario, 1916 (oil on canvas)
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Manicouagan Crater, Quebec, Canada, True Colour Satellite Image
Chinese scroll map depicting the night sky seen from northern hemisphere. It is divided according to the stations of the planet Jupiter into 12 sections.
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Arctic ice has its minimum, September 2018 (photo)
Chinese scroll map depicting the night sky seen from northern hemisphere. It is divided according to the stations of the planet Jupiter into 12 sections.
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Station on the Northern Pacific Railroad, Idaho Terr., 1869-71 (w/c on paper)
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Star Vega in Lyra - Star Vega in Lyra - Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the main star of the constellation Lyra, located only 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere after Sirius. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will take the place of the polar star indicating the north in the year 14,000. Vega (Alpha Lyrae) is the brightest star of Lyra constellation, located at 25.4 light years from the Sun. It is the second most luminous star in northern hemisphere. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, Vega will point north celestial pole in year 14,000
Lake Of Maracaibo, Venezuela, True Colour Satellite Image
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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Dutch Room, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston (photo)
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The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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Aquarius Constellation - Constellation of Aquarius - Field around the Aquarius constelllation. The Helix planetary nebula appears as a red dot towards the center of the image. Aquarius (The Water Carrier) is a large but relatively insconspicuous southern zodiacal constellation and has an area of about 980 square degrees, which makes it the 10th largest. Its origins as a constellation can be traced back to Babylonian times and has usually been delineated as a figure pouring water from a jar in the general direction of Capricornus and Piscis Austrinus, themselves quite watery constellations. The Sun is in this part of the sky in February and March, following the Ecliptic. The constellation embraces many objects of telescopic interest, including the Helix nebula and the Mira - like variable star R Aquarii. Also notable are the globular clusters M2 (NGC 7089) and the Saturn planetary nebula NGC 7009. Best seen in the early evening in August
Pierced Hemisphere I, 1937 (marble)
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A Northern Lake, c.1916 (oil on composite wood-pulp board)
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A Day on Io - 5/6 - Illustration - A Day on Io - 5/6 - Artwork: Io always points the same face towards Jupiter during his orbit and like the Moon from Earth, Jupiter presents different phases to him. This series of images shows the landscape changing in a day from a point in the northern hemisphere of Io-5. Ten and a half hours later, the sun set on the horizon of Io. Jupiter is in his last quarter phase. In the distance, a volcano erupts and the gases emitted into the thin atmosphere of Io illuminate in the magnetic field surrounding Jupiter and Io - Io keeps the same face towards Jupiter as it orbits the planet. For this reason, Jupiter appears to hang motionless in Io's sky. Just as the Earth's Moon does, Jupiter goes through phases as Io orbits it. Here's a gallery showing the view from a location in the northern hemisphere during the course of a single day - 5. Ten and a half hours later and the sun has now set below Io's horizon. Jupiter is in its last quarter phase. A distant volcano has begun erupting and the gasse it is releasing into IO's thin atmosphere are glowing in the dense radiation field that surrounds Jupiter and Io
Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra with bright star Vega. Lyra, The Lyre is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, and represents a stringed musical instrument widely used in Greek classical times. Apparently, the young god Hermes (Mercury) created the lyre from the body of a large tortoise shell covered with animal hide sporting antelope horns. The instrument is associated with the virtues of moderation and equilibrium, and was given by Hermes to his half - brother Apollo, who in turn gave it to his son Orpheus. Lyra is a small constellation, but rather obvious to the eye. Its principal star, Vega, is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere and is also interesting because it is seen almost pole - on and is one of the most rapidly rotating stars known, so it could see it from a different direction it would appear distinctly flattened. Because of precession, Vega is destined to be the Pole Star in about 12,000 years. Entirely unconnected to this, the direction of the Sun around the Milky Way galaxy, with reference to external galaxies, is known as the solar apex. This point on the sky, as determined from optical observations, is in Lyra, close to its border with Hercules, and the Sun and planets are moving in this direction at about 300 kilometers per second
Bylot Island at northern tip of Baffin Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada
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Northern Hemisphere Constellations, illustration taken from Johann Hevelius's (1611-1687) star atlas Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia, Gdansk, 1690
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Tikal northern acropolis, 7th to 8th century
Monument Valley: Topographic Views, c.1997 (photo)
Los Angeles, Business Street
Inhabitant of Easter Island, engraving by Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815) from drawing by William Hodges (1744-1797), taken from the account of the second voyage of James Cook (1772-1775), Polynesia, 18th century
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The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne
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Chief Snow Cloud / John Rogers
Map of Northern coast of Tabacco Island in Galapagos Islands, watercolour painting
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Postage stamp commemorating 150th anniversary of Declaration of Independence, 1926, depicting Liberty bell, USA, 20th century
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Chinese scroll map depicting the night sky seen from northern hemisphere. It is divided according to the stations of the planet Jupiter into 12 sections.
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The Cassini and Saturn probe - Cassini spacecraft at Saturn - Artist's view of the Cassini probe above the northern hemisphere of Saturn. This illustration shows Cassini above Saturn's northern hemisphere prior to making one of its Grand Finale dives. During Cassini's Grand Finale, the spacecraft will make 22 orbits around Saturn that carry the spacecraft over the planet's north before diving between Saturn and its rings. At the conclusion of this final set of daring orbits, the spacecraft will plunge into Saturn's atmosphere, ending its mission on Sept. 15, 2017.
Thailand: Pomegranates in a Chinatown market, Bangkok
Thailand: Pomegranates in a Chinatown market, Bangkok
Open Cluster of Pleiades - The Pleiades star cluster - The Pleiades cluster (M45) is a cluster of about 500 young stars nees 150 million years ago. Visible in the constellation Taurus, this cluster is 440 years from the Earth. Brown dwarfs have been observed in this cluster. The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 (M45), is one of the brightest and famous star clusters visible in the northern hemisphere. It consists of about 500 bright, hot, young stars that were all born at the same time between 75 and 150 million years ago within a large cloud of dust and gas. This star cluster lie some 440 light years away from the Earth, in the constellation of Taurus
Shikotan island seen from space - Shikotan island seen from space - Shikotan island (Shikotan) is one of the largest islands of the Kuril archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean between the Kamchatka Peninsula and northern Japan. In this image obtained by the EO-1 satellite on 14 February 2011, this volcanic island is surrounded by ice forming spirals in the wind. Ostrov Shikotan (or Shikotan - to) is a volcanic island at the southern end of the Kuril chain. Shikotan lies along the extreme southern edge of winter sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing - 1 (EO - 1) satellite captured this natural - color image of Shikotan on February 14, 2011. The island is surrounded by sea ice - - swirling shapes of ghostly blue - gray. The ice in this image may have formed in a matter of several days, and it is prone to moving with currents. North of the western end of Shikotan, eddies have shaped the ice into rough circles. The eddies may result from opposing winds - - winds from the north pushing the ice southward, and winds from the southwest pushing the ice towards the northeast. Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the island is seismically active
Jet stream over Canada - Jet stream over Canada - Jet stream over Cape Breton Island, Canada, seen by Space Shuttle Discovery in May 1991. The Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream can be seen crossing Cape Breton Island in the Maritime Provinces of Eastern Canada. The Jet Stream is a narrow zone of high - speed winds typically found at altitudes of 4 to 8 miles (8 - 12 km) above the earth. They result from temperature contrasts between polar and tropical regions. The strongest Jet Stream winds are found in the winter when the contrast between polar and tropical regions is the greatest. Wind speeds can reach 90 to over 180 miles per hour (145 to over 290 km/h) from west to east. During the winter months over the United States and southern Canada, the path taken by the Jet Stream can have a large influence on the weather conditions of this region. Image taken from the space shuttle Discovery in May 1991
Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra - Constellation of Lyra with bright star Vega. Lyra, The Lyre is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, and represents a stringed musical instrument widely used in Greek classical times. Apparently, the young god Hermes (Mercury) created the lyre from the body of a large tortoise shell covered with animal hide sporting antelope horns. The instrument is associated with the virtues of moderation and equilibrium, and was given by Hermes to his half - brother Apollo, who in turn gave it to his son Orpheus. Lyra is a small constellation, but rather obvious to the eye. Its principal star, Vega, is the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere and is also interesting because it is seen almost pole - on and is one of the most rapidly rotating stars known, so it could see it from a different direction it would appear distinctly flattened. Because of precession, Vega is destined to be the Pole Star in about 12,000 years. Entirely unconnected to this, the direction of the Sun around the Milky Way galaxy, with reference to external galaxies, is known as the solar apex. This point on the sky, as determined from optical observations, is in Lyra, close to its border with Hercules, and the Sun and planets are moving in this direction at about 300 kilometers per second
A New Map of the World in two Hemispheres with the New Discoveries & Tracts of the two Circum Navigators viz' Dampier & Anson round it: Drawn from the latest Geographers & greatly Improved from the Sieurs D'Anville & Robert, 1760 (coloured engraving)
Aquarius Constellation - Constellation of Aquarius - Field around the Aquarius constelllation. The Helix planetary nebula appears as a red dot towards the center of the image. Aquarius (The Water Carrier) is a large but relatively insconspicuous southern zodiacal constellation and has an area of about 980 square degrees, which makes it the 10th largest. Its origins as a constellation can be traced back to Babylonian times and has usually been delineated as a figure pouring water from a jar in the general direction of Capricornus and Piscis Austrinus, themselves quite watery constellations. The Sun is in this part of the sky in February and March, following the Ecliptic. The constellation embraces many objects of telescopic interest, including the Helix nebula and the Mira - like variable star R Aquarii. Also notable are the globular clusters M2 (NGC 7089) and the Saturn planetary nebula NGC 7009. Best seen in the early evening in August
Orion's belt rising over the lights of Coonabarabran - Photographic pose of several hours on the constellation Orion. From Siding Spring Mountain, Australia, there is a clear view to the eastern horizon, directly over the small town of Coonabarabran about 26 km from the telescopes. Here we see the three distinctive trails of Orion's belt rising above the town. The rightmost star of the line of three is Minkata, and it is within a degree of the celestial equator. The point on the horizon where it rises is very close to due east and similarly its setting point is almost exactly due west. Minkata has long been an important navigation star. and its trail is a straight line, while either side of Orion's belt, towards the celestial poles, the star trails become increasingly curved.
Earth's yearly radiation budget
Aquarius Constellations, Capricorn, Austral Fish and Microscope - Constellations of Aquarius, Capricorn, Piscis Austrinus, Microscopium - Field around the Aquarius constellation. The Helix planetary nebula appears as a red dot towards the center of the image. Aquarius (The Water Carrier) is a large but relatively insconspicuous southern zodiacal constellation and has an area of about 980 square degrees, which makes it the 10th largest. Its origins as a constellation can be traced back to Babylonian times and has usually been delineated as a figure pouring water from a jar in the general direction of Capricornus and Piscis Austrinus, themselves quite watery constellations. The Sun is in this part of the sky in February and March, following the Ecliptic. The constellation embraces many objects of telescopic interest, including the Helix nebula and the Mira - like variable star R Aquarii. Also notable are the globular clusters M2 (NGC 7089) and the Saturn planetary nebula NGC 7009. Best seen in the early evening in August
Circumpolar - Hemisphere south and hemisphere north - North and South celestial pole star trails - Photographic pose of several hours around the south celeste pole (left) in Australia and around the north pole in La Palma, Canary Islands. As the earth spins beneath the stars they appear to move across the sky from east to west. However, if one looks in the direction of the celestial poles, the stars appear to circle a single point on the sky. This is the position of the earth's axis of rotation projected into space. These pictures were made from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, and from the La Plama Observatory in the Canary Islands, so the pivotal points are about 30 degrees above their respective horizons, which reflects their geographical latitudes