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Images of 'Nara' found, 740

Hachiman, Shinto god of war, in guise of Buddhist monk, painted wooden statue, from Todaiji temple in Nara, Japan, Japanese Civilisation, Kamakura period, 12th-14th century
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Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin of Apollo 11 Mission, Florida, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Horyu-ji Temple, Nara Prefecture, Japan, built in 607 AD (photo)
Signature of the german capitulation, 1945 (photo)
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Communist leaders Gregory Zinoviev and Lev Borisovich Kamenev (b/w photo)
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Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963 (photo)
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Six poets of the Nara and Heian periods, Japan
Doctors' Trial, Nuremberg, 1946 - 1947 : Karl Brandt, AdolfHitler's doctor, one of the 23 nazi doctors, he will be condemned to death, photo NARA
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Pagoda reliquary (hyakumanto) with woodblock-printed Buddhist prayer (dharani), Nara Period, 764-770 (wood, gesso & paper)
A 1961 photograph made in the Soviet Union shows Lee Harvey Oswald and his bride Marina soon after their mariage in Minsk where Oswald was working in a factury and his wife was a practicing pharmacist he brought his wife to the US the following year photo NARA
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Japan: Pagoda at Horyuji Temple, Nara, 1895.
Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Nara simha (man lion), 4th incarnation of Vishnu
Three Samurai fighting outside Yoshino, Japan
3 FBI special agents cooperated with Warner Bros to reenact this gun battle with an actor protraying the notorious american ex gangster John Dillinger (the criminal was finally cornered in july 1934) photo NARA
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Portrait of Jishin Osho, monk from the Ritsu sect from the Saidaiji temple in Nara, painted on silk, Japan. Japanese Civilization, Nanbokucho period, 14th century.
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Edison Realbird (Montana Crow Indian Agency) presenting peace pipe to President John F. Kennedy at White House, Washington, 1963 (photo)
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Japan: A spherical silver incense burner, Shosoin Treasury, 8th century CE
Todaji, Eastern Great Temple, Nara, Japan (photo)
Liberation of Alsace in 1944 : troops on a bridge over the Rhin, photo NARA
Women working to cut wood in Archangelsk camp 30's photo NARA
On august 15, 1944 : american soldiers landing in Provence (France) photo NARA
Young hitlerian boy captured by americans during 2nd world war, photo NARA
US troops getting ready for landing in Normandy 1944 (photo)
Princess Lee Radziwill and Jackie Kennedy with Bashir Ahmed, camel trainer, in Karachi, Pakistan, March 25, 1962 photo NARA
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American president Richard Nixon is speaking from Washington to astronauts of Apollo 11 mission : Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin who are on the Moon, july 20, 1967, photo NARA
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American Lieutenant William Robertson and Russian lieutenant Alexander Sylvashko in front of a panel symbolizing the historical meeting of the american and russian forces on Elba in Torgau in Germany on April 25, 1945, photo NARA (taken on april 27)
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Lieutenant John Kennedy decored by Captain Conklin of the United States Navy for his courage endurance and excellent leadership, 1940s (photo)
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China: Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) painted in 1903
The leaders of the three armies during signature of the German capitulation : l-r : General Hans Juergen Stumpff, Luftwaffe commander-in-chief, marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Wehrmacht chief of Staff, General admiral Hans Georg Von Friedebourg Kriegsmarine commander-in-chief on May 8, 1945 in marshal Joukov headquarter in Berlin, photo NARA
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Liberated prisoners in Germany are repatriated by train september 6, 1945 In Salzburg, Austria, on September 6, 1945, refugees boarded a freight train to be taken to more decent neighborhoods near Munich. Renban B. Resnik, director of the American Joint Distribution Committee, review passenger list photo NARA
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Mempo face mask, Masanobu or Nara style, Japanese
Exodus of people in north Korea escaping communist advance 1950 photo NARA
American infantry in Varennes en Argonne (Meuse, France) 1918 photo NARA
Battle of Normandy, France, july 1944 : the town of St Lo in ruins, photo NARA
Adolf Hitler and hungarian adimral Horthy von Nagybanya september 8, 1941 photo NARA
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New York Times building in Time square, c. 1905, photo NARA
Roman Prauty, a gunner with a 7th US infantry division in Korea in june 1951, photo NARA
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Doctors' trial in Nuremberg (1946 - 1947) : Fritz Mennecke, director of Eichberg asylum, as a witness, photo NARA
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Doctors' Trial, Nuremberg, 1946 - 1947 : 23 nazi doctors, photo NARA
Hermann Goering after being prisoner on may 9, 1945 in Austria by 7th armerican army, photo NARA
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Shaka, the Historical Buddha, Preaching on Vulture Peak, Nara Period (ink, colour and gold on paper)
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John Kennedy (1917-1963) American senator and future President in 1961-1963, here c. 1952 photo NARA
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