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Images of 'Methane' found, 199

Penitent, or Fireman
Exploration of Titan - Illustration - Looking for life on Titan - An automatic probe explores a hydrocarbon marsh in search of traces of life. A robotic probe explores a frigid ethane lake on Titan. Like the European Space Agency's Huygens probe, this probe carries its own light source as the surface of Titan is only 0.1 percent as bright as the Earth's. Titan is host to a plethora of organic (carbon - based) compounds, hence this is one of the few places in the Solar System where life outside of the Earth may have evolved. In many ways, Titan resemble a frozen primordial Earth, though the greatest obstacle to Titan harboring life - - as we know it - - is the extreme cold. Even though all the chemical ingredients are present, Titan simply may not be warm enough to initiate the chemical reactions required for life. Perhaps sometime in the next decades such a mission to Titan will be a reality
Mission ExoMars 2016 - Artist view - ExoMars Mission - Artist view - Artist view of the European mission ExoMars 2016 with the Shiaparelli landing module embarks on the TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) probe. Artist's impression depicting the ExoMars 2016 entry, descent and landing demonstrator module, named Schiaparelli, on the Trace Gas Orbiter, and heading for Mars. TGO will be launched in 2016 with Schiaparelli, the entry, descent and landing demonstrator module. It will search for evidence of methane and other atmospheric gases that could be signatures of active biological or geological processes on Mars. TGO will also serve as a communications relay for the rover and surface science platform that will be launched in 2018
Neptune - Illustration - Neptune's Great Dark Spot - Illustration - Artist's view of Neptune with its ring system and large dark spot observed by the Voyager 2 probe in 1989. This is how Neptune's Great Dark Spot and rings may have looked in 1989 from a position just beneath Neptune's ring plane. The outermost Adams ring is near the top of the frame, and beneath that is the much broader and diffuse Lassell ring. Further in toward Neptune and abutting the Lassell ring is the thin Le Verrier ring, and beyond that is the diffuse Galle ring. The Great Dark Spot is believed to be a storm similar to, but only half the size of, Jupiter's Great Red Spot. While Jupiter's Great Red Spot has been raging for at least 400 years, subsequent observations of Neptune's Great Dark Spot in 1994 by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed that this storm has since disappeared. The Great Dark Spot was a very dynamic weather system, generating massive, white clouds similar to high - altitude cirrus clouds on Earth. Unlike cirrus clouds on Earth however, which are composed of crystals of water ice, Neptune's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane. Neptune's clouds are driven by winds of 1,200 mph, the fastest winds of any planet in the Solar System
Methane lake on Titan - Artist view
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Sunrise seen from Triton - Artist view - Sunrise on Triton - Artist view - Sunrise seen from Triton, the largest satellite in Neptune. A diminutive sun rises over Triton's hard and glistening landscape of rock, frozen water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane. The little warmth that reaches Triton's surface induces a nitrogen and methane haze, forming a very tenuous atmosphere. It is very cold on Triton with temperatures falling as low as minus 391o F. While as much as 25% of Triton may be composed of water ice, it is very unlikely that there is any liquid water, or life, on this world
Mission ExoMars 2016 - Artist view - ExoMars Mission - Artist view - Artist view of the TGO probe (Trace Gas Orbiter) of the European mission ExoMars 2016. ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter at Mars. TGO will be launched in 2016 with Schiaparelli, the entry, descent and landing demonstrator module. It will search for evidence of methane and other atmospheric gases that could be signatures of active biological or geological processes on Mars. TGO will also serve as a communications relay for the rover and surface science platform that will be launched in 2018
Pluto's Atmosphere - Artist's View - Pluto's Atmosphere - Pluto's Artist's View surrounded by its thin atmosphere. In 1985 it was discovered that Pluto has an atmosphere, albeit a very tenuous one. Pluto's atmosphere arises only when it approaches closer to the Sun during its highly eccentric, 248 earth years long orbit. The atmosphere likely consists of nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide, which sublimate directly from Pluto's frozen surface. As Pluto's orbit moves it away from the Sun, these gases are believed to slowly precipitate back to Pluto's surface
Neptune seen by Voyager 2 1989 - Image of Neptune obtained by the Voyager 2 probe at 16 million km from the planet. Neptune has an equatorial diameter of about 49,000 kilometres. Its blue color is due to the abundance of methane in its atmosphere. On this photo, on the left, the Great Dark Spot, which is the size of the Earth where winds are blowing at 300 m/s. This spot has now disappeared but other dark spots have been detected since then. Under the Great Dark Spot, a small shiny cloud of irregular shape moving very quickly, nicknames the scooter
Mission ExoMars 2016 - Artist view - ExoMars Mission - Artist view: Artist view of the European mission ExoMars 2016 with the separation of the Shiaparelli landing module from the TGO probe (Trace Gas Orbiter). TGO has been in orbit around Mars since October 19, 2016. The Schiaparelli module was lost after separation. Artist's impression depicting the separation of the ExoMars 2016 entry, descent and landing demonstrator module, named Schiaparelli, from the Trace Gas Orbiter, and heading for Mars. TGO was launched on March 14 2016 with Schiaparelli. TGO orbits March since October 19 2016. Schiaparelli was lost after separation. TGO searches for evidence of methane and other atmospheric gases that could be signatures of active biological or geological processes on Mars. TGO will also serve as a communications relay for the rover and surface science platform that will be launched in 2020
Yagua tribe located near Iquitos, Amazonian, Peru, 2022 (photography)
Neptune - Voyager 2 - Neptune has an equatorial diameter of about 49,000 kilometres. Its blue color is due to the abundance of methane in its atmosphere. On this photo, on the left, the Great Dark Spot, which is the size of the Earth where winds are blowing at 300 m/s. This spot has now disappeared but other dark spots have been detected since then. Image of Neptune obtained by the Voyager 2 probe on August 16, 1989. During August 16 and 17, 1989, the Voyager 2 narrow - angle camera was used to photograph Neptune almost continuously, recording approximately two and one - half rotations of the planet. These images represent the most complete set of full disk Neptune images that the spacecraft will acquire. This picture from the sequence shows two of the four cloud features which have been tracked by the Voyager cameras during the past two months. The large dark oval near the western limb (the left edge) is at a latitude of 22 degrees south and circuits Neptune every 18.3 hours. The bright clouds immediately to the south and east of this oval are seen to substantially change their appearances in periods as short as four hours. The second dark spot, at 54 degrees south latitude near the terminator (lower right edge), Neptune circuits every 16.1 hours. This image has been processed to enchance the visibility of small features, at some sacrifice of color fidelity
Artist's view of the New Horizons probe near Pluto - New Horizons over Pluto and Charon - Artist's view of the New Horizons probe near Pluto and its largest satellite Charon. The New Horizons probe was launched on 19 January 2006 to Jupiter, then Pluto and Charon, which it will reach in 2015 and Kuiper's objects in 2020. Nasa's New Horizons unmanned spacecraft over dwarf planet Pluto and its moon Charon. New Horizons has been en route to Pluto since its launch from Earth in 2006 and is scheduled to make its closest approach on 14 July 2015. New Horizons is about the size and shape of a grand piano and weighed 1,054 pounds at launch. The high - gain dish antenna is about 7 feet in diameter and is employed for communication with the Earth. In this image the New Horizons spacecraft is about 10,000 miles from Pluto (upper right), 22,000 miles from its largest moon Charon (upper left) and 2.97 billion miles from the Earth. Dominating this side of the spacecraft with an 8 inch aperture is the Long - Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI), a digital camera with a large telephoto telescope fortified to operate in the cold, hostile environs of deep space. At 90 days before closest approach to Pluto, Lorri's images will surpass the quality of the best Hubble Space Telescope images of Pluto. While little is known about Pluto's appearance, here this Kuiper belt dwarf planet is realized as a frozen world covered with various ices, hosting a thin atmosphere of nitrogen, methane and other hydrocarbons too possibly, with a significantly weathered surface as Pluto's 248 - year orbit alternately brings it closer then further from the warmth of the sun
Clouds on the south pole of Titan - Illustration - Clouds over Titan's south pole - Artist's view of methane clouds observed over the south pole of Titan by the Cassini probe in October 2004. In October 2004 the Cassini orbiter revealed for the first time what may be highly reflective (in the infrared at least) methane clouds over Titan's south pole. This image suggests how those clouds may appear from within the cloud deck itself. The Sun is visible immediately above, though from this great distance the Sun appears to be only 1/10th its diameter from Earth
Titan, Saturn satellite seen by Cassini: Visible and infrared composite image of Titan taken by the Cassini probe on September 12, 2013. View of methane and ethane lakes. - This false-color mosaic, made from infrared data collected by Nasa's Cassini spacecraft, reveals the differences in the composition of surface materials around hydrocarbon lakes at Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Titan is the only other place in the solar system that we know has stable liquid on its surface, though its lakes are made of liquid ethane and methane rather than liquid water. While there is one large lake and a few smaller ones near Titan's south pole, almost all of Titan's lakes appear near the moon's north pole - Scientists mapped near-infrared colors onto the visible color spectrum. Red in this image was assigned a wavelength of 5 microns (10 times longer than visible light), green 2.0 microns (four times longer than visible light), and blue 1.3 microns (2.6 times longer than visible light) - The orange areas are thought to be evaporite - the Titan equivalent of salt flats on Earth. The evaporated material is thought to be organic chemicals originally from Titan's haze particles that once dissolved in liquid methane. They appear orange in this image against the greenish backdrop of Titan's typical bedrock of water ice - In this mosaic, Kraken Mare, which is Titan's largest sea and covers about the same area as Earth's Caspian Sea and Lake Superior combined, can be seen spreading out with many tendrils on the upper right,. The big dark zone up and left of Kraken is Ligeia Mare, the second largest sea. Below Ligeia, shaped similar to a sports fan's foam finger that points just up from left, is Punga Mare, the third largest Titan Sea. Numerous other smaller lakes dot the area. Titan's north pole is located in the geographic location just above the end of the “” finger”” of Punga Mare. The data shown here were obtained by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer during
Oil Lake on Titan - Titan's ethane ocean - Artist's view of a hydrocarbon lake (methane - ethane) on the surface of Titan. Compared to the Earth, Titan is very far from the Sun's warming rays - - about ten times further - - and this leaves Titan a very cold world. Titan has an average surface temperature of minus 290o F. If there is any water on Titan it is frozen hard as steel, yet Titan may be the only body in the Solar System besides the Earth that harbors a liquid ocean. Titan's ocean would not be one of water, rather it would probably be composed of (very cold) liquid ethane. (On the Earth we know ethane as a colorless, odorless, nontoxic, flammable gas, a constituent of natural gas and petroleum.) If this werenn't exotic enough, immediately beneath this ocean may lie hundreds of feet of frozen acetylene (a common component of welder's torches)
Surface of Titan seen by Huygens - Illustration - Titan Emerges - Artist's view of the surface of Titan as it appeared at the European probe Huygens on January 14, 2005 when it descended, about 20 km from the ground. This is how the surface of Titan may have appeared to the European Space Agency's Huygens probe when it emerged from the satellite's ubiquitous hydrocarbon haze about 12 miles above Titan's surface. Huygens made its historic decent on 14 January 2005, making it the first man - made object to reach the surface of the satellite of another planet
Titan, Saturn satellite seen by Cassini - Saturn's moon Titan as seen by Cassini spacecraft: Visible and infrared composite image of Titan taken by the Cassini probe on August 21, 2014. View of methane and ethane lakes lit by the Sun. - This near-infrared, color mosaic from Nasa's Cassini spacecraft shows the sun glinting off of Titan's north polar seas. - The sunglint, also called a specular reflection, is the bright area near the 11 o'clock position at upper left. This mirror-like reflection, known as the specular point, is in the south of Titan's largest sea, Kraken Mare, just north of an island archipelago separating two separate parts of the sea - This particular sunglint was so bright as to saturate the detector of Cassini's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument, which captures the view. - The southern portion of Kraken Mare (the area surrounding the specular feature toward upper left) displays a “” bathtub ring”” - a bright margin of evaporate deposits - which indicates that the sea was larger at some point in the past and has become smaller due to evaporation. The deposits are material left behind after the methane & ethane liquid evaporates, somewhat akin to the saline crust on a salt flat
Geyser on Titan - Artist view - Cryogeyser on Titan - Artist view - Artist view of geyser on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest satellite
Ice volcano on Titan - Artist view - Titan Ice Volcano
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Titan Exploration - Illustration - Exploring a hydrocarbon swamp on Titan - Automatic balloons fly over an oil marsh on the surface of Titan. A pair of balloon - borne probes leisurely survey a methane - ethane “” swamp”” on Titan. Each probe carries its own spot light illuminating the terrain below, augmenting the haze - filtered sunlight. Scientists have long speculated that methane and ethane may exist as liquids on Titan's extremely cold surface, but it wasn't until 2005 that the Cassini spacecraft's radar imager detected what indeed may be large hydrocarbon lakes on Titan's northern latitudes. While it is believed that the liquid in these lakes would be primarily methane and ethane, this won't be confirmed until the lakes - - if that's indeed what they are - - are actually sampled. Whatever lies on Titan's surface, there is the possibility that the ancient and exotic environment has given rise to compounds heretofore unknown on Earth. Large quantities of Methane and ethane exist in Earth's relatively warm environment as components of natural gas
Diagram of Plutos interior structure showing rocky and icy core, thin icy water and methane outer layer
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Penitent, or Fireman
Diagram of Neptunes interior structure showing solid core, icy methane, ammonia and water mantle
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Titan's south pole - Illustration - At Titan's south pole - Artist's view of Titan's surface near the south pole. Artwork
VOLTA, Alessandro, Count  (1745-1827).
Switzerland Company Emigration (b/w photo)
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Table Showing Flammable Limits of Different Vapors and Gases
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Penitent, or Fireman
Laying of the Marsh Gas Tubes, Italy 1956 (b/w photo)
South Staffordshire Coal Field, England
Explosion of Fire-damp (methane) in mine
Explosion of Fire-damp (methane) in mine
Seaham Colliery, County Durham, England, showing the head gear above the shaft, and work in an active coal seam. The central vignettes show two models of miner's lamp, the Davy, left, which was the more popular, and the Clanny. Below, a boy is operating the ventillating furnace which created a draught in the workings, so preventing a build up of fire-damp (methane). On the right a pit pony pulling wagons has just passed through a trap door, another device to control ventillation. Engraving from The Graphic (London, 28 January 1871).
Methane lake on Titan - Artist view - Methane lake on Titan - Artist view
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Methane lakes on Titan seen by Cassini - Methane lakes on Titan seen by Cassin
Geyser de methane sur Titan - Artist view - Geyser de methane sur Titan - Vue d'artiste
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A man transporting methane on his bicycle
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Tue. 09, 1953 - Blast of a ship in Duisburg - Ruhrort: One methane-gas bottle exploded on the Dutch ship” Rupel” from Rotterdan. The foreship was completely torn open and destroyed by the heavy explosion. The 18-years-old son of the ship-owner Willem Koopmans, Rotterdam, was killed. Until now they do not know why it came to the explosion of the methane-gas.
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A researcher checks a sealed pot of methane in the electrical generator developed by Kajima Corporat.., 1999-10-14 (photo)
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A fuel highbred concept Jeep, Commander 2, uses methane and fuel cell technology to power it, as Dai.., 2000-10-24 (photo)
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A fuel highbred concept Jeep, Commander 2, uses methane and fuel cell technology to power it, as Dai.., 2000-10-24 (photo)
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Rice terraces plantation near Luang Prabang, Laos, 2022 (photography)
Woman working in the ricefield plantation near Kiet Ngong, Laos, 2022 (photography)
Artist's view of the Exoplanet HD 189733b - Artist's impression of exoplanet HD 189733b - Artist's view of the Exoplanet HD 189733b, a hot Jupiter (gas-like planet very close to its star), in front of its star. HD 189733b was discovered in 2005 in the constellation Little Fox. We discovered water vapor and methane in his atmosphere. Artist's impression of the extrasolar planet HD 189733b, now known to have methane and water. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to detect methane - - the first organic molecule found on an extrasolar planet. Hubble also confirmed the presence of water vapour in the Jupiter - size planet's atmosphere, a discovery made in 2007 with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope. They made the finding by studying how light from the host star filters through the planet's atmosphere
Primitive Earth - Artist's View - Primitive Earth - Artist's View of Earth about 4 billion years ago. Methane was probably abundant in the atmosphere creating persistent fog. The Moon at the time was much closer to Earth than today
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Ice Volcano on Triton - Illustration - Ice volcano on Triton - Cryovolcanoes and geysers of nitrogen and methane have been observed on the surface of the Triton satellite. There is evidence that the south pole of Neptune's satellite Triton is host to dozens of ice volcanoes, or geysers. One such eruption was observed to shoot a towering jet of material to a height of five miles, while the tenuous nitrogen atmosphere carried the smoky plume over 80 miles “” downwind.” The eruptive material is believed to be a combination of liquid nitrogen, dust, and methane compounds driven by seasonal heating from the Sun
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Rice fields near Banteay Srei. Cambodia, 2022 (photography)
A relative of a dead miner cries over his coffin during the funerals December 5. Sixty-seven Russian.., 1997-12-05 (photo)
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Rescue workers carry the body of a miner from the Zyryanovskaya mine, in the city of Novokuznetsk De.., 1997-12-03 (photo)
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Rescue workers load the body of a miner from Zyryanovskaya mine, in the city of Novokuznetsk on a tr.., 1997-12-03 (photo)
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Biogas: Nepali woman mixing cow urine and manure to make slurry in anaerobic digestion tank to ferment into methane gas, Kahare, Chalnakhel, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal (photo)
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10/06/2005 Transport public : autobus a methane (ecologique) dans une rue de Rome. Photo Campanini ©AGF/Leemage

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