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Images of 'Mail Sack' found, 66

Constellation of the Southern Cross - The Southern Cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta stars of Centaurus. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Along with the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compasset and calendar
Postman leading a pony and trap, Northern Ireland, 1938 (b/w photo)
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Detail of a magazine advert for the American Cyanamid Company, 1950s (colour litho)
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Constellations of the Fly and the Southern Cross - Constellations of Musca and the Southern cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta Stars of Centaur. Below, the constellation of the Fly. In contrast to adjacent Crux, Musca (The Fly) is a much less obvious, less distinguished and less useful constellation that first appeared in Johann Bayer's 1603 Uranometria. It is one of a dozen created by the Dutch explorers/navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman on their voyages into the south seas in the late 16th century
'Outposts of the Empire - Ceylon', 1937 (colour litho)
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Rural postman delivering a letter, c.1904 (b/w photo)
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Postman at a wall box by a signpost to Land's End in Cornwall, 1935 (b/w photo)
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Warning: overweight bags can cause injury, 1968 (colour litho)
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Post Early and don't miss the "Noon" Post (colour litho)
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Postman delivering mail to a hop farm in Kent, 1935 (b/w photo)
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Christmas Greetings by Air, Latest posting dates December 7-16, 1961 (colour litho)
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When you write the address right you speed the postman, 1959 (colour litho)
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Shop Early, Post Early, 1951 (poster paint, pastel & collage on board)
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Front cover of 'John Bull', December 1951 (colour litho)
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1970s: A bag of mail drops from a conveyor belt
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Constellation of Circinus and southern constellations - Constellation of Circinus and southern constellations - The Southern Triangle constellations, the Fly, and the Southern Cross are also visible. Circinus (the drawing Comppass) is an inconspicuous constellation introduced by the French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who observed the southern sky from the Cape of Good Hope between 1750 and 1754. He named 14 constellations, many of them associated with science or navigation, such as Microscopium and Telescopium, Octans the Octant and Antlia Pneumatica, the air pump. Circinus contains no bright or named stars and covers 93 square degrees, making it the fourth - smallest. Triangulum Australe is the southern hemisphere counterpart of Triangulum. It is a bigger constellation and contains brighter stars than Triangulum and it never sets for most of Australia. Its brightest star is named Atria (for alpha Trianguli Australis), in the manner of Acrux in the Southern Cross. It is easily seen near a and ss Centaurus. Crux and Musca are also visible in this image
Constellations of the Fly and the Southern Cross - Constellations of Musca and the Southern cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta Stars of Centaur. Below, the constellation of the Fly. In contrast to adjacent Crux, Musca (The Fly) is a much less obvious, less distinguished and less useful constellation that first appeared in Johann Bayer's 1603 Uranometria. It is one of a dozen created by the Dutch explorers/navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman on their voyages into the south seas in the late 16th century
Postage stamps from series honoring Trade and Development, 1983, United Nations, 20th century
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Postal worker sorting mail in a post office, USA
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The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Octant constellation houses the southern Celestial pole. See annotee image a - cst98 - 00005 to identify the different constellations present in the image. This part of the sky was mostly uncharted by Europeans until the 17th and 18th centuries, so many of the constellations in the southern (lower) half of the image are relatively modern constructions without mythlogical connotations. Octans, the Octant (a forerunner of the sextant) is an Enlightenment - period instrument whose outline was constructed on the sky by the vivid imagination of the Abbe Lacaille. The constellation is quite large but totally undistinguished. Its only notable feature is the South Celestial Pole, with is marked (within a degree or so) by the faint star s Octantis. Apus, the Bird of Paradise, first appeared in the star charts of the German astronomer Johann Bayer in 1603. It contains no named stars. Chameleon, a type of lizard. The stars here are even fainter than those in Apus. Mensa, the constellation was invented by de Lacaille to commemorate his sojourn at the Cape of Good Hope in the 1750s. The original name was Mons Mensa, Latin for Table Mountain. Its northern border crosses part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, possibly reminding Lacaille of the recurrent cloud over the mountain as seen from Cape Town. Musca, the Fly, is another undistinguished constellation that first appeared on Bayer's star charts in 1603
The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Southern Milky Way and south celestial pole - The Octant constellation houses the south celeste pole (mark of a cross) This part of the sky was mostly uncharted by Europeans until the 17th and 18th centuries, so many of the constellations in the southern (lower) half of the image are relatively modern constructions without mythlogical connotations. Octans, the Octant (a forerunner of the sextant) is an Enlightenment - period instrument whose outline was constructed on the sky by the vivid imagination of the Abbe Lacaille. The constellation is quite large but totally undistinguished. Its only notable feature is the South Celestial Pole, with is marked (within a degree or so) by the faint star s Octantis. Apus, the Bird of Paradise, first appeared in the star charts of the German astronomer Johann Bayer in 1603. It contains no named stars. Chameleon, a type of lizard. The stars here are even fainter than those in Apus. Mensa, the constellation was invented by de Lacaille to commemorate his sojourn at the Cape of Good Hope in the 1750s. The original name was Mons Mensa, Latin for Table Mountain. Its northern border crosses part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, possibly reminding Lacaille of the recurrent cloud over the mountain as seen from Cape Town. Musca, the Fly, is another undistinguished constellation that first appeared on Bayer's star charts in 1603
Poster advertising Outposts of the Empire - Southern Rhodesia, 1937 (colour litho)
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Postman delivering a letter, c.1880-1900 (photo)
1970s: Stylized animation
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1970s: An stylized cartoon post office
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1970s: Men sitting around a table examine packing materials
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Photo coverage about every day work at German postal service Deutsche Bundespost: clerk with sack for airmail, Germany 1960s
Sorting the post in the trenches, c.1916 (b/w photo)
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A Mailman In The Heat, New York, New York, c.1937 (b/w photo)
Father Christmas on a snowy roof top, 1950
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Mail bag in Gem County, Idaho, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Streetcar mailbox, 1928 (b/w photo)
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Bus, 1949 (photo)
Moor Park, collection from a pillar box, 1935 (b/w photo)
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