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Images of 'Little Dipper' found, 36

Constellations of the Great Bear and Little Bear - Constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Mino
Dragon Constellation - Constellation of Draco - Dragon Constellation with part of the Big Bear and Little Bear. Draco (the Dragon) is said to represent Ladon, the multi - headed dragon slaughtered by Hercules, an act necessary to obtain the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides as the 11th of his 12 labours. Other ancient, dragonocentric legends exist. The constellation itself is rather indistinct with few bright stars, but it is a large and rambling construction wrapped around the north celestial pole. It extends from close to the Pole Star to more than 40 degrees of delination south of it and wanders over 11 hours of Right Ascension between Hercules and the Big Dipper. It is the 8th largest constelation in terms of area, which is over 1000 square degrees. This image also contains the constellation of Ursa Minor
Policeman chasing Skinny Dippers, "Boys will be boys" postcard, 1922 (photo)
Constellations of the Great Bear and Little Bear - Constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Mino
Dragon Constellation - Constellation of Draco - Dragon Constellation with part of the Big Bear and Little Bear. Draco (the Dragon) is said to represent Ladon, the multi - headed dragon slaughtered by Hercules, an act necessary to obtain the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides as the 11th of his 12 labours. Other ancient, dragonocentric legends exist. The constellation itself is rather indistinct with few bright stars, but it is a large and rambling construction wrapped around the north celestial pole. It extends from close to the Pole Star to more than 40 degrees of delination south of it and wanders over 11 hours of Right Ascension between Hercules and the Big Dipper. It is the 8th largest constelation in terms of area, which is over 1000 square degrees. This image also contains the constellation of Ursa Minor
Constellation of Little Ursa - Constellation of Ursa Mino
Constellation of the Little Bear - Constellation of Ursa Minor - At the top of the picture, the polar star. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) is intimately linked to Polaris, the North Star which may be found at the end of the trail of stars that look like the Little Dipper. Ursa Minor does not appear have any mythology associated with it, rather it was first mentioned in the 6th century B.C. by Thales of Miletus as a navigational aid for Phoenician sailors. On the other hand, in the mythology of Ursa Major, two bears were flung into the sky by their tails by Zeus, in a fit of jealousy. The throw was so violent that the bear's tails were elongated
North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - The northern celestial pole is marked by the polar star of the Little Bear. Around, the so-called circumpolar constellations with from top to bottom: The Great Bear on the left, the Dragon that encircles the Little Bear, Cephee below and the Swan on its right, then Cassiopee snaps everything against a big rock. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France). Pole star Polaris (near the center of the image) and circumpolar constellations; from left to right and top to bottom: Big Dipper, Draco with Little Dipper, Cygnus, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France)
North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - The northern celestial pole is marked by the polar star of the Little Bear. Around, the so-called circumpolar constellations with from top to bottom: The Great Bear on the left, the Dragon that encircles the Little Bear, Cephee below and the Swan on its right, then Cassiopee snaps everything against a big rock. In overprint, the mythological forms of these constellations, extracted from the Uranographia of Hevelius. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France). Pole star Polaris (near the center of the image) and circumpolar constellations; from left to right and top to bottom: Big Dipper, Draco with Little Dipper, Cygnus, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Constellation mythological forms from “” Uranographia”” star atlas by Hevelius (1690) have been added. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France)
Constellation of the Little Bear - Constellation of Ursa Minor - At the top of the picture, the polar star. Ursa Minor (the Little Bear) is intimately linked to Polaris, the North Star which may be found at the end of the trail of stars that look like the Little Dipper. Ursa Minor does not appear have any mythology associated with it, rather it was first mentioned in the 6th century B.C. by Thales of Miletus as a navigational aid for Phoenician sailors. On the other hand, in the mythology of Ursa Major, two bears were flung into the sky by their tails by Zeus, in a fit of jealousy. The throw was so violent that the bear's tails were elongated
Constellation of Big Bear - Constellation of Ursa Major - The constellation of Big Bear with the constellations of Hunting Dogs and Little Lion. Ursa Major is the third largest constellation in the sky but is not seen by skywatchers in the far southern hemisphere. However, it is the most recognisable of all constellations for those who can see it, mainly because of the asterism formed by the seven brightest stars. This is known as the Big Dipper in the USA, the Plough in Britain, various kinds of carts in Europe and a range of other objects in other cultures. Not surprisingly the constellation as a whole has a rich mythology associated with it, with many peoples projecting their stories among these beautiful stars. Greatly abbreviated, one ancient Greek version has Zeus romancing Callisto. His wife Hera changed Callisto into a bear out of jealousy. Hera's son Arcus found Callisto (the bear) by chance in the forest and was about to kill her, so to save her, Zeus turned Arcus into a smaller bear (Ursa Minor), and threw the pair of them into the sky, causing their tails to be stretched. Both bears are circumpolar (visible throught the year) from latitudes north of about 10 degrees and Ursa Major is seen high above the pole star in the northern winter and below it (as in the photograph) in the summer. The two brightest stars in the constellation are Dubhe and Merak (a and ss Ursa Majoris), also known as the Pointers because a line drawn through them points to Polaris, the North Star. The main objects of amateur astronomical interest in Ursa Major are galaxies, five of which have Messier numbers
Ursa Major, Polaris and Cassiopeia -
Star Sky, from the Coach to the Lyre - Starry sky, from Auriga to Lyra - At the beginning of the night of late June, the Coach is almost lying. Higher, the Big Bear and Little Bear are visible, with the Dragon winding between them. Above the head of the mythical animal, the Lyre, then Hercules on the left and below, the Boreale Crown and the Bouvier. 24 June 2008. In this beginning of night of late June, Auriga is almost set. Higher, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are visible, with Draco between them. Above the head of the mythic animal, the Lyra, then Hercules on the left and lower, Corona Borealis and Bootes. June 24 2008
Star Sky, from the Coach to the Lyre - Starry sky, from Auriga to Lyra - At the beginning of the night of late June, the Coach is almost lying. Higher, the Big Bear and Little Bear are visible, with the Dragon winding between them. Above the head of the mythical animal, the Lyre, then Hercules on the left and below, the Boreale Crown and the Bovier. The constellations are traced. June 24, 2008. In this beginning of night of late June, Auriga is almost set. Higher, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are visible, with Draco between them. Above the head of the mythic animal, the Lyra, then Hercules on the left and lower, Corona Borealis and Bootes. Constellations are drawn. June 24 2008
Star Sky, from the Coach to the Lyre - Starry sky, from Auriga to Lyra - At the beginning of the night of late June, the Coach is almost lying. Higher, the Big Bear and Little Bear are visible, with the Dragon winding between them. Above the head of the mythical animal, the Lyre, then Hercules on the left and below, the Boreale Crown and the Bovier. In overprint, the mythological forms of these constellations, extracted from the Uranographia of Hevelius. June 24, 2008. In this beginning of night of late June, Auriga is almost set. Higher, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are visible, with Draco between them. Above the head of the mythic animal, the Lyra, then Hercules on the left and lower, Corona Borealis and Bootes. Mythological Constellations forms from “” Uranographia”” star atlas by Hevelius (1690) have been added. June 24 2008
Constellation of Big Bear - Constellation of Ursa Major - The constellation of Big Bear with the constellations of Hunting Dogs and Little Lion. Ursa Major is the third largest constellation in the sky but is not seen by skywatchers in the far southern hemisphere. However, it is the most recognisable of all constellations for those who can see it, mainly because of the asterism formed by the seven brightest stars. This is known as the Big Dipper in the USA, the Plough in Britain, various kinds of carts in Europe and a range of other objects in other cultures. Not surprisingly the constellation as a whole has a rich mythology associated with it, with many peoples projecting their stories among these beautiful stars. Greatly abbreviated, one ancient Greek version has Zeus romancing Callisto. His wife Hera changed Callisto into a bear out of jealousy. Hera's son Arcus found Callisto (the bear) by chance in the forest and was about to kill her, so to save her, Zeus turned Arcus into a smaller bear (Ursa Minor), and threw the pair of them into the sky, causing their tails to be stretched. Both bears are circumpolar (visible throught the year) from latitudes north of about 10 degrees and Ursa Major is seen high above the pole star in the northern winter and below it (as in the photograph) in the summer. The two brightest stars in the constellation are Dubhe and Merak (a and ss Ursa Majoris), also known as the Pointers because a line drawn through them points to Polaris, the North Star. The main objects of amateur astronomical interest in Ursa Major are galaxies, five of which have Messier numbers
Policeman chasing Skinny dippers - "Boys will be boys" postcard, 1922 (photo)