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Images of 'Labor Movement' found, 363

Striking Renault workers in France, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Margaret Hinchey at a Suffragist Demonstration, New York, February 1914 (b/w photo)
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Portrait of A. Philip Randolph, November 1942 (b/w photo)
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Asa Philip Randolph, 1964 (b/w photo)
Labor movement. Editorial cartoon illustratin the struggle between organized labor and big businees over the 8-hour workday. Color lithograph, March 17, 1886
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The Boxer Rebellion c.1900 - extreme poverty in China, flooding, rail road construction, battle.
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'Mother' Jones, 1910-5 (b/w photograph)
Philipp Scheidemann, 1919
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Protesters of the KPD before the Karl-Liebknechthaus, 1929
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Deployment of the KDP on May Day , 1922
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Japan: 'Cormorant Fishing'. Yoshimune Arai (1873-1945)
During a break, commune workers sing in praise of Chairman Mao, 1968 (photo)
Members of the Yangtan people's commune loading wheat, 1967 (photo)
Refugee camps, 1970 (16mm negative, 2K/Sound scan)
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Al Fatah Palenstina
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Inez Milholland Boissevain, c1913(phoro)
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Switzerland Exhibition Saffa, 1958 (b/w photo)
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Eugene Debs 1921 (photo)
New York, September 11, 2001
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New York, September 11, 2001
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Forced laborers during a speech of Robert Ley, 1943 (b/w photo)
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Demonstration of the KPD on 01.05.1932 (b/w photo)
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Forced laborers during a speech of Robert Ley, 1943 (b/w photo)
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Protest against the Locarno treaties on May Day , 1926
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Meeting of workers unemployed in Trafalgar Square. London.
United States, Chicago, 19th century, Railroad employees strike (engraving)
Meeting of workers unemployed in Trafalgar Square. London. 1886 (engraving)
Workers at the demonstration of the KPD on May Day , 1930
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Communists collect for the Rote Hilfe, 1930
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Striking workers in St. Denis, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Switzerland Exhibition Saffa, 1958 (b/w photo)
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May 1. poster from 1914 (b/w photo)
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Labor movement's newspaper (Maizeitung), 1900 (b/w photo)
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KPD athletes on May Day, 1930
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Wreck of Los Angeles Times building after militant labor unionists bombing that killed 21 people on October 1, 1910. The paper's owner, Harrison Gray Otis, was vehemently anti-union
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May demonstration of the KPD, 1926
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Deployments of the KPD on May Day , 1926
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SPD operation group on May Day  in Berlin, 1930
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May rally of the KPD, 1930
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Rally of the RFB on May Day , 1928
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Worker athletes at the rally of May Day , 1930
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History of France. Decazeville strike.
Labor movement - The strike in Belgium, 1886 (engraving)
Cemeterey, Venosa, Basilicata, Italy, 1956 (b/w photo)
PESTANA, Angel (1886-1937). Spanish anarcho-syndicalist leader. Portrait of Angel Pestana as watchmaker in Barcelona, August 1927. Photography. SPAIN. BARCELONA
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Card of National Confederation Labour.
Rally of the Reichsbanner on May Day , 1930
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KPD event in Berlin's Lustgarten on May Day , 1931
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KPD event in Berlin on May Day , 1930
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Rally of the SPD on May Day  in the Lustgarten in Berlin, 1931
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Demonstrating workers, around 1890
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Eugene V. Debs, President of American Railway Union, 1880s.
SPD operation group on May Day  in Berlin, 1930
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May demonstration of the KPD, 1930
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Willy Brandt as a twelve-year-old
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Wives and daughters of Monte Amiata miners, Siena, Italy, 1958 (b/w photo)
Austria 19th century. Labour movement.
Demonstration of the KPD on May Day , 1930
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May Day of the Communists in Berlin, 1930
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Rotsport wagon at a rally on May Day  in Berlin, 1930
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TRADE UNIONIST dissemination campaign gravure union 'Work', 1952
The first Reichsraetekongress (National Congress of Councils) in Berlin, 1918
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Demonstration of the KPD in Berlin, 1930
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President Arthur, vetoed the 1882 bill forbidding immigration of laborers from China for 20 years, but later signed a 10 year limitation that remained in effect for decades
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Four Chicago anarchists convicted of murder of seven policemen during the Haymarket Riot of May 4, 1887, on their way to their execution by hanging, at Cook County jail, November 1887
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