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Images of 'La Deploration' found, 155

Lamentation over the dead Christ, c.1483 (tempera on canvas)
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Lamentation over the dead Christ, c.1483 (tempera on canvas)
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The Entombment, c.1450 (oil on panel)
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Pieta, 1493/94 (tempera on panel)
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Lamentation over the death of Christ Sculpted group of the school of Gaetano Giulio Zumbo. Late 17th-early 18th century. Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello
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Altarpiece: Deploration or lamentation on the dead Christ
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Deposition with Virgin Mary and Saints, 1523-24 (oil on panel)
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Lament over the dead Christ, 17th century (painting)
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The Deposition or Lamentation on the Death of Christ, 1495 (painting)
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Lamentation over the dead Christ, 1615 circa, (oil on canvas)
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Lamentation over the dead Christ, 1360-65 circa, (tempera on wood)
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Pieta (oil on canvas)
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The Deploration of Christ (Lamentation of the Dead Christ). Among the characters represented: Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus hold the shroud, Saint John supports the Virgin Mary who faints, Saint Mary Magdalene heals the wounds of Jesus with ointment and Saint Francis of Assisi recognizable by his stigmata. Most of them have tears on their cheeks and are crying. In the background, the city of Avignon and in the foreground the nails and the crown of thorns. The inscription I.N.R.I. (INRI) can be seen on the cross. Anonymous painting from the Avignon school, undated. altarpiece. Oil on wood. Collegiate Church of Pignans, Var.
The Deploration of Christ (Lamentation of the Dead Christ), detail. Among the characters represented: Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus hold the shroud, Saint John supports the Virgin Mary who faints, Saint Mary Magdalene heals the wounds of Jesus with ointment and Saint Francis of Assisi recognizable by his stigmata. Most of them have tears on their cheeks and cry. In the background, the city of Avignon. Anonymous painting from the Avignon school, undated. altarpiece. Oil on wood. Collegiate Church of Pignans, Var.
Loire Atlantique N* 116 - Nantes - Musee Dobree - “Deploration of Christ” - by Marco Basaiti (around 1470- after 1530)
Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1436-41 (tempera on panel) (detail)
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La deploration du Christ. Fresque de Guido di Pietro (ou Fra Giovanni da Fiesole) dit Fra Angelico ou il Beato (1400-1455), 1442. Cellule 2 du Couvent de San Marco, Florence (Museo di San Marco, Firenze). ©Battaglini/Leemage
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Polyptych with Madonna and Child Enthroned, (panel)
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Lamentation of Christ, c.1595-1600 (oil on canvas)
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Lamentation over the dead Christ. The Virgin Mary kisses the hands of Christ while a loved one wipes away tears. Miniature of the Bedford Missal, 1423.
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Lamentation of Christ, c.1510-15 (oil on wood)
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Renaissance - Sculpture : Lamentation of Oratory of Jesus - Carved terracotta, Cortona, Italy
The Lamentation Icon, 2022 (egg tempera, gold leaf, wood)
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The Deploration of Christ by the Angels Painting by Reynaud Levieux (1613-1694) 1651 Sun. 189x164 cm Musee Municipal de Villeneuve les Aviignons
On the day of crying, brings together friends and family of a deceased (whose clothes are hanging on the wall) to organize a session of screaming, lamenting, posturing and crying, before the burial. Engraving by Yvan Pranishnikoff, to illustrate the story Un tour en Mingrelie (region of Georgia, extending between the Caucasus and the Rion), by Carla Serena, in 1876-1878, published in the tour du monde, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Paris, 1881. Selva Collection.
Stories of Jeus Christ, 14th century (tempera on panel)
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Madonna and Child Jesus, Kiss of Judah, Jesus Christ stripped of his garment, Deposition from the cross and Lamentation over the dead body , c.1280-90 (tempera on board)
Christ put in the tomb. The virgin and the apostles put Christ, lying on his shroud, in the tomb. Miniature of a book of Hours from 1450.
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The Deploration of Christ. Triptych of the Flemish School. 1490 approx. Church of Our Lady of Bruges. Belgium.
Duomo (the Cathedral): portal of the South sacristy, end XIV century, Milan, Italy
Cross descent. Anonymous painting of the Spanish school (oil on canvas)
Lamentation over the Body of the Dead Christ, c.1474-75 (wool & silk)
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Pieta by  Georg Meistermann,1965 (stained glass)
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