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Images of 'Kidnapping' found, 2,320

French ambassadors arrested in Novate on 25 July 1793, 1793 (Engraving and drawing)
Patricia Hearst brandishing a weapon in front of SLA symbol,  15th April 1974 (photo)
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Hanns Martin Schleyer, 1977 (b/w photo)
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Découverte du cadavre de Aldo Moro, Via Caetani, Rome, mai 1978 (Aldo Moro avait été enlevé par les brigades rouges)
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The kidnapping of Proserpine (Ratto di Proserpina). Baroque sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini known as Le Bernin (1598-1680), 1622. Galleria Borghese, Rome.
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The Abduction of a Herzegovenian Woman, 1861 (oil on canvas)
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The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, detail (marble)
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Abduction of Proserpine, 1621-22 (marble)
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About to be Taken, 1995 (oil on canvas)
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The kidnapping of Proserpine (Ratto di Proserpina), detail. Baroque sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini known as Le Bernin (1598-1680), 1622. Galleria Borghese, Rome.
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The coup d'état of Kaiserswerth, 1062: Archeveque Anno of Cologne kidnaps the king of the Romans Henry IV still a child to exercise effective regency on the Holy Roman Empire instead of the imperial mother Agnes d'Aquitaine”” (1062, the archbishop of Cologne, Anno II, kidnapped the underage German King Heinrich IV from koken and in this way obtained the unofficial regency of the Holy Roman Empire) Drawing a la pen from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
Gorillas Attacking & Kidnapping Humans, 1878 (engraving)
Flora, Zephyrus and Cloris, detail from The Allegory of Spring (Primavera), c. 1477-1482 (tempera on wood)
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Massacre of the Innocents (fresco)
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Aldo Moro enlevé par les brigades rouges, Italie, avril 1978 (photo prise par les brigades rouges).
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The Abduction of Proserpine, 1621-22 (marble) (detail of 593555)
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Gorilla Kidnapping Woman, 1878 (engraving)
The Abduction of Proserpine (Marble Sculpture, 1621-1622)
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The kidnapping of Proserpine (Ratto di Proserpina). Baroque sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini known as Le Bernin (1598-1680), 1622. Galleria Borghese, Rome.
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Prohibition of preches and arrest of Protestants after the revocation of the Edit de Nantes (dragonnades under Louis XIV (1681-1686): Catholic soldiers (dragons) tear up infants of children born from Protestant families and entrust them to Catholic parents (dragonnades in France under Louis XIV, French policy instituted by Louis XIV in 1681 to intimidate and persecute Huguenot families into either leaving France or re-converting to Catholicism, dragoons kidnapping children to their families) Engraving from “Les mysteres de la science” by Louis Figuier, Collection privee
Reconstruction of Baron Edouard Jean Empain'S Kidnapping June 28, 1979 in Savigny S/Orge : here The Baron Empain (b/w photo)
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Greek antiquite: “” the abduction of Helene of Troy”” Bas relief - Vatican, Musei Lateranensi - The Abduction of Helen of Troy - Stone relief - Musei Lateranensi, Musei Vaticani, Italy
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Matteoti affair (Giacomo Matteotti, italian socialist deputy, killed by fascists on june 10, 1924) : pilgrimage at place where he was kidnapping in Rome on june 10, 1924 (Baldesi, Bocconi, Antonio Priolo, Arturo Labriola, Prampolini, Cassinelli, Gonzales)
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Oplontis, near Naples, Italy (Napoli, Italia): murals in Villa Poppaea - detail of Roman fresco, mythological scene the abduction of Europe - Roman art - Photo Patrice Cartier -
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The Rape of the Sabinewomen. 17th century (painting)