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Images of 'Joseph Dalton Hooker' found, 119

Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, c.1854 (b/w photo)
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Octopus illustration
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Antarctic fish illustration
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Rhododendron sp.
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Portrait of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 – 1911) (photo)
Eucalyptus urnigera
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1817 – 1911.
Licuala veitchii, palm with yellow flowers, native to Borneo. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Aptenodytes fosteri
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker at Ciuncerna Pass, from Himalayan Journals, by Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), engraving, 19th century
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Great Britain: Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), Botanist and Explorer
Joseph Dalton HOOKER - 1817-1911
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (b/w photo)
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (b/w photo)
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Rhododendron glauum. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Dwarf rhododendron, Rhododendron pumilum. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Three-flowered rhododendron, Rhododendron triflorum. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Rhododendron lanatum. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Rhododendron falconeri. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Named for Scottish botanist Hugh Falconer. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.
Dr. Thomson's rhododendron, Rhododendron thomsonii. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker, named for Dr. Thomas Thomson. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Rhododendron pendulum. Copied from Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1851.
Hodgsonia heteroclita flowers, female and male. Copied from an illustration by Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Noble rhubarb or Sikkim rhubarb, Rheum nobile. Illustration copied from a sketch by Joseph Dalton Hooker. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1857.
Portrait of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 – 1911) (photo)
Portrait of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 – 1911) (photo)
Joseph dalton Hooker
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1851 (print)
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From top of Choonjerma Pass. 15, 000ft looking West over Nepal, snows, 1848 (drawing)
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Great Britain: Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), Botanist and Explorer
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker C.B, M.D. (1817-1911) (litho)
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Joseph Dalton Hooker, c.1865-85 (photoic print on paper)
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, British botanist, late 19th century
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Rhododendron Dalhousiae, 1849 (chromolithograph)
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French rose, Rosa incarnata. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Dracaena marmorata, native to Singapore. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Enkianthus campanulatus, native of Japan. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Styrax obassia, from Japan and Korea. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Pentstemon rotundifolius, native to northern Mexico. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Pandanus labyrinthicus, native of the Malaysian archipelago. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Macodes javanica, originally from Java (Indonesia). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Iris barnumae, purple iris from Armenia. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Plant native to New Zealand, Olearia insignia. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Iris meda, Originally from Persia (Iran). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Sarcochilus luniferus, a yellow orchid from Burma. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Smilax ornata, sarsaparilla, native of Mexico. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Aristolochia hians, native aristoloche of Venezuela. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Eremurus himalaicus, white lily of the Himalayas. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by E. Bates in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Berberis angulosa, yellow flowering bush native to the Himalayas. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Carludovica rotundifolia, palm native to Costa Rica. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Spathoglottis ixioides, a yellow orchid native to the eastern Himalayas. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Syringa villosa, pale purple flowers native to China. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Catasetum garnettianum, a variety of orchid native to the banks of the Amazon. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Phajus pauciflorus, white orchid native to Java. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Laportea moroides, a variety of nettle native to Queensland (Australia). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Lilium nepalense, a variety of yellow lily native to the Himalayas. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Passiflora hahnii, Flower of yellow passion, native to Mexico. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Thrinax excelsa, palm tree of Jamaican. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Saxifraga latepetiolata, white saxifrage native to Spain. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Eremostachys laciniata, native plant of western Asia. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Delphinium zalil, native of Khorassan (or Chorasan, Afghanistan). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Arachnanthe clarkei, Eastern Himalayan striped orchid. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by E. Bates in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Fritillaria bucharica, white fritillaria from Central Asia. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Grevillea aspleniifolia, endemic shrub of New South Wales (Australia). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Shortia galacifolia, Oconee bells, native of Carolina (USA). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Olearia macrodonta, White flowers, native plant of New Zealand. Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by J.N. Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.
Clintonia andrewsiana, pearl lily native to California (USA). Drawing by Matilda Smith (1854-1926), Lithography by John Nugent Fitch in Curtis Botanical Magazine, by Joseph Dalton Hooker, published in London, England, by L. Reeve and Co, 1889.