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Images of 'Inflation' found, 1,462

The Rush from the New York Stock Exchange on September 18, 1873, from 'A History of the Last Quarter Century' by E. Benjamin Andrews, published in Scribner's Magazine, July 1895 (oil on canvas)
Customers queue for food during inflation in Germany, Berlin, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Rentenmark, (recto verso), Germany, c.1919-23 (banknote)
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Sunday July 18 2004 - 'The income of American Workers is not keeping pace with inflation, a survey has shown'
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Stack of Rentenmark in the basement of the Reichsbank, 1923 (b/w photo)
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President Richard Nixon announced the imposition of wage and price controls for 90 days, August 15, 1971
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German cinema-goers are charged the admission price of two charcoal briquettes to see the matinee film "Judas" as a result of inflation, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Sunday July 18 2004: The income of American workers is not keeping pace with inflation, a survey has shown, 2004
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Wonderland II: Vanitas, 2021 (digital collage)
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Hyperinflation of German currency, 1923
A Man standing in front of Berlin's Schlossparktheater reading about ticket prices, Berlin Steglitz, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Laundry baskets on a handcart contain wage funds, which are paid on the same day, Weimar Republic, Germany, 1922 (b/w photo)
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Inflation en 1920. Inflation in 1920.
Stamping of banknotes in Vienna, 1919 (b/w photo)
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African holding euros, Lome, Togo
Policeman guards bills during the inflation (b/w photo)
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Destruction of money during the inflation, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Milpengo's one billion bill. (engraving 1946)
Caricature on the Kipper und Wipper, around  1620
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Stack of Rentenmark in the safe of the Reichsbank, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Unemployed Berliners demonstrate against rising inflation, Berlin, 24 November 1923 (b/w photo)
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The first typewriter competition in Berlin, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Piles of German money in a Berlin bank during the post-World War I hyper-inflation. In 1923 an American dollar was worth 800 million German marks
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Inflation: A couple from the city transport food purchased in the countryside on a bicycle with an auxiliary engine, 1922 (b/w photo)
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Tree of Price (collage)
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A&P Supermarket in Durham, North Carolina, May 1940. From 1915 through 1975, A&P was the largest U.S. food retailer
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Cartoon of money-grubbers in Germany after the First World War, 1923 (litho)
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Renters Rally of Coalition for Economic Survival activists including elderly men and women demonstrating for rent control in West Hollywood California
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One Dollar Greenback, with engraving of Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon Chase. Greenbacks were legal tender, but were not backed by gold or silver, only the credibility of the U.S. government. Greenbacks were legal tender, with which soldiers were paid. They bought armaments, hospitals, and other war material during the US Civil War (engraving)
Satellites, Communication, USA Echo satellite during inflation tests, 1960
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Queue in front of a Berlin Freibank during the inflation, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Municipal butter sale during the inflation in Germany, Berlin, 1922 (b/w photo)
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Funds raising of the German Charity, 1923 (b/w photo)
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Malnourished children at a slum in, Dhapa, Kolkata, West Bengal; India. April 14, 2009. Despite a robust economy with 9 percent annual growth in recent years, inflation and the food crisis in India now threaten to erode many of the gains made here. Indias state of Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra and West Bengal which has the highest child mortality and child malnutrition rates in the country, government supplementary programmes are under threat. Approximately 60 million children are underweight in India which is highest in the world. Given its impact on health, education and productivity, persistent malnutrition is a major obstacle to human development and economic growth in the country.  (photo)
Organs Selection of post-mortem reports of death from lung disease, c 1965
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Germany, Weimar Republic, Reichsbank Hyperinflation Currency Notes
Germany, Weimar Republic, Reichsbank Hyperinflation Currency Note
Germany, Weimar Republic, Reichsbank Hyperinflation Currency Note
Two Billion Reichsmark banknote issued 5th November 1923
One Billion Mark Note
Inflation: "Raffke" (profiteer) character (b/w photo)
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Inflation du charbon en 1920. Inflation of coal in 1920.