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Images of 'Haifa' found, 615

Haifa- oil factory 'Shemen'
Haifa and Mount Carmel
Haifa, a city built on the slopes of Mount Carmel, 1950
Mike Brant with parents and brother Zvi in Haifa, 1950 (b/w photo)
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Arabs in the Grain Market of Haifa, 1910
Mike Brant with parents and brother Zvi in Haifa, 1962 (b/w photo)
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British soldiers guarding an oil pipeline running from Iraq to Palestine, at the Kishon River, Israel, 1941 (b/w photo)
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New Year Card, 'Welcome to Israel', 1950
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Icon in Haifa melkite cathedral : prophet Elias , Haifa, Israel
Immigrants in the port of Haifa, 1960 (b/w photo)
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Herzl Street, Haifa, Palestine (now Israel), 1930s
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Kingsway, Haifa, Palestine (now Israel), 1920s - 1930s
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Jewish colonies, Palestine, near Haifa and Jaffa, c
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Mosque in Haifa, Palestine (now Israel), 1920s - 1930s
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Professor Albert Einstein, 1920s (b/w photo)
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German colony, Haifa, Palestine (now Israel), 1920s - 1930s
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Folke Bernadotte
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Jewish immigrants in Israel (b/w photo)
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Le petrole en Irak: Dropping a welded pipe into a trench with a crane while laying the Iraq Petroleum Company's pipe line across Palestine's Plain of Esdraelon, July 1933. Completed in 1934, the pipeline ran from Kirkuk to Al Hadithah (now NW Saudi Arabia), then branching with pipelines to Tripoli and Haifa.
Carmel & Haifa, Classic Photography
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Jewish factory in Palestine o
Mount Carmel in Haifa
Window Open over Haifa (gouache on paper)
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Haifa, Israel, 1912 postcard with postage stamp
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Haifa, Herzl Street
People disembarking at Haifa port, Israel, railway train to the right, 1929
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Mount Carmel, Haifa
Haifa, 1926
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German colony district, Haifa, 1902
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A pottery bath with four loop handles used probably as a coffin, Tell Abu-Hawam
The Bay of Haifa and Shrine of the Bab, 1930
Israel, Haifa. Bahai Temple
Haifa, Trees and Houses on Mount Carmel, c.1935 (ink on paper)
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Haifa city by the sea - early 20th century.
Haifa Street (acrylic on paper)
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The 'Theodor Herzl' in the port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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The port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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Chemical plant in Haifa (b/w photo)
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Baha'i Shrine and Gardens, Haifa, Israel, 2008 (photo)
The port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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The port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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The Israeli War of Independence.
The port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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British forces leaving Haifa at the end of the British Mandate, 1950s
Two youths light the eternal flame on top of Haifa's monument honoring those killed in the battle for Haifa one year earlier. The incription of the tomb reads: 'Honor and Praise to those who fell for the defence of Haifa'.
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The port of Haifa (b/w photo)
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Israel, Haifa.
Zionist activities around Haifa, 1930
Baha'i Shrine and Gardens, Haifa, Israel, 2008 (photo)
Jewish School children on Carmel slope, 1936
The Haifa Shemen oil works, 1936
A Kindergarten Class, 1936
Jewish factories in Palestine, 1939
Shell' oil tanks near Haifa, Palestine. c. 1934-39
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Binyamina, 1936
Shell' oil tanks near Haifa, Palestine. c. 1934-39
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Jewish factories in Palestine, 1939
Middle East, Israel, a Cargo of Wheat in the Port of Haifa, 1960-70 (b/w photo)
Haifa, 1941
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German Hospice At Haifa
Haifa, a city built on the slopes of Mount Carmel, 1935
Jewish immigrants in Israel, 1960 (b/w photo)
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