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Images of 'Guatemala' found, 4,114

Cabbages and Lilies, Solola Region, Guatemala, 1993 (dyes on silk)
Anthropomorphic vase, Petén, Guatemala (earthenware)
Mushroom, depicting a stylized snake,  2000 BC to AD 250 (basalt sculpture)
View of Tikal Temple 1, Late Classic Period 600-900 AD (photo)
Funerary mask from Tikal, Peten, Guatemala, Early Classic Period (c.200-600 AD) (jade, mother of pearl & pyrite) (see also 238269)
Guatemala Impressions (dyes on silk)
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Facsimile of the Dresden Codex (photo)
Funeral mask, 250 to 900 AD (jadeite and shells)
Dressing ceremony of high priest from Reconstruction of Bonampak frescoes (Maya archaeological site)
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Map of the Maya Area (w/c on paper)
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Tikal - Temple I and the constellation of the Great Dog - Tikal - Temple I Canis Major constellation and stone stela - Temple I or Temple of Ah Cacao or Temple of the Great Jaguar was built around 734, and rises to 47 metres high. Tikal (or Tik'al according to modern Mayan spelling) is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centers of the Mayan precolombian civilization. Located in what is now northern Guatemala, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. Temple I (also known as the Temple of Ah Cacao or Temple of the Great Jaguar) is a funerary pyramid dedicated to Jasaw Chan K'awil, who was entombed in the structure in AD 734, the pyramid was completed around 740 - 750. The temple rises 47 meters (154 ft) high. Tikal (or Tik'al according to the modern Mayan orthography) is one of the largest archaeological sites and urban centres of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. It is located in the archaeological region of the Peten Basin in what is now northern Guatemala. In 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Semana Santa, Guatemala, 2006 (dyes on silk)
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Mayan Vase, Late Classic period, 600-900 AD (ceramic)
Stamp, c.600-900 (ceramic)
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Vase with Two Bwo gunners and Waterbirds, Late Classic, 550-800 (earthenware with polychrome slip on painting)
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Polychrome terracotta container, decoration in the form of a bird, originating from Tikal (Peten, Guatemala). Mayan culture.
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Reproduction of Bonampak frescos, representing priest during ceremony of taking the habit
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Temple of the Jaguar (Temple 1) Mayan, Late Classic Period c.600-900 (photo)
Vase, with a lid decorated with a jaguar head, 250 to 900 AD (clay)
Guatemalan Lilies, Absolutely Fabulous Set, 1994 (dyes on silk)
Cylindrical vase decorated with two men and a woman performing a ritual (clay)
Urn, Guatemala, c.300-600 (ceramic & paint)
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Ruined Temple, Tikal, Guatemala, 1984 (w/c on paper)
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Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
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Sacrificial knife, from Nakum, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (obsidian)
Bowl with Water Scene, Guatemala, Middle Classic, 500-700 (earthenware with painted stucco)
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Cylindrical funeral urn decorated with a human face, 250 to 900 AD (clay)
Cylindrical vase with jadeite mosaic, the lid is a man's head wearing a feather headdress. From Tikal, c. 250 to 900
Clay funeral urn originating from Nebaj, Quiche (Guatemala). Detail showing a depiction of man on his feet. Mayan Civilization, 4th-10th Century.
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Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in 1954. His 1952 land reform program threatened wealthy families and the United Fruit Company. He was deposed in a CIA covert action and eventually Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas became President in a military government
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Temple II of the Masks or of the Moon, 8-9th century (photo)
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Stela F, Quirigua, 1883 (platinum print)
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Bowl, Guatemala, c.900-1100 (ceramic & slip paint)
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Temples I and II at Tikal, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic period, c.600-900 AD (photo)
Guatemala, El Peten Department, Tikal National Park, Great Plaza
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Temple of the Jaguar (Temple 1) Mayan late Classic Period, c.600-900 (photo)
Mayan Cylindric Vase from Holmul, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic period, c.600-900 AD (ceramic)
Funerary vessel (ceramic)
'Stela C', Quirigua, Izabal department, Guatemala, Late Classic period, AD 775 (platinum print)
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'Zoomorph B', Quirigua, Izabal department, Guatemala, Late Classic period, AD 780 (platinum print)
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Panel 19, low relief from Dos Pilas, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic period 600-900 AD (stucco on stone)
Zoomorphic funeral urn, 600 to 1200 AD (clay)
Flask, c.600-900 (ceramic & slip paint)
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The corn offering, by Carlos Merida (1891-1985). Guatemala, 20th century.
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Guatemala, plastic model of Tikal temples
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Clay funeral urn showing a depiction of a jaguar on the lid, four skulls and the God of the sun. Artifact originating from Quiche (Guatemala). Mayan Civilization, 4th-10th Century.
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Clay funeral urn originating from Nebaj, Quiche (Guatemala). Detail showing a depiction of the God of the sun. Mayan Civilization, 10th-4th Century.
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Temple II of the Masks in the archaeological stie of Tikal in Guatemala
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Cabbages and Lillies Revisited, Guatemala, 2006 (dyes on silk)
Flask, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & specular hematite)
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Cylinder vessel, Guatemala, c.600-900 (ceramic & paint)
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Necklace, from Topoxte, Peten, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (shell)
Golden disc from Los Limones, Ayutla, Guatemala, Post-Classic period (gold)
Guatemalan shrine, 2021 (dyes on silk)
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Throne 1 from Piedras Negras, Usamacinta, Guatemala, Late Classic Period (600-900) (stone)
Aguateca Site, Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD (photo)
Zaculeu ballcourt (photo)
Portrait of Pedro de Alvarado y Contreras (Badajoz, 1485 - Guadalajara, 1541), Spanish commander and governor of Guatemala
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Engraving of Itzamna from a tomb in Topoxte, Peten, Guatemala, Classic period, c.300-900 AD (jade)
Guatemala, El Peten, Tikal National Park, Mask of Chac, god of rain at archaeological site
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Ixil funerary urn with feline lid, Nebaj, Guatemala, Last Classic Period (900-1200) (polychrome earthenware) (see also 310160)
Rafael Carrera
North Acropolis, archaeological site of Tikal, Tikal National Park (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), El Peten, Guatemala, Maya Civilization
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