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Images of 'From Space' found, 9,802

Scenographia: Systematis Copernicani Astrological Chart, 1660 (hand-coloured engraving)
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I Want! I Want!, from 'For the Sexes: The Gates of Paradise', 1793 (line engraving)
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The Copernican System, 'Planisphaerium Copernicanum', c.1543, devised by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) c.1660 (colour engraving)
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Astronaut John W. Young salutes the United States flag during Apollo 16 mission, 1972 (colour photograph)
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Untitled, 1964 (print)
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An asteroid threatens the artist's Earth-View - Asteroid threatening the Earth - Artist vie
Windsor Castle: from the River Thames
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Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves - Colliding neutron stars and gravitational waves: Artist's view of two colliding neutron stars about to merge and explode in kilonova. This type of event produces gravitational waves and a gamma ray burst. This artist's impression shows two tiny but very dense neutron stars at the point at which they merge and explode as a kilonova. Such a very rare event is expected to produce both gravitational waves and a short gamma-ray burst, both of which were observed on 17 August 2017 by LIGO-Virgo and Fermi/INTEGRAL respectively. Subsequent detailed observations with many ESO telescopes confirmed that this object, seen in the galaxy NGC 4993 about 130 million light-years from the Earth, is indeed a kilonova. Such objects are the main source of very heavy chemical elements, such as gold and platinum, in the Universe
Space debris - Artist view - Space debris - Artist view - Approximately 11,000 objects over 10 cm have been identified around the Earth. Most of these debris is in low orbit. The number of debris between 10 cm and 1 cm in diameter, greater than 100,000; particles less than 1 cm must exceed 10 million. Approximately 11,000 objects larger than 10 cm are known to exist around the Earth. The estimated population of particles between 1 and 10 cm in diameter is greater than 100,000. The number of particles smaller than 1 cm probably exceeds tens of millions
Recto: The bones and schematised muscles of the leg, c.1510 (pen & ink over traces of black chalk on paper)
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Illustration from 'Treasure Island' by Robert Louis Stevenson, 1995 (colour litho)
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Tungouska event -Artist's view-2/3 - Tunguska Valley - Artist view (2/3) - On June 30, 1908 a car, several ten metres in diameter, exploded over the Tounguska region of Siberia. 2000 km of forest and taiga were destroyed, blown by the shock wave of the car. The explosion was heard up to 1500 km. Just after seven in the morning of June 30, 1908 a huge fireball appeared over the region, and detonated as it hit the upper atmosphere. The explosion broke windows over 500 miles away. There were some herdsmen and hunters in the area at the time who were able to provide eyewitness accounts of what became known as the Tunguska Event. Many would later die from what appears to have been radiation exposure
Exit in space of Thomas Pesquet - Thomas Pesquet EVA: French astronaut Thomas Pesquet during his first extravehicular ride. January 13, 2017. ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet is photographed during a spacewalk in January 2017. During the nearly six hour spacewalk, the two astronauts successfully installed three new adapter plates and hooked up electrical connections for three of the six new lithium-ion batteries on the International Space Station. Astronauts were also able to accomplish several get-ahead tasks including stowing padded shields from Node 3 outside of the station to make room inside the airlock and taking photos to document hardware for future spacewalks. January 13 2017
Why Call them Back from Heaven? (colour litho)
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Illustration for Jules Verne's
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The probes Osiris-Rex and Hayabusa 2 - Artist's view - Osiris-rex and Hayabusa 2 - Artwork: Artist's view of the probe Osiris-Rex near the asteroid Bennu (right) and the probe Hayabusa 2 near the asteroid (162173) Ryugu (upper left). OSIRIS-REX was launched on 8 September 2016 to reach the asteroid Bennu in 2018 and bring a sample back to Earth in 2023. Hayabusa 2 is a space probe of JAXA, the Japanese space agency, launched in December 2014, which will study the asteroid (162173) Ryugu from July 2018 to February 2019 and bring a sample to Earth in December 2020. Osiris-rex will travel to a near-earth asteroid called Bennu and bring a small sample back to Earth for study. It was launched on Sep 8, 2016. As planned, the spacecraft will reach its asteroid target in 2018 and return a sample to Earth in 2023. Hayabusa2 is an asteroid sample return mission operated by the Japanese space agency, JAXA. Launched in December 2014 Hayabusa 2 is expected to arrive at the asteroid 162173 Ryugu in July 2018, survey the asteroid for a year and a half, depart in December 2019, and return to Earth in December 2020
Illustration from 'The Golden Book of Knights and Castles', 1993 (colour litho)
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Earth from Space
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An asteroid threatens the Earth - An asteroid threatens the Earth - Illustration
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Apollo 11: Decollage of Saturn V - Apollo 11 launch July 16 1969 - Decollage of the Saturn V/Apollo 11 rocket. 16/07/1969. The huge, 363 - feet tall Apollo 11 (Spacecraft 107/Lunar Module 5/Saturn 506) space vehicle is launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), at 9:32 a.m. (EDT), July 16, 1969. Aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft were astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. Apollo 11 is the United States' first lunar landing mission. This view of the liftoff was taken by a camera mounted on the mobile launch tower. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin descend in the Lunar Module (LM) “” Eagle””” to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Collins will remain with the Command and Service Modules (CSM) “” Columbia””” in lunar orbit
Triptych - Prometheus, 1950 (mixed media on canvas) (see also 65752-65753)
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Yuri Gagarin becomes 1st man in space, April 12th 1961. Public announcement and Gagarin's face and voice from space are broadcast on radio and TV
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Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913
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Vostok Rocket Carrying the Sputnik 1 Satellite on the Launch Pad in 1957, this is a Still from a Soviet Film of the Launch.
Thorwald's cross slab, c.1000 AD (stone)
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) - Artist View - The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) - Artist view - The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will replace the Hubble Space Telescope in 2014. Equipped with a 6.5 m mirror, he will observe the universe mainly in infrared. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large, infrared - optimized space telescope scheduled for launch in 2014. Equipped with a large mirror 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in diameter, it will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe, connecting the Big Bang to our own Milky Way Galaxy and will reside in an orbit about 1.5 million km (1 million miles) from the Earth
Asteroids threatening the Earth - Artist view - Asteroids threaten to hit the Earth. Threatening asteroids going forward to impact Earth
Asteroides threaten the Earth - Artist view - Asteroids threatening the Earth - Artist view - Title: Space Situational Awareness - Near Earth Objects Picture caption: The SSA-NEO system is based on syndicating and federating observation and tracking data provided by a large number of European and international sources. The key components include: -Observatories and astronomers with telescopes of various sizes, both professional and amateur -A central SSA-NEO data centre, the 'Small Bodies Data Centre', which uses astrometric measurements collected by the Minor Planet Center (USA) -An analysis capability to predict possible impact locations and assess dangers -Analyses related to risk mitigation, including the possible deflection of an asteroid -A system for issuing warnings and alerts to civil authorities in Europe Data on NeOS are collected from telescopes and radar systems worldwide. Each of these submit observations to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), operated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, which acts as a central clearing house for asteroid and comet observations. The measurements collected there are retrieved by the European Small Bodies Data Centre; orbits and miss distances are computed. In case of high-risk impact predictions, the data will be cross-checked with NASA's SENTRY system, operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California, before issuing alerts