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Images of 'Franklin Delano Roosevelt Fd' found, 17

soviet leader Joseph Stalin, american president Franklin Delano Roosevelt and english prime minister Winston Churchill during the Teheran conference which took place from november 28 to december 02, 1943 (chief discussion centered on the opening of a second front in Western Europe)
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Roosevelt and Churchill with military officers at the Casablanca Conference, 1943 (photo)
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Winston Churchill,  Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Staline, Yalta, 1945 (photo)
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American president showing a map of Poland to his staff 1944
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) american president from 1933 to 1945, here in the 30's
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Franklin D. Roosevelt, admiral Chester Nimitz and admiral William Leahy, at the Pacific strategy conference, 1944
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Atlantic Charter
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (g) reelected president of United States in november 1944 is coming back to Washington with Harry Truman, photo NARA
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American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt with John L. Lewis, president of the UMWA (United Mine Workers of America), on a platform in Harrisburg in Pennsylvania in october 1936, photo NARA
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French General Charles de Gaulle arriving in New York july 6, 1944 (before meeting with american president FranklinDelanoRoosevelt in the White House in Washington july 06-11, 1944. De Gaulle's visit in the USA to study the issue of allied cooperation with american president)
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) reading newspaper the day of his election as president november 8, 1932
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Franklin D. Roosevelt declaring war to Japan, 1941 (photo)
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French General Charles de Gaulle meeting american president Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the White House in Washington july 06-11, 1944 one month after the Normandy Landings , during De Gaulle's visit in the USA to study the issue of allied cooperation with american president, here with FDR's daughter Anna
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funerals of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who died april 12, 1945) in Hyde Park, NY with guard of honor april 14, 1945
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Yalta table in february 1945 : at the left of american president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Bohlen, Byrnes, Cadogen, Eden, Churchill, Major Birse, Sir E Bridges, Sir Clark Kerr, F T Gusev, Vichinsky, Molotov, Staline, Mainsky, Gromyko, Leaky, Stettinius, in background Hopkins and standing Matthews
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