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Images of 'Fossil Animals' found, 669

Prehistory: fossil of Pareiasaudor, prehistoric animal (fossil)
Prehistory: archeopteryx fossil, prehistoric animal of the bird family (fossil)
Giant Tortoise (month of May from a calendar)
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X-Ray of a Nautilus, 1905 (lithograph)
Marine reptile fossils: teleosaur skull, macrocephal Plesiosaur skeleton, head and tooth skeleton of ichthyosaur, iguanodon tooth and ichthyosaur excrement - Chromolithography of Geology and Paleontology by Friedrich Rolle (1827-1887), extract from Natural History by Gotthilf Heinrich by Schubert (1780-1860), 1886 - Fossils of head of Jurassic crocodile Teleosaurus, skeleton of marine reptile Plesiosaurus macrocephalus, skeleton, head and tooth of marine reptile Ichthyosaurus communis, tooth of dinosaur Iguanodon, and coprolites (fossil excrement) of Ichthyosaurus - Chromolithograph from Dr. Fr. Rolle's “” Geology and Paleontology”” section in Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert's “” Naturgeschichte,””” Schreiber, Munich, 1886
Fossil of the great Primate Oreopithecus bambolii from Mount Bamboli (Grosseto).
Fossil of the dinosaur Coelophysis.
Sgomber Speciosus fish fossil from the site of Mount Bolca (Italy).
Fossil of Seymouria Bayolorensis amphibian reptile from Texas.
Fossil of the bird Archaeopteryx (Lithography)
Mammalia, Merycoidodon skull, Miocene
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Illustration of dinosaur nests
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Ichthyosaur fossil discovered by Mary Anning (photo)
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Toxodon platensis found at Sadillo, from Charles Darwin's 'Journal of Researches, first illustrated edition' 1890 (engraving)
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Fossil/Shark Tooth
Fossil/Fake trilobite made of reconstituted parts
Mene Rhombea fish fossil from the site of Mount Bolca (Italy).
Fossil collecting near Aveley
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Fossil/Ichthyosaur/Ichthyosaurus acutirostris/Marine Reptile 180 Million years
Mammalia, Poebrotherium wilsonii, Oligocene
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Mammalia, Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) skull, Pleistocene
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Primitive birds were called Archaeopteryx. Complete fossils have been found in Bavaria, in the Upper Jurassic shales.
Orthoceratites & trilobites - Artist's view of an Orthoceras catching a trilobite (Asaphus kowalewskii) in an Ordovician sea 480 million years ago. Orthoceras (Greek straight horn) is a genus of mollusk cephalopod fossil. They returned in large numbers during the Paleozoic and were the main predators. Squid - like Orthoceratites (genus Orthoceras) attempt to make meals of trilobites of the species Asaphus kowalewskii at the bottom of an Ordovician sea 480 million years ago. Also featured is a sea star (AKA starfish), an echinoderm of the class Asteroidea; palm - like Crinoids (AKA sea lilies); Rugosa (AKA Tetracoralla); Favistina stellata coral; and Vauxia sponges.
Middle Jurassic ammonites - Ammonites - Artist's view - View of ammonites artist 170 million years ago. Mollusks of the subclass Ammonoidea in a Jurassic sea 170 million years ago. The planispiral shells are about 30 inches in diameter, making them among the larger known ammonites. Also in this image are ray - finned fish of the infraclassTeleostei and jellyfish of the order Scyphozoa. Ammonites were plentiful in the Earth's oceans for about 400 million years becoming extinct, along with the dinosaurs, about 66 million years ago during the Cretaceous - Paleogene (K - Pg) extinction event. While resembling modern shelled nautiloids, these once plentiful mollusks are more closely related to living octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish
Fish fossil (Mene rhombeus)
Lower cheek teeth of fossil horse
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Drivers and Mules with young laborers in a West Virginia coal mine. October 1908 photo by Lewis Hine
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Cambrian trilobite fossils, Erfoud (Morocco) (object)
Deinonychus antirrhopus, Montana, USA (fossil)
Dinosaur bone as a fossil, 1913
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'Fossil tooth of horse
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Mongolia, Gobi Desert, Bayanzag Valley, fossilized dinosaurs egg in desert
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Cervical vertebrae from Macrauchenia patachonica and Auchenia llama, plate 7 from The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, Vol. 1 Part 1 Fossil Mammalia, by Charles Darwin & Sir Richard Owen, 1838-39 (litho)
View on the Kiskiminetas River in Western Pennsylvania, 1838, by Joshua Shaw, a British-American painter. Several factories are emitting dark smoke, indicating they using wood or fossil fuels, in addition to water power (oil on canvas)
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Fossilized tracks/Grallator traces of dinosaurs of the type Megapnosaurus/Jonhson Farm/St George/Utah/USA
Mongolia, Gobi Desert, Bayanzag Valley, fossilized dinosaur bones in desert
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Spongite fossils (small species): S. costatus, S. radiciformis, S. texturatus, S. rugosus, and S. articulatus. Lithographie in Petrefactenbuch (Book of Petrification) by Dr. F.A.Schmidt, published in Stuttgart (Germany) in 1855 by Verlag von Krais and Hoffmann.
Illustration of Dunkleosteus catching fish
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Fossil skeleton of woolly mammoth. Lithograph by William Lizars, for “” Bibliotheque naturaliste, mammals, pachyderms or quadrupedes with fine skin”, by Sir William Jardine, published in 1836 in Edinburgh (Scotland).
Illustration of Deinotherium (Proboscideans)
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Illustration of Cynognathus
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Dunkleosteus and Cladoselache - Dunkleosteus and Cladoselache - A Dunkleosteus approaches a Cladoselache, the ancestor of sharks. Dunkleosteus, formerly called Dinichthys, is a large fossil placoderm. He lived in the Upper Devonian, between 415 and 360 million years. The largest representatives of the genus were approximately 8-10 m long and weighed around 5 tonnes. These fish were probably the greatest marine predators of their time. In a Devonian lagoon, the giant placoderm fish, Dunkleosteus, drifts towards the early shark, Cladoselache
Shonisaure - Shonisaurus - A 30-ton Shonisaurus (Shonisaurus) about to devour some belemnites.
Fossil/Eupatagus sp./Sea urchin/65 M A
Ammonite with mother-of-pearl/Scaphites sp./90 M A
Ammonite with mother of pearl
Fossil/Encrinus liliiformus/Encrine/200 million years
Fossil/Campanile sp./Gasteropode
Fossil/Brachioodes/Spirifer sp./550 M A
Ammonite/Harpoceras sp./175 M A
Fossil/Dinosaur Egg
Fossil/Campanile sp./Gasteropode
Fossil/Trilobite/Dalmanites sp./400 M A
Fossil/Trilobite/Cryphaeus sp./230 M A