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Images of 'Esplanade' found, 859

Epidemic of plague in Marseille in 1720-1721. Bringing, it was believed at the time, by a ship from Syria, this flower quickly repanded to Marseille, where soon two thousand corpses were piled up on the esplanade of La Tourette. Knight Roze forcibly employed a hundred galleries to bury the bodies in the cellars of the ancient ramparts. The epidemic spread throughout the region, notably Aix en Provence and Toulon, and disappeared only after several months, killing between 90,000 and 120,000 out of a population of about 400,000. According to recent analyses, this epidemic is in fact a resurgence of the Great Black Plague, which had surpassed Europe in the 14th century. Engraving of L'Histoire Populaire de la France by Lahure, mid-19th century.
Robert the Bruce statue (photo)
A view of Government House and Esplanade Row, Calcutta, from the Maidan, 1830 (w/c on paper)
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Bombay University buildings. A view from Watson's Hotel looking towards the Convocation Hall (completed in 1874), with the University Library and the Clocktower (the latter completed in 1878, and here seen shrouded in scaffolding) beyond. Part of the Esplanade and Back Bay can be seen in the background
Karl Lagerfeld and Models in Paris, 1972
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Jewish emigrants in Nice, 1934 (b/w photo)
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Eiffel Tower Reflection, Paris, France, c.1938  (b/w photo)
View taken of the esplanade
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(International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts, Paris 1925 (b/w photo)
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Jubiliee Clock Tower on the Esplanade at Weymouth, Dorset
Jubiliee Clock Tower on the Esplanade at Weymouth, Dorset
Jubiliee Clock Tower on the Esplanade at Weymouth, Dorset
Jubiliee Clock Tower on the Esplanade at Weymouth, Dorset
Reims, Lundy Boulevard and Ceres Esplanade, 1906 (coloured postcard)
Promenade (oil on canvas)
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Exposition des Arts Decoratifs a Paris
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Taking up arms at the Invalides, 1789 (engraving)
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in his coronation robes on Weymouth seafront, UK (sculpture)
in his coronation robes on Weymouth seafront, UK (sculpture)
in his coronation robes on Weymouth seafront, UK (sculpture)
in his coronation robes on Weymouth seafront, UK (sculpture)
in his coronation robes on Weymouth seafront, UK (sculpture)
A view in the Bazaar, leading to the Chitpore Road, from 'Views of Calcutta and its Environs'1826 (hand-coloured aquatint)
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A view in the Bazaar, leading to the Chitpore Road.
The last plate in the collection is this view of the bazaar leading to the Chitpore Road, effectively the border between native and European parts of the city.
Fraser wrote: "At the east end of Esplanade Row, the European quarter continued if one turned at right angles southwards down the Chowringhee Road. However, if one turned left up Cossitollah Street (named from its being the butcher's quarter originally), one began to enter the Indian city, and especially so when this road crossed the Lall Bazaar and became the Chitpore Road. The Street exhibits a bewildering mix of Indian and decaying Palladian architecture, but is very obviously a bazaar. Cossitollah Street had in it a large number of purely European businesses."
Trocadero Esplanade in Paris, 1937 (b/w photo)
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Funeral of French writer Paul Valery on july 23, 1945 in Paris
Exhibition of decorative arts in Paris in 1925 : general View
Free Car Tuning in Paris To Save Oil December 13, 1973, at The Time of The Oil Crisis (b/w photo)
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French president Georges Clemenceau and French minister of war Paul Painleve during ceremony for General Philippe Petain who becomes Field Marshal , in Metz december 08, 1918
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Pascale Audret and her Fiance Samy Frey Dancing at Charity Ball in Paris July 11, 1959 (b/w photo)
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Hotel Esplanade in Berlin, 1931 (b/w photo)
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Paris Exposition: Esplanade des Invalides, Paris, 1900 (lantern slide)
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L'Esplanade des Invalides Transform's En Gare Routiere After La Greve Generalisation May 26, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Tour Eiffel
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Karl Lagerfeld and models in Paris, 1972 (b/w photo)
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Karl Lagerfeld and models in Paris, 1972 (b/w photo)
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Karl Lagerfeld and models in Paris, 1972 (b/w photo)
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The Southwest Corner of the Esplanade of the Haram, The Ancient Temple, illustration from 'The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ' (oil on board)
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Steinway Banquet, 1926
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Ceremony For Bicentenary of French Revolution, Paris, July 13, 1989 : President of Ivory Coast Felix Houphouet - Boigny, French President Francois Mitterrand (1916 - 1996), American President George Bush, President of Bangladesh Hussein Mohammed Ershad, President of Philippines Corazon Aquino, Brazilian President Jose Sarney (b/w photo)
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Church square in Chamonix, in winter (b/w photo, c.1900)
Unveiling of world fair in Paris in 1937 : the Trocadero
Inside of the Great Illumiinated Temporary Building, on the Bombay esplainade, at night, 20th May 1811.
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Front of the General Illuminated Temporary Building on the Bombay esplainade on the night 20th My 1911.
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The Greatest Ball Organized in Paris To The Benefit of 2Nd Armoured Division Social Welfare July 12, 1958 (b/w photo)
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The Greatest Ball Organized in Paris To The Benefit of 2Nd Armoured Division Social Welfare July 12, 1958 (photo)
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French Prime Minister Jacques Chaban Delmas, Nicolae (Nicolas) Ceausescu (Ceaucescu), his Wife Eelena and Mrs Chaban Delmas, at The Invalides, Paris, June 15, 1970 (b/w photo)
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