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Images of 'Enclave' found, 1,373

Retreat at the Foot of Mt. Hui (ink on paper)
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Baldacchino di San Pietro (photo)
Berlin, 1978 (photo)
International forensic experts examine dozens of bodies of Moslems in a mass grave in the Serb entit.., 1996-09-18 (photo)
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The bloody massacres of La Glacière that took place during 16–17 October 1791
India / Sikkim: Gumpa or 'Devil Dance' performed at a Sikkimese monastery, c. 1903
Sri Lanka: Traditional drummer boy at Kelani Temple near Colombo
The Sanctuary, 1989 (oil on canvas)
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The Swiss Court,  Vatican City State, Rome, Italy.
Cenotaph, 1817-1819, white marble stele, by Antonio Canova (1757-1822), St Peter's Basilica, Rome, Vatican City, 19th century
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Statue of Pope Pius X at St
Buildings of Vatican City at Rome, Italy 1920s
Vatican State
The Holy Gate at Basilica of St
Statue of Holy Helena at St Peter's cathedral in Rome, Italy 1920s
At the cloister of St
Capitol hill and Capitol at the city of Rome, Italy 1930s
Vatican State
Vatican State
Vatican State
Trevi fountain at Rome, Italy 1920s
Tomb of Caecilia Metella on Via Appia Antica at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Arch of Titus at the entrance to the Forum Romanum, Italy 1920s
The Holy Gate at St
The Holy Gate at Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore at Rome, Italy 1920s
The chuch San Giovanni in Laterano or Lateran at Rome, Italy 1920s
At the antique harbor city of Ostia near Rome, Italy, 1920s
Sky above Rome and the ancient Forum Romanum, Italy 1920
Statue of Julius Cesar at Rome, Italy 1920s
The Pantheon of Rome is Roman Catholic church, Italy 1920s
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View to the Colosseum at Rome, Italy 1920s
Youths meeting for a sports and array festival at Rome, Italy, 1930s
St Peter's cathedral, seen through Colonnades at Rome, Italy 1920s
The church Santi Giovanni e Paolo at Rome, Italy 1920s
Vatican State
The Gardens of Vatican City, Rome, Italy 1920s
Arch of Constantine at Rome, Italy 1920s
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Interior of Foro Mussolini at Rome, Italy 1930s
Spanish Steps with church Trinita dei Monti at Rome, Italy 1920s
Tower of city hall at Littoria, Italy 1920s
Sky above Rome and St Peter's cathedral (left), Italy 1920
The monument Altare della Patria at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Vatican State
Church of Littoria, Italy 1920s
At the antique harbor city of Ostia near Rome, Italy, 1920s
View to Lateran palace at Rome, Italy, 1920s
View to the interior of Lateran church at Rome, Italy, 1920s
View to the interior of Lateran church at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Castel Sant'Angelo at Rome, Italy 1920s
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Castel Sant'Angelo at Rome, Italy 1920s
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Castel Sant'Angelo at Rome, Italy 1920s
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The monument Altare della Patria at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Soldiers mustering at the Piazza Venezia square at Rome, Italy 1920s
Peter's cathedral at Rome, Italy 1920s
Square near the Mussolini Stadium at Rome, Italy 1930s
View to Lateran church and palace at Rome, Italy 1920s
View to the cellars of the Colosseum at Rome, Italy 1920s
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Colosseum at Rome, Italy 1920s
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A nun passing by at Lateran palace at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Bridal couple in the array of the island of Sardinia, Italy 1930s
Pope blessing the crowds on St Peter's square at Rome, Italy, 1920s
Senator's palace at Capitol square in Rome, Italy 1920s
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
French enclave of Guangzhouwan, 1899
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A trip to Mittelberg in Austria, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)