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Images of 'Earthshine' found, 93

Moon Saturn and Venus - November 2, 2016: The moon in crescent is like its beautiful ash light. Venus is the bright spot on the left of the Moon; between the two a weaker point, the Planet Saturn
Ash Moon - Earthshine - Earthshine of the Moon
Ash Moon - Earthshine
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon-Venus conjunction - Conjunction Moon-Venus January 24, 2004. Moon-Venus conjunction January 24, 2004
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon Venus conjunction - Conjunction between the Moon and Venus on January 30, 2009. Moon Venus conjunction on January 30, 2009
Conjunction Moon-Venus - Crescent Moon, Earthshine, Venus - June 4, 198
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon Venus conjunction - Approximation between the Moon and Venus. Moon-Venus conjunctio
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter - Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter - The Moon and Planets Venus (bottom) and Jupiter (right) seen on 1 December 2008. A beautiful conjunction between the crescent Moon with Earthshine, brilliant Venus, and mighty Jupiter is seen in the fading twilight on the first day of December, 2008. These images were shot with a simple zoom lens on a digital camera on a fixed tripod. The Moon, at magnitude -7.9, is a waxing crescent, 4 days old. The crescent is lit by the direct light of the Sun. The “” dark”” side of the Moon can also be seen, lit by Earthshine - sunlight reflected from the day side of the Earth. Jupiter, at right, shines at magnitude -2.0. Venus, at the bottom of the image, shines at magnitude -4.1
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon Venus conjunction - Chile - 26/10/2003
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon-Venus conjunction - Conjunction between the Moon and Venus (Namibia). Conjunction of Moon and Venus, Namibia
Ash Moon - Earthshine - Moonrise on the Alps. 12 January 2010. Moonrise above english Alps. January 12, 2010
Lune et amas des Pleiades - Moon and Pleiades star cluster - La Lune proche de l'amas des Pleiades. 30 March 2009. Moon close to the Pleiades star cluster. March 30, 2009
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter - Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter - The Moon and Planets Venus (bottom) and Jupiter (right) seen on 1 December 2008. Two satellites of Jupiter are also visible, Ganymede and Callisto. A beautiful conjunction between the crescent Moon with Earthshine, brilliant Venus, and mighty Jupiter is seen in the fading twilight on the first day of December, 2008. These images were shot with a simple zoom lens on a digital camera on a fixed tripod. The Moon, at magnitude -7.9, is a waxing crescent, 4 days old. The crescent is lit by the direct light of the Sun. The “” dark”” side of the Moon can also be seen, lit by Earthshine - sunlight reflected from the day side of the Earth. Jupiter, at right, shines at magnitude -2.0. Venus, at the bottom of the image, shines at magnitude -4.1. Above and to the right of Venus, two faint 6th magnitude stars in Sagittarius can be seen. Two of Jupiter's four Galilean moons can also be seen, one on each side of the planet. Ganymede, at magnitude 5.1 is the brightest and is to the upper left of Jupiter. Callisto, at magnitude 6.1 is to the lower right of the planet. Io and Europa are too close to the planet to be resolved in this image
The Moon in the Pleiades - The crescent Moon near the Pleiades - The crescent Moon passes near the Pleiades cluster
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon-Venus conjunction - Morning conjunction between the Moon and Venus (Zambia). Moon Venus conjunctio
Moonrise - Moonrise - Moonrise in the Alps. 12 January 2010. Moonrise above english Alps. January 12, 2010
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon Venus conjunction - Approximation between the Moon and Venus (May 23, 2006). Moon-Venus conjunction seen in France on May 23, 2006
Conjunction Moon Venus - Moon Venus conjunction - November 5, 2005 from Cumont (32) Moon-Venus conjunction. November 5 2005, Cumont, Gers
Total Eclipse of Sun 22/07/2009 - Total Solar Eclipse - July 22 2009 - Total Eclipse of Sun of 22 July 2009 seen in the Pacific Ocean (Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands). Composite of 38 images showing the solar crown, ash light (the Moon lit by the Earth) and some stars (the weakest visible here are magnitude 10). Total Solar Eclipse of July 22 2009 seen in the Pacific ocean (Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands). Composition of 38 images showing the solar corona, lunar surface and stars, highly beyond the ability of human vision during the eclipse. The weakest stars visible in the image are of about magnitude 10. The stars are a little bit blurred by the motion of the Sun during the very long eclipse
Lune et amas des Pleiades - Moon and Pleiades star cluster - La Lune proche de l'amas des Pleiades. 30 March 2009. Moon close to the Pleiades star cluster. March 30, 2009
Venus near the Moon - Venus close to the Moon - Venus near the Moon. Charles Bridge, Prague. 18/05/2007. Venus (upper left) and Moon. Charles Bridge, Prague. May 18, 2007
Moon and Venus seen at dawn, 18th of July 2020 (photo)
Conjunction Lune Pleiades - Moon near Pleiades - La Lune cendree near the Pleiades cluster seen in Brittany on 30 June 2008. Moon near the Pleiades star cluster. June 30 2008
Crescent Moon -Venus-Jupiter - Crescent Moon Venus and Jupiter - Venus at the top left, top right Jupiter (right next to a galileen satellite, Ganymede, and the star Spica, from the Virgin, in the middle left. The crescent Moon with Earthsine visible, sets in the twilight along with the brightest planet, Venus, and the largest planet, Jupiter on September 6, 2005. Also visible are Spica, Alpha Virginis, and 51 (Theta) Virginis. One can also see Ganymede, the brightest of Jupiter's moons, just to the upper left of the planet, close by. Ganymede shines at magnitude 4.6 and would normally be easily visible to the unaided eye except for its proximity to brilliant Jupiter
Venus near the Moon - Venus close to the Moon - Venus near the Moon. Charles Bridge, Prague. 18/05/2007. Venus (upper left) and Moon. Charles Bridge, Prague. May 18, 2007
Total Eclipse of Sun. 01/08/2008 - Total Solar Eclipse of 2008 august 01 - Composite of 23 images showing the solar crown, the ash light (the Moon lit by the Earth) and the stars. Solar corona, Earth - lit Moon and stars It is a composition of 23 images showing the solar corona in very high resolution and also the Earth - lit Moon and stars up to 11 magnitude. The brightest star (4 magn.) is slightly blurred by the motion of the Sun during the eclipse. The position of the Moon represents the situation 54 seconds after the second contact (18:04:29 local time in Mongolia). Both the display of the solar corona and the lunar surface in the resulting image are beyond the ability of human vision during the eclipse
Winter constellations - Winter constellations - The Moon sets on the horizon to the west this 28 April 2006 in Maryland. In the sky on the left, the constellation of Orion, in the center the Taurus with the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades, on the right the constellation of Persee, above to the center the Coach with the bright star Capella, on its left, the Gemels with the planet Mars. The crescent Moon with Earthshine sets in the twilight in the west with the Winter constellations of Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Taurus and Perseus
Winter constellations - Winter constellations - The Moon sets on the horizon to the west this 28 April 2006 in Maryland. In the sky on the left, the constellation of Orion, in the center the Taurus with the clusters of the Hyades and Pleiades, on the right the constellation of Persee, above to the center the Coach with the bright star Capella, on its left, the Gemels with the planet Mars. The crescent Moon with Earthshine sets in the twilight in the west with the Winter constellations of Orion, Gemini, Auriga, Taurus and Perseus
Total Eclipse of Sun. 01/08/2008 - Total Solar Eclipse of 2008 august 01 - Composite of images showing the solar crown, the ash light (the Moon lit by the Earth) the stars around the Sun (with the cluster of stars M44 at the top right) and the planet Mercury (bright dot on the left). 01/08/2008, Mongolia. Data from two different cameras were used for this image creation. The open cluster M 44 Praesepae (NGC 2632) dominates the star field. The bright object in the left part of the image is Mercury. The solar corona is traceable up to the distance of 20 solar radii. The position of the Moon represents the situation 62 seconds after the second contact (18:04:37 mongolia local time). Display of the solar corona, lunar surface and stars in the resulting image are highly beyond the ability of human vision during the eclipse
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter - Mount Wilson Telescope - Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter at Mt Wilson observatory - The Moon and Planets Venus (bottom) and Jupiter (right) seen on December 1, 2008. In the foreground, the historic 60 inch telescope of Mount Wilson. Conjunction between the crescent Moon with Earthshine, brilliant Venus, and Jupiter seen over the famous pioneering 60 Inch (first big reflector) telescope atop Mt Wilson near Los Angeles, California, on the first day of December, 2008
The Moon, Mars and Saturn, c 2005
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The Ash Moon - Moonset with earthshine - Moonset. The crescent moon disappeared behind the clouds, only the ash light remains visible. The ash light designees the part of the Moon normally immersed in the shadow, but that the Earth manages to illuminate by reflecting the light of the Sun. 20 March 2007. Moon crescent has disappeared behind the clouds, the earthshine stays visible. The bright region is directly illuminated by the sun, while the rest of the Moon is illuminated by light reflected off the Earth. March 20 200
The Moon, Mars and Saturn, 22 May 2004
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Total Solar Eclipse - August 21 2017
The Moon, Venus and Jupiter - Mount Wilson Telescope - Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter at Mt Wilson observatory - The Moon and Planets Venus (middle top) and Jupiter (right) seen on December 1, 2008. In the foreground, the historic 60 inch telescope of Mount Wilson. Conjunction between the crescent Moon with Earthshine, brilliant Venus, and Jupiter seen over the famous pioneering 60 Inch (first big reflector) telescope atop Mt Wilson near Los Angeles, California, on the first day of December, 2008