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Images of 'Dunkler' found, 905

A Dark Pool, c.1908-1918 (oil on canvas)
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Rainstorm off Holkham Beach (oil on canvas)
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Concert for flute with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci, 1852 (oil on canvas)
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Triptych of the Crucified Martyr (Triptych of St Julia), by Joren Anthoniszoon Van Aeken known as Bosch Hieronymus, 1500 - 1504, 16th Century (oil on panel), cm 104 x 63
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Le Malade imaginaire (The Hypochondriac), c.1850 (black chalks, black ink wash, w/c & touches of bodycolour with pen and point of the brush in brown and black-grey ink on laid paper)
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Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Benthall, c.1760-80 (oil on canvas)
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Types of clouds as described by the author: 
a,a, exhibits the character of the cirro-cumulus, as also its appearance in the distance, b,b, a light and dark cirro-stratus; the former taken just before the commencement of wet weather, the latter in the twilight of the evening, when dew was falling: the smaller ones show its appearance in the distance. c,c, the mixed and the distinct cumulo-stratus; the latter in it's most regular state, as sometimes seen at the approach of thunder srms and after showers.
Fallen Tree, Monreith, 2007 (gouache)
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Constellation of the Southern Cross - The Southern Cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta stars of Centaurus. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Along with the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compasset and calendar
Ms Harley 3469, f.30v The Dark Sun, the Fifth Treatise, from 'Splendor Solis' by Salomon Trismosin, 1582 (vellum)
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Juin, 1940 (bronze with dark patina)
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Cracked Plastic Paint, Garrapata, 1951 (silver gelatin print)
William Prince of Orange, later King William III (w/c on ivory)
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Carnaval, 1920 (oil on canvas)
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King Henry VI (1421–1471)
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Grey Area (Brown version), 1993 (paint, plaster & wood)
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Neptune - Illustration - Neptune's Great Dark Spot - Illustration - Artist's view of Neptune with its ring system and large dark spot observed by the Voyager 2 probe in 1989. This is how Neptune's Great Dark Spot and rings may have looked in 1989 from a position just beneath Neptune's ring plane. The outermost Adams ring is near the top of the frame, and beneath that is the much broader and diffuse Lassell ring. Further in toward Neptune and abutting the Lassell ring is the thin Le Verrier ring, and beyond that is the diffuse Galle ring. The Great Dark Spot is believed to be a storm similar to, but only half the size of, Jupiter's Great Red Spot. While Jupiter's Great Red Spot has been raging for at least 400 years, subsequent observations of Neptune's Great Dark Spot in 1994 by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed that this storm has since disappeared. The Great Dark Spot was a very dynamic weather system, generating massive, white clouds similar to high - altitude cirrus clouds on Earth. Unlike cirrus clouds on Earth however, which are composed of crystals of water ice, Neptune's cirrus clouds are made up of crystals of frozen methane. Neptune's clouds are driven by winds of 1,200 mph, the fastest winds of any planet in the Solar System
Central region of the elliptical galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) - Central part of the galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) - The galaxy NGC 5128 is located about 13 million years away from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus. A broad dark band crosses it in the middle, a probable vestige of a collision with a spiral galaxy. This giant galaxy is a powerful radio source known as Centaurus A. It is an active galaxy whose energy comes from a supermassive black hole. The green dot visible in the dust strip is a supernova, the supernova 1986g. It appears green because the red filter image that made this trichromy image was only taken a year after the event and the supernova had weakened. Image obtained from the 3.9m telescope of Siding Spring, Australia. The nearby radio source Centaurus A (NGC 5128) looks like an elliptical galaxy, crossed by a broad, irregular dust lane. The dark band is probably the remains of a dusty spiral galaxy which is being absorbed by the giant elliptical. One of the nearer galaxies, 13 million light years away, Centaurus A is the most powerful nearby radio source and is also a copious source of X - and gamma rays as well as visible and infrared radiation.The three plates which were combined to make this colour picture have been copied to enhance the fine detail of the dust lane and to suppress the bright background of the elliptical galaxy. This process reveals many tiny red star - forming regions, especially prominent towards the end of the dust lane, and the clumps of young blue stars recently formed from them. The curious green star in the dust lane is because the blue and green - light plates were taken when supernova 1986g had just appeared, while the red - light plate was taken a year later when the supernova had faded
The dark crystal, 1982 (film still)
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Lactee route in Sagittarius and Scorpio - Milky way in Sagittarius and Scorpiu
Lactee in Sagittarius and Scorpio - Milky way in Sagittarius and Scorpius - The Lactee Way photographed in New Zealand. Milky way in New Zealand
Neptune - Voyager 2 - Neptune has an equatorial diameter of about 49,000 kilometres. Its blue color is due to the abundance of methane in its atmosphere. On this photo, on the left, the Great Dark Spot, which is the size of the Earth where winds are blowing at 300 m/s. This spot has now disappeared but other dark spots have been detected since then. Image of Neptune obtained by the Voyager 2 probe on August 16, 1989. During August 16 and 17, 1989, the Voyager 2 narrow - angle camera was used to photograph Neptune almost continuously, recording approximately two and one - half rotations of the planet. These images represent the most complete set of full disk Neptune images that the spacecraft will acquire. This picture from the sequence shows two of the four cloud features which have been tracked by the Voyager cameras during the past two months. The large dark oval near the western limb (the left edge) is at a latitude of 22 degrees south and circuits Neptune every 18.3 hours. The bright clouds immediately to the south and east of this oval are seen to substantially change their appearances in periods as short as four hours. The second dark spot, at 54 degrees south latitude near the terminator (lower right edge), Neptune circuits every 16.1 hours. This image has been processed to enchance the visibility of small features, at some sacrifice of color fidelity
Constellation Scorpio - Milky way and constellation of Scorpius - Scorpius is one of the few constellations whose star pattern resembles its name. The curved stinging tail is marked by the star Shahula, probably from the Arabic 'Al Shaulah' meaning 'raised tail', as seen in a scorpion. In the body of the scorpion lies Antares, meaning 'rival of Mars' for its reddish colour. The head of the scorpion is echoed in the star name Dschubba, meaning 'forehead'. However, the scorpion shape looks trucated in our photograph and it is. In ancient times it extended into what is now Libra, where the brightest stars (not seen here) still carry the resonant names Zeubenelgenubi (a1,2 Lib, the southern claw) and Zeubeneschamali (ss Lib, the northern claw). This celestial scorpion was sent by a jealous Artemis to kill Orion, who still fees the venomous insect: as Scorpius rises Orion sets, and vice - versa. However, he could not be saved even by Asclepius, the god of healing, who was later sent into the heavens as Ophiuchus, the serpent wrestler, a symbol still used by the medical profession. The constellation bestrides one of the richest parts of the southern Milky Way and is adorned by many beautiful stars. It is rich in young stars clusters and the nebulae from which they spring. Some examples are listed below. This image was a long exposure made to show the Milky Way
Constellations of the Fly and the Southern Cross - Constellations of Musca and the Southern cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta Stars of Centaur. Below, the constellation of the Fly. In contrast to adjacent Crux, Musca (The Fly) is a much less obvious, less distinguished and less useful constellation that first appeared in Johann Bayer's 1603 Uranometria. It is one of a dozen created by the Dutch explorers/navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman on their voyages into the south seas in the late 16th century
Horsehead Nebula (B33) in Orion - Horsehead Nebula (B33) in Orion - The horse's head nebula, Barnard 33, is a dark nebula located in front of the IC 434 nebula about 1500 years - light from Earth in the constellation Orion. At the bottom left, the nebula NGC 2024 with just above the star Alnitak, a supergeant star belonging to the Orion Baudrier. Towards the center of the image, a reflexion nebula, NGC 2023. The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33 in nebula IC 434) is a dark nebula in the Orion constellation at approximately 1,500 light years from Earth. On bottom left of the image is the Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) with star Alnitak which belongs to the Belt of Orion; in the center, the reflection nebula NGC 2023. Dunkelwolke (B33) vor einer HII - Region (Nebel) im Sternbild Orion
Mars Planet Passage (middle left of the image) in front of the nebula Rho Ophiuchi on August 25, 2016 - This star-forming region is located about 520 light years away. The brightest star below is the star Antares, from the Scorpio. Right, star cluster M4 - Mars passing the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex on Aug 25, 2016 - This star-forming region is located at about 520 light years in Scorpius constellation. The area is highlighted by the bright star Antares (bottom), a red supergiant 40,000 times more luminous than our sun
Patricia Highsmith, 1986 (photo)
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Heavy shower approaching in a dense, grey-blue cloud formation over countryside, with lone tree in the distance.
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Femme sein, 1955 (bronze with dark patina)
Diviner's Tapper, Iroke Ifa (ivory with dark wood inlay)
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Christian IV, King of Denmark (1577-1648), 17th century (miniature on vellum)
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The Nostalgia of the Poet (La nostalgia del poeta), by Giorgio de Chirico, 1914, 20th Century, oil and charcoal on canvas, 89,7 x 40,7 cm
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Comet Kohoutek, 25th December 1973
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Charlotte de la Trémoille, Countess of Derby (1599 – 1664)
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King Edward IV (1442–1483)
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Lion-headed and man-eating giants
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Nakd ‘Ali Beg, Envoy from Persia, 1626 (oil on canvas)
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Italy: Tiberius Caesar (42 BCE - 37 CE), 2nd emperor of the Roman Empire, Vatican Museum, Rome (2016)
AMS experience on the space station 07/2011 - AMS on the International Space station 07/2011: The International Space Station (ISS) seen on 12 July 2011 by astronaut Ron Garan during his launch in space. Two ships are moored at the station, the Atlantis shuttle visible on the right side, and a Soyuz ship on the left. At the center of the AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) experiment for the study of cosmic rays. Mission STS-135, last mission of the American space shuttle - This picture, photographed by NASA astronaut Ron Garan during the spacewalk conducted on July 12, 2011, shows the International Space Station with space shuttle Atlantis docked at the edge of the frame on the far right and a Russian Soyuz docked to Pirs, below the sun. In the foreground is the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) experiment installed during the STS-134 mission. AMS is a state-of-the-art particle physics detector designed to use the unique environment of space to advance knowledge of the universe and lead to the understanding of the university's origin by searching for antimatter and dark matter, and measuring cosmic rays
Mary Lepel, Lady Hervey (1706-1768) (after Kneller)
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Galaxies cluster 1E 0657 - 556 - Dark matter in the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556 - Composite view of the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556 visible and X-rays. The hot gas that surrounds this galaxy cluster, detects in X-rays by the Chandra satellite, is visible in pink on this image. The galaxy cluster, photographed by the Magellan telescope and the Hubble space telescope, appears in the background. By studying the mass of this cluster, astronomers were able to determine that most of this mass was concentrated not in the hot gas detected by Chandra but in the blue coloured areas here, suggesting the existence of dark matter. This composite image shows the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556, also known as the “” bullet cluster.”” This cluster was formed after the collision of two large clusters of galaxies, the most energetic event known in the universe since the Big Bang. Hot gas detected by Chandra telescope in X - rays is seen as two pink clumps in the image and contains most of the “” normal,””” or baryonic, matter in the two clusters. The bullet - shaped clump on the right is the hot gas from one cluster, which passed through the hot gas from the other larger cluster during the collision. An optical image from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope shows the galaxies in orange and white. The blue areas in this image depict where astronomers find most of the mass in the clusters. The concentration of mass is determined by analyzing the effect of so - called gravitational lensing, where light from the distant objects is distorted by intervening matter. Most of the matter in the clusters (blue) is clearly separate from the normal matter (pink), giving direct evidence that nearly all of the matter in the clusters is dark
Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - Galaxy NGC 4650A in Centaurus - The polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A is located about 130 million years away from Earth. The host galaxy is surrounded by a polar ring shaped like gas and stars. This type of galaxy is rarely observed. This image was obtained by the ANTU telescope of the VLT in 1998. This is a colour photo from the VLT that shows NGC 4650A, a member of the so - called Centaurus chain of galaxies in the southern constellation of that name. NGC 4650A is a complex system that is located at a distance of about 130 million light - years. There are two main components, a lenticular - shaped galaxy (of type S0), surrounded by a knotty extended ring - like distribution of stars, dust and gas, almost perpendicular to each other. The stars in the central, structureless region and the material (stars, gas, and dust) in the outer disk rotate in two different planes that are almost perpendicular to each other. The observed motions indicate the presence of a significant halo of dark matter within the system, although it is still unclear to which of the two components this matter belongs. Because the velocities of stars and gas can be measured in two independent planes, NGC 4650A serves as a prototype for detailed studies of the shape of dark matter halos. The origin of this strange spatial configuration is not known with certainty. It is likely, however, that an encounter between two galaxies may have played a significant role. The photo is based on a series of seven exposures through three different optical filters, obtained under mediocre observing conditions during a small break in the technical work. They have been combined to produce the present photo
Centaurus A elliptical galaxy (NGC 5128) in Centaurus - The radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128): The galaxy NGC 5128 is located about 13 million light years away from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus. A broad dark band crosses it in the middle, a probable vestige of a collision with a spiral galaxy. This giant galaxy is a powerful radio source known as Centaurus A. It is an active galaxy whose energy comes from a supermassive black hole. - NGC 5128 is the nearest large elliptical galaxies to our sun at about 13 million light years. It is also the nearest of the giant radio galaxies, possessing an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and optically one of the most luminous galaxies in the sky. In 1949, NGC 5128 was found to be a loud source of radio energy, in fact the loudest radio source in its region of the sky (second overall to Cygnus A), earning it the designation Centarus A. As a radio galaxy it releases 1000 times the radio energy of the Milky Way in the form of large bi-directional radio lobes that extend some 800,000 light years into intergalactic space. The source of the radio emission is very compact, about 10 light days across and is believed to be a supermassive black hole in the galaxy's center with a total mass of 200 million to possibly one billion suns. As a radio galaxy, NGC 5128 belongs to the subgroup of galaxies called Active Galaxies, which include Quasars, Seyfert galaxies, Blazars and Radio Galaxies. Active galaxies are distinguished by their prodigious energy output which cannot be explained by their stellar populations and must have another source. Active galaxies have in common an “Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN)”” which is believed responsible for their prodigious energy output. Supermassive black holes are almost certainly the central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei, powering the enormous outflows of energy which characterize this subgroup of bright galaxies. Composite Image from M
Lilian Harvey in the movie Her Dark Secret, 1929 (b/w photo)
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Lilian Harvey in 'Her Skeleton in the Closet', 1929 (b/w photo)
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Lilian Harvey in 'Her Skeleton in the Closet', 1929 (b/w photo)
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Lilian Harvey in 'Her Skeleton in the Closet', 1929 (b/w photo)
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Lilian Harvey and Harry Halm in 'Her Skeleton in the Closet', 1929 (b/w photo)
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