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Images of 'Dumbbell' found, 70

Star HD 189733 and nebula planetary Dumbbell (M27) - A star field with HD 189733 and Dumbell nebula - Image centree on the star HD 189733 located 63 years ago - light in the constellation Petite Fox. Astronomers discovered around this star an exoplanet (HD 189733b). This gas planet a little bigger than Jupiter is very close to its star; this type of planet is called hot Jupiter. We detected the presence of mists in his atmosphere. To the right of this star is the planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) located about 1400 years from Earth. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. A star field image showing the star HD 189733 (centre) with Dumbell nebula. Orbiting close to its parent star, is an extrasolar planet, HD 189733b, a 'hot - Jupiter' type of gas giant slightly larger than Jupiter. The observations provide clear evidence of the presence of hazes in its atmosphere. To the right of the star is the notable planetary nebula Messier 27. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1400 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime
Perpetual Motion, 1935 (oil on canvas)
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Planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) in Little Fox - Dumbell planetary nebula (M27) in Vulpecula - The planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) is located about 1400 years - light from Earth in the constellation Little Fox. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. Image obtained with a 50 cm telescope, through various filters including an H-alpha filter. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC 6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1200 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime. The expanding cloud of gas becomes visible once the hot core of the star, visible near the center, is exposed and the high - energy, ultraviolet light from the core ionizes the cloud
The planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) is located about 1200 light years from Earth in the constellation Little Fox. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. In this image the nova appeared on August 18, 2005 is visible. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1200 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime. The expanding cloud of gas becomes visible once the hot core of the star, visible near the center, is exposed and the high-energy, ultraviolet light from the core ionizes the cloud. On the evening of August 17- 18, 2005, two European astronomers simultaneously discovered a new star in the Dumbbell Nebula. This image is a portrait of the Dumbbell Nebula featuring the 2005 nova. It is comprised of thirty separate fifteen minute images digitally combined into a single picture that is equivalent to a single seven and a half hour exposure. Images taken through a 20 inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope and an eleven mega-pixel camera situated in New Mexico's south central mountains were supplemented with images gathered from San Jose, California with a twelve inch Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain reflector and a three mega-pixel SBIG camera -: Nebuleuse planetaire Dumbbell (M27) dans le Petite Fox - The Dumbell nebula with a nova 08-2005
Planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) in Little Fox - Dumbell planetary nebula (M27) in Vulpecula - The planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) is located about 1400 years - light from Earth in the constellation Little Fox. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. Image obtained with a 90 cm telescope, through various filters including an H-alpha filter. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1200 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime. The expanding cloud of gas becomes visible once the hot core of the star, visible near the center, is exposed and the high - energy, ultraviolet light from the core ionizes the cloud
Planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) in Little Fox - Dumbell planetary nebula (M27) in Vulpecula - The planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) is located about 1400 years - light from Earth in the constellation Little Fox. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. Composite image obtained with a 90 cm telescope, and the Hubble and Subaru telescopes. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1200 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime. The expanding cloud of gas becomes visible once the hot core of the star, visible near the center, is exposed and the high - energy, ultraviolet light from the core ionizes the cloud. Image Composite
Switzerland World War II Conscription, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Switzerland World War II Conscription, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Eleven-twelve year-old boy wearing sports suit, 9-10 year-old girl wearing sports clothes, Madames de La Torchere and Sauveur designs, engraving from La Mode Illustree, No 31, August 1, 1897
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Klaus Wolfermann at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Klaus Wolfermann at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Klaus Wolfermann at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Klaus Wolfermann at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Consecutive images of man lifting a dumbbell. From Eadweard Muybridge's, ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, 1887
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Klaus Wolfermann at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer at the Sportpressefest (Sports Press Festival) in Munich, 1974 (b/w photo)
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Weightlifter, 2010 (w/c on paper)
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Portrait of Strongman Sig Klein (1902 - 1987) (photo)
Marx Brothers (b/w photo)
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An early dumbbell
A boy doing dumbbell exercises
A girl doing dumbbell exercises
Planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) in the Little Renar
Poland, 07.1977. Man lifting dumbbell at the folk gala.
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Angela Rippon, c. 1991 (photo)
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Penny Smith, c. 2003 (photo)
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Penny Smith, c. 2003 (photo)
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Poland, 07.1977. Man lifting dumbbell at the folk gala. fot; Jan Morek
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Silver-plate dumbbell-shaped shaker, Design by William Suckling, second half of 1930s.
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Silver-plate dumbbell-shaped shaker, Design by William Suckling, second half of 1930s.
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Topic: Birth rate decline in Germany - childless woman training with a dumbbell..., 1984 (photo)
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Minister of Labour Norbert Blüm (Germany CDU) in the gym..., 1984 (photo)
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Norbert Blüm (Germany CDU) in a gym in Bonn..., 1985 (photo)
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Minister of Labour Norbert Blüm (right, Germany CDU) doing strength training..., 1984 (photo)
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Minister of Labour Norbert Blüm (Germany CDU) doing strength training,..., 1984 (photo)
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Minister of Labour Norbert Blüm (Germany CDU) doing strength training..., 1984 (photo)
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Planetary nebula M 27 (NGC 6853) in the little fox - This excellent image of the Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), a planetary nebula in the constellation of Vulpecula, was taken at the 3.5 - meter WIYN telescope using the mini - mosaic imager. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime. The expanding cloud of gas becomes visible once the hot core of the star, visible near the center, is exposed and the high - energy, ultraviolet light from the core ionizes the cloud. This makes the nebula emit mostly a strong emission - line spectrum. This color image was obtained by combining three separate pictures, each one taken through a narrow filter centered at the emission wavelengths of Hydrogen (H alpha, red, 656 nm), doubly ionized Oxygen (OII, green, 501 nm), and neutral Oxygen (OI, blue, 630 nm). It is physically very interesting that neutral gas can survive in a region right next to highly ionized gas, and this image shows how, as the blue component is concentrated in very dense clumps which act to protect the neutral oxygen from the intense ultraviolet radiation which has ionized the other gas components. The Dumbbell nebula is about 850 light - years away from Earth and about 1.5 light - years in diameter
German Shepherd sitting with dumb-bell in mouth
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